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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. the last picture is real good........shows off the whole operation. are you going to have railings along the mesh? looking very good Andy
  2. thanks for the picture Mobbsie.......I knew what Sjors was talking about {I was just fun'in with him} I still think he should see a podiatrist..... .....wooden shoes........feet can't breathe I hear you there Nenad......inner city life is like that.......we have our own driveway, the other two floors have their own as well........and neither the two shall meet! love it! had a funny this morn.......my son left to go to work. I knew he would be in trouble, so I went out.....he was stuck 3/4 of the way down the driveway. he wouldn't have made it out anyway......the end of the driveway had this huge barrier of snow, plowed from the street. it had solidified too, which would have been like hitting a brick wall! get him unstuck and clear the way.......bye....bye now........go to work!
  3. yea Mobbsie........I know! I think Sjors is pulling my leg.........I mean, his neck of the wood is snow central I just want to scrape down the driveway, to get it back to asphalt for when the rain comes thanks for the good word......it is nice to get back onto a beaten path.
  4. you really think so Lawrence.........they're not the same........ohhhhhhh, that's what I was shoot'in for! now, I'm going to cry ! nawwwwwwww.........I don't think so :D :D Believe me Lawrence, by the time I'm done, they are going to have all the individualism they can handle! thanks for the good word....right now, it's all cookie cutter. the interesting stuff will come later. in fact, when I do the deck platforms for the hull dubbed Larry.......there is going to be a change in the layout.......I just have to decide how much of a change. thanks for following along.......
  5. crow's feet.........can't help you with that.........what you need is a podiatrist! :D I wonder what this mystery ship is????? care to pass a subtle hint
  6. thank you Sjors........I should be back at the table shortly. gotta go clean the snow that the plow guy left behind got another three inches coming in tonight......but the temps are going to be mild, and they are saying that we should see rain by the end of the week....... .........just what we need!
  7. the tinkering began with the holds.........each one is made up of two pieces, glued together. the fife racks are to be made from 5 x 5 mm square stock. they need to be slotted to receive the pin rails then I toyed around with the framework for the trailing boards the pin rails were cemented to the posts at this time, as were the bases for them this elongated knee at the stern had to be reworked a little......it locks into the kit designed cap rails. since I changed how the cap rails looked, the slot was filled in and sanded to smooth it out. the holder for the flag staff was also cemented in place. the holes for the lift pulley assemblies were drilled into the fife racks. the bases were later beveled and these, and the trailing board frames were stained. I need to go over them with the mahogany stain to give them the reddish hue, like I did with everything else, so far. there is a small canopy that is located over the opening in the first aft level. to make it easier to assemble, I gave it a bit of framework. I knew about that small chunk that got taken out of the outer frame......and I was going to face it towards the inside, but I wasn't watching when I did it. the holds are located in there areas on the deck......the life boat will be located on the first hold. I haven't gotten to that point yet. but I began to work on the holds....and planking the canopy.......leaving off at this point at this point........I wanted to do some painting. the sides of the fore deck and the sides of the aft deck need painting before the rest of the rails are installed. I was looking at the pictures that I have, some of the builds that are here, and what I have for decorations.........and it has me a bit befuddled. I see that there are quite a few discrepancies between kit manufacturers. some show four gun port lids at the stern........the pictures that I have show two gun port lids and a larger door in the upper transom, with an entirely different decoration arrangement. there are other aspects that vary.......so I've decided what I am going to do. I'm going to look at everything, and meet them all half way.........since it IS the Half Moon. I do have one saving grace........Anja was kind enough to send me some pictures and diagrams.......I'll have a peek at them as well. another update soon thanks for looking in
  8. I saw the radar blip and rushed right over! my.........what a cute little boat! very nice I think you should name her the Mariquita...you already have the hull color down gee.......a few days into it and your this far already ......amazing! wonderful job Daniel.........looking really sweet!
  9. if there are to be waterways, I would think that the stanchions anchor to the deck at the edge........the deck planking can follow after, at the point. I think this would make it easier to do, and still retain some margin of correctness
  10. yea........still some rails to go looks very nice Adam.......the color blends nicely with the hull planking. sweet!
  11. I was going to mention the spray starches and hair sprays...........but I have never tried them, and can't attest to the results. I like the diluted white glue, because it seals up the edges as well and reduces fraying. if you have reef lines, they can be treated as well. I wouldn't leave yourself out Den.........you've come to the table with some very nice methods as well just makes us one big happy family!
  12. man......these large scale kits are popping up all over the place! very nice start on the build Hank.......lots of tiny bits to drive a person mad the use of P.E. and the detail one can achieve is astounding! I'd be pleased to follow along and watch you build this one......I used to do the smaller kits when I was young
  13. thank you folks for dropping by and the likes.......I just hit the deck. my son had the coffee going and everything. so, as soon as I can pour some in my eyes, I will get to work thanks Adam, Augie, and Sjors for the likes.....it's good to be back in 'kit builds' again thanks Mark......I'm one of those folks that tends to reason verbally.......I've already been eyed by a few thanks Nenad.....thanks for the good word and welcome to the log. don't know what I can teach you......but whatever it is, I hope it's useful. this isn't a complete kit, so I'm going to have to pre-fab some of the parts. I'll have to do a count of the number of part, as opposed to what I have.......but the worst area is the crow's nests......missing a lot of parts for them. glad to have you join in
  14. you know.......I looked at the date on the last post on this build and I thought to myself {can't talk to myself.....they'd put me away} that I've been away from this one way too long. for some strange unseen reason, the ship appeared on my table. hey.........what's a poor boy to do?........I started to tinker with it lo and behold.........I do believe I have enough for an update as soon as I get it all together, I'll get it up here for ya.
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