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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. in actual ship construction, I think they would be called the keelsons.......but it would depend of how the ribs are made. that will dictate how they will be installed. I see that you have P.O.B. in the heading.......but are they solid, or are they shaped ribs? to me.....P.O.B. are plate-like ribs that form the frame.......P.O.F. are the shaped ribs and create more of a framed in look. the reason why I mention this, is that if it is a P.O.B.......then these would be called rabbits, cemented in between the bulkheads and sanded to shape at faring time. in P.O.F. construction, you could go the full length of the frame along side the false keel, after creating the groove for the garboard plank to sit in. I hope I read your question right
  2. add about ten more likes on your recent pictures for me! I wonder what you would see if they had a star rating here........you would probably see the sky!
  3. looks great Piet! you have really put some fantastic work and detail into this build....paint should really spruce her up!
  4. gee Mobbsie.........Barbie was out of town.......what's a poor sailor to do ?????? :D :D thanks Frank.......it was about time I got back to do this. it's really a bother to put a build on a shelf like this, knowing that something still needs to be done. well.....now it's done.......I can walk away now, and know that I don't have to think about it anymore. thank you both for you kind words
  5. that's the spirit Mark............don't let no moss grow under those wheels of yorn! hey.......whilst we're wait'in fer the festivities ta start, how's about we gits that Gallegar fella over there, ta put a whoop'in on that carcass afta ya done stripp'in 'er.....whaddya say??? {bet spell check hates me now........HUH!!!!!} :D :D
  6. thanks Adam.........it's not going as fast as I would like it too.......but I'll take any advancement I can get my hands on! Hobby Lobby didn't have too much in the way of kits......must be inventory time. if you go in there......go in with a fully locked and loaded imagination. then you'll see a ton of possibilities!
  7. I think the persons that came up with the phrases "wearing it on your sleeve" and "pulled by their coat tails", should be publicly flogged! ......I think you collared the repairs quite well :D I didn't go looking for that faded line you spoke of.......I was just happy to see how well you made the fixes....she looks like it never happened! I saw your little upgrades.......I like the red.......stands out well against the wood grain....what color were you planning for the other idea? decorative etchings around the ports looks sweet! nice!
  8. .......chain saw may be a bit radical.......perhaps a reciprocating saw would be better. why use a 1/4 stick, when a firecracker will do
  9. it's going to save my butt Bob! Curly looks better already! :D I've already done some sanding.........add a little more. it really isn't that bad of a tweak job. oh.....I do Michael.........I nap! during the day, if I feel tired, I go to my recliner Gibbs loves it.........he sees me go in there, he grabs a chewie, and lays on the floor by my feet! he's a 'daddy's' dog I see where....and what....I should be doing. I was trying so hard to make the most of the planking that I have on hand, I kinda lost sight of the 'planker's etiquette'. when I begin on Larry, I will point out the problems and what should have been done. thank you for your kind comments and likes.........I appreciate your stopping by!
  10. sub assemblies are like that.......you won't see the progress until everything is on the deck..........then you'll have gone a mile!!! nice bit of progress!
  11. man....what a shock to the system! having to get up from a sound sleep, to go to work is bad enough.........but to get all those notifications in my E-mail, and come in here to see this.....why....it's beyond words, my friend! I am deeply saddened to read that you've scuttled your build........I can understand I've had doubts in a few builds myself.......but I am but a crude method-ist.......I'm used to my little quirks I'll look forward to your restart. is there no way to rename her and perhaps launch her under another flag? you could simply turn her into a pirate ship........pirates love scuttled ships
  12. yepper John........one slash on the scorecard for me! I spent part of the day today getting the other builds out of the hallway, and into the computer room closet. it's just too cold in the hallway........and I don't see the weather changing for the better none too soon. so, before anything happens to them, I moved them to a warmer place. I did more sanding on the hull.....looks a lot better, but still needs a bit more. I had the boulogne Etaples on the table......I used the stand to trace out the parts for the other stands. once I got the hull sanded, I put it on a stand....the comparison between the hull and the Boulogne is uncanny.......I've created the perfect clone! I hated the mess........I cleaned it up.....don't need the admiral getting angry at me. the hull dubbed Larry is on the mat........the next victim........BWaaahahahahahahaha! {evil Popeye laugh} the main table is clean as well.....I have one side job that needs some space. then, it's on to other things
  13. I'm actually looking for the first Batmobile......from the series. I have Keaton's Batmobile.....that was a fun build..........bland, but fun none the less. I answered a post on 'old' and 'ugly' builds......not that I'm embarrassed by them, but I guess it's good that I finally get some pictures of them....for posterity, of course. from there, I went on to cleaning a few of my aircraft builds.......so, pardon the clutter, I also got back on to making the stands. the parts were sanded some more and the holes for the dowels were drilled. two of them mirror the stand for the Boulogne.....the last one I did a bit differently, since I ran out of that size dowel. so, now I have all the stands ready for the hulls......now to get back to the hulls. in spite of the problems plaguing the hull dubbed Curly.......I pressed on. not completely sure if it's a faring issue, or I didn't begin the tapering at the right time {probably both}, the starboard side ended up with a couple bad spots. as the port side was being done, they were adjusted with filler to straighten them out. I ended up with a small area to fill in. the area was filled in and left to dry overnight. this morning, I did some filling to the port side, after some sanding. this is where the hull dubbed Curly is at, right now. the hull dubbed Larry will be next..........I'm going to cut and remove a portion of the last planks laid, in an effort to correct the problem. lucky for the hull dubbed Moe........the planking hasn't progressed as far as these two. I think the faring went better with Moe though.......it made totally of the 1/4 inch thick plywood.......none of that oak stuff. I will miss how easy it is to pin the planking though, the regular plywood is a lot denser than the oak stuff.
  14. keep that thought alive Sjors.........I think those are words I can live by "there is no build, that at one time or another, that an addition can't be made." I thank you......Rear Admiral Sjors thanks Dave.......I think it unhealthy, if you don't look back. I find it a good way to see the progress you've made and the experience you've gained. never be discouraged.......but encouraged I'm feel a bit humble at this point Daniel.......thank you for the compliment perhaps one day, I will. gee.........wouldn't it be cool to have a site poet? I do recall though, that such a thread has already been started................by now probably, long since buried. I do see and read events on the site though, that does cause verses to come to mind. due to the restrictions on socializing, I hesitate to write them, as they occur. I suppress them and find other ways to reply. I'll give it some thought.......thank you again......I really appreciate your thoughts....glad you like them
  15. I picked mine up for around $50.00 {kit and shipping}. when I bought it for the first time.......I paid $89.99......that was from a hobby store back in the late 80's. the Cutty Sark is the most common. I believe the one that is the rarest would be the Kearsarge { a spin off of the Alabama kit}......I saw it on E-bay with a $250.00 price tag! the United States kit can very easily fetch a price over a hundred bucks.....I hope you have as good of luck, as I did
  16. ahhhhhh.....the Revell 1:96 kit........I'm building my second one, but I'm changing it up a little. I got mine from E-Bay......wicked good price too! the kit is becoming rare.......all I've been seeing is the 1:150 kit out there. too bad that the Connie kit is the only one in the series that survived........this series was the crown in the Revell line up, back in the day. it is true that this kit is a spin - off of the Connie kit. I'm not too sure how well you would do......I think Revell is doing away with the missing parts dept, but if you would like....I can create the parts list to 'mod up' a Connie kit. one advantage you will have {and I'll be quite jealous}, is that you will have all of the stern quarter's parts.......these have been omitted in the United States kit no walls for the aft quarters......I want ti add them in. these are pretty much all the parts you would need to mod a Connie kit. the kit number is H-396
  17. is anyone really sure? the more I view the site, and see all the wonderful thing other folks do on their builds, even I sit back every once in a while, and thing how a particular aspect would look on a build I've finished. I'm afraid so.......it's finished. I do tend to think though, that this would be an even bigger problem for the scratch builder. this was the final piece of the puzzle.....the subject is complete......and the line has been drawn. I will follow the line, to the end of the line, which always leads to the next one. thanks Wayne and John........you never know what my next stroll through the doll house furnishings will stir!
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