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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. she looks great Tom.........you've done some really nice detail work to the pilot house. funnel looks really nice as well
  2. looking very nice Nenad......I have a 'helping hands' similar to the one you have.......I find it very useful happy holidays to you!
  3. your detail work is top notch Michael! it's refreshing to see this build evolve the way it has Happy holidays my friend!
  4. Not to worry Denis.....your on the right track! looks very nice...... Happy Holidays to you and yours as well !
  5. keep in mind the year that your going to portray her.......if they weren't there, then don't put them in. you posed an interesting question, about not having a fancy kit, to make good looking parts. the only true answer I can give, is that it's your imagination and creativity, that will make a good looking part. the kit only gives you the basis Happy Holidays, my friend!
  6. coming along quite nicely......I did the same technique on my Gothenborg.......separating the rails with the .5 mm planking. I think it gives a better definition. your doing very well.........keep up the great work. Happy holidays to you and yours!
  7. is that angle 'L' stock your using? looks very......VERY good! in my younger days, I had made a salvage crane....something you would see in a junk yard........making the boom was such a fun thing to do. you bring back fond memories
  8. I would have thought the keel should have been totally assembled before you got this far........but I can't see the plans from here I would probably free up that last bulkhead, so it is movable to some degree....it can be cemented back in place after the part is installed.
  9. nice work on the hatch covers........noticed that you've capped off the plywood decking ends......nice touch as well. thank you for the Christmas wish...........I wish you and yours the same and more!
  10. but Sjors.......your Aggie is supposed to be still in the box...........or, have you been cheating superb planking Augie........simply superb indeed!
  11. your very welcome Pete.......well deserved. there's a lot of educational value in these kits......you just have to look beyond the laser cuts. Midwest is a very nice kit....they're one of the few kits that have actual plans in them. many hull designs hold clues in how other designs came into being. for most of them, just modifying the stern {as you did} can make all the difference in the world. another aspect to think about, is the period in which you model your build. it can be done in early time, when lobstering was done using primitive methods, or a more up to date vessel, using modern methods. to digress a bit.....as I wrote this, I thought of the way in which I used the word 'primitive' and I had quite a comical muse of how it was done nuts......is a loose term indicating a loss of sanity, or a person who is crazy {oops, I let another one slip} about whatever they do. now, where would the world be, without imagination. welcome to the world of wonder
  12. to stay within the subject is a very hard thing to do. I know first hand with the Maine lobster boat. you've shown how versatile this hull design can be.......even for you daughter...her pleasure boat to experiment and expand on any given subject, for that matter, is an element of this hobby, that I find the most rewarding. what you see though your 'mind's eye' is well displayed through what started from a single kit. I thought I was the only one nuts enough to try a multi build like this......you decide to go one more than me.....now I'm jealous. you've done a superb job Pete.......imagination and creativity are a precious commodity.......spend it well on every build you do!
  13. YES....YES.......YES.....YES......! told you we don't have to worry about Piet......he can make anything to defend himself!
  14. the masts have about the same rake as the AmericA I built....as for the Sampson post. I have never embedded it, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea......not too much though. gluing it in....wouldn't be easy to knock off that way can I have a copy?
  15. I feel the same way sometimes, when I play around with stuff like this you've done a super job John.......looks real nice sitting on the deck.
  16. I thank you very much Bob for saying that......it's kind of humbling. since the M&M build, I was thinking about another one.........I found a sort of freedom in doing it. then to see the look on the admiral's face when I called it done...it made my day I've had good luck with the first one.......I hope I can pull these off just as well as for Michael.....he's in a league of his own......doing a build of a known style of ship. but, in scratch producing the blocks and tackle that this build requires, takes a lot of knowledge and skill. what he's doing is pure genius......a real thinking man's build looking at builds in different scales, really gives folks a good idea of the different dementions a model can go through.........the larger you go in scale, the more detail it demands. thanks for the link, I'll look into it. rest assured Bob......that if these come as good as the first one......there will surely be another
  17. it would make sense....separation lines are very hard to eliminate. sounded like that was the route you were taking, and you had a remedy for it when the time came. is the booth large enough to handle such a long hull?
  18. nice spray work there Mick.......looks much better now! were the decks a bluish color? if they were, then your on the right track!
  19. looks great......you've removed quite a bit of material.......would it be beneficial to do a couple rows of planking, mainly the bulwark planking, to help alleviate some if not all of the warpage your experiencing? I did it on the Harbor boats.....mainly to save the bulwark posts from getting broken, and it did very well in reducing the amount of 'twist' the frames had.
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