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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. OK....so your model is just as large as mine. I'm pleased with the way the tape worked out......and to think, I usually did it by hand. I was amazed with how light the frame detail was on this model......I thought it would have been more defined. I did the roof square with normal masking tape.....it did alright, but the other frame parts needed something more 'pinpoint'. that and I didn't want to see the tape stripping off what I already laid down. I gave the first part of the process a day or two to cure before I did anymore....the rest I only gave it an hour or so. anyway.......I have more progress to report. I started to work on assembling the narcelles to the wing. first was to cement the pods in place. the spinners were added to the rotors...... since I wanted to build her with the rotors in the raised position, I had painted up the actuator arms that connect the narcelles to the pods. they are affixed to a pivot. if I built her with them in the fixed wing position, I could've omitted the actuator arms...but I like to use as many parts as possible. there are still a few touch ups I need to do........ for the grand chuckle......I thought do a dry fit of the state of her affairs. one thing's for sure......I'll never get 'er back in the box! I'm going to have to see about getting a larger crane lamp........there is simply not enough light at the desk!
  2. this is so cool James........I had a look at the site earlier this evening. I didn't see a price list though.......this must be a part work kit.
  3. so now your scratch building..........not so much with the stone, but it's a sweet look'in windmill! such beautiful work!
  4. interesting figures.......my grandsons would love them. they are into the transformers big time
  5. either way, your going to have to scroll......so what's the difference? excellent looking kit........big change from depending on cement. how much does the kit go for?
  6. if you glued the body on, will you be able to get the howitzer in place? thought that was a no-go. very nice detail you added!
  7. thanks OC......and thanks to those who hit the like button your Chinook should be a rather large model....what scale is it again? but yea.....with the tail and wing on it, it is a fairly large model. last night, I though to get the windshield framed out. I was in Michael's the other week, and I bought a package of Testor's pin striping tape.......comes in three different widths. looking in the background, I did the frame around the roof section and the center divider. I'm adding the side columns here. the frames are really faint, making it hard to mask them off. there are sliding windows on both sides that needed to be done in two steps......down and the one that boxes this window in. I did a dry fit over the cockpit........ here it is with the wing dry fitted on....... the vent has bee painted
  8. oh there were still some colorful aircraft flying.......but you are correct about the lozenge. lots of pilots liked the camo and based their personal touches around it. there are decals for it as well. one could really have fun with it we'll see what happens.
  9. I think we have a jacket over here that is just your size I wouldn't worry too much about it though......this too shall pass
  10. I have a friend that does masonry........interesting to see how he works. very nice!
  11. you have the tail spot on........why wouldn't it align? coming together very nice.........very detailed
  12. I was gonna say..........yea, the under belly should be a gray! what you did there looks perfect jeeze.......there's no need to weather. any real camo effects would be on the overhead plane, and not on the underbelly. you have a nice balance of soot and discoloration looks great so far!
  13. it's all in the learning curve.......I see your really getting into this project looking good!
  14. just a small update......I am making progress the underside has been painted.....I did manage to repair and trim the last vent for the port side. I added it to the model today........ I'll get that painted up........I've also been doing the paint for the rotors......kind of a two step process. no pictures yet...... I've done more on the narcelles as far as detail work...... .....touch ups on the wing.......and the pods that the narcelles are connected to....... the spinners are pictured here.......they already have been painted. more to be done....
  15. thanks Egilman the Fokker D VII went into service just before they pulled the Dr 1's......the wing failures were getting to be too much. true....it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a pilot to model a pair for.......the decaling is another story I do hope I find them under the tree......I mentioned that they are a pair, since they are produced by the same company.....I forget who.....but they look very nice. actually, I could go with a squadron motif, like Rabin's ravens or Berthoud's boys.....both had ties to Jasta 18. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the big day. not to worry OC........you might not see it till Christmas....but I have something in the fire
  16. no glue...........amazing how this is coming together! very nice!
  17. hey...hey....spinach man bang'in on the door busy....busy.....now I see where you went so much to cover here.......read the log through....man!...so sad to hear of your little friend we lost our first American Eskimo to that ...thing. Happy was almost 12....I still think about him. yea.......you need to do another Ice boat........it's in your blood! great pictures! glad to see your gett'in 'round better.....the hull looks super. and here you are show'in the spent parts panels.........driv'in me crazy. intact like that, I'd 've had two hulls......it's been my style lately. so........OK........you're do'in alright........don't need an enima or anything........gotta lay off the peanuts....polyps.....dontcha know .......{I know I sound crazy.....'cuz I am} {I don't get out much these days }..... gotta get me a plane like that!
  18. awesome job on the figure J.......really came out great!
  19. thanks all........if the decals would have been correct, I very well could have modeled the Baron's plane I was pleased to see that the decals from the Roden model worked out for it. I was thumbing through the log, when I came to the picture of Jacob's plane that I posted.......I don't see to much of a difference. I guess I did what I set out to do.....very happy with the outcome. if Santa is good to me......or if I meet Santa's approval as a 'good boy', my list has a pair on it.........a Dr 1 and a D VII. I'm hoping I can find a pilot that flew both.......if not, I'll put my own spin on a camo. I have some of the Billing's primer, but it did not fare well with the paint I was using.......for some reason or another. it may also have been that it's as old as the rest of the Billing's paint that I have left. I'm finding more dried up bottles.........soon it will all be gone. other than the fact that it smells terrible, it really isn't a bad paint. it dries to a hard finish.....the gloss is nice, and it covers reasonably well. I agree........lighter colors do better with a primer coat under them......especially if the plastic is a color other than white. this model was a red plastic...the black covered well, but the white had a dickens of a time losing the red tint of the plastic. thanks again to all who looked in..........glad you enjoyed watching
  20. thanks Ed and OC.........that's the beauty of this era.......the art white paint tests me the most......so prone to ghosting.
  21. definitely makes for a great activity! superb job putting it all together!
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