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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. superb job on the chassis by the way............
  2. so you are...........you had said that a 1:12 version was in the future?!?! I liked the one you did a while ago.......good to see the process again
  3. sorry to hear about your little friend.......similar happening to Gibbs earlier this year. we think he stepped on a broken piece of glass of something. we've dealt with stuff like this before, so we just put an antibacterial on it and it went away on its own. the licking wasn't much of a problem.......we kept him busy and didn't put a lot on.......but yea, it's tough to keep up with, but we managed.
  4. glad he made it home simple case of information not being updated. good of you to clarify it.
  5. I wonder if you can do as I've done with my wood boats......... after the parts are dry, rub white glue into the joint......wait a few mins and then sand smooth. the sawdust will get into the joint, mixing with the white glue. there are times where the joint is almost invisible when I'm done.
  6. your doing a great job with this model Clare.......looks like a really nice kit! I've never done a card model before, but this one, being precut would take a lot of the apprehensiveness away. the idea of painting is really interesting, having only seen pre printed parts in others I've seen. you've done a super job with this.......really does look like wood glad I took a browse around and looked into this fine model
  7. I see your still up to your usual standards Greg........another fantastic model under your belt you NEVER fail to disappoint! superb job!
  8. the tub railings look like they will be a trial........hope I get the results you got......! they look really good
  9. I saw in your signature that you finished the St. Nectan......just had to stop by the see your results! she's a stellar looking model.....really nice lines, a boat load of detail, and very well done! the added lighting really adds to the model's realism, and there's a smooth balance between gloss and flats {that's a color choice that is hard to keep in check }. plain to see that you like beautiful things superb job and congratz on her completion.......an inspiration for me to get moving on some of my fishing boat projects!
  10. you know what they say..........the mortar, the merrier! {had to say it......} welcome....I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job!
  11. considering you've done far better than I ever could, I'm certain you'll come up with a really nice model. I have no doubt that you'll be able to fudge the oops and pho pars, and it will look just fine. don't give up on it
  12. I was play'in with the prospects of Christmas........if Santa thinks I've been good enough, I should be look'in at a whole lot of fire power did a bit more paint today, along with some of the glass......alas though, no pictures. I should have some soon when I reach where I'm try'in to get to. also got some sawdust under my fingernails....if I scratch, the itch goes away.....but the intervals seem to be getting shorter
  13. how do they expect us to model, when they keep changing the playing field???
  14. you doing alright there are very few kits out there that are perfect. please don't think that I'm critiquing ........just say'in that I do a lot of that stuff in the beginning........kinda like a 'get to know your model' kind of thing.
  15. wouldn't have it any other way certified 'rib' man here..........and I wear it well too!
  16. as mentioned........the rotors are huge! seeing them assembled......I can just imagine them on the finished model. the instructions direct you to paint the insides of the engine.......I did not. rather than do that, I just painted around the vent openings, and the insides of the vent parts. so that when the vents are added to the narcelles, they will appear darkened. I did paint the exhaust port in the rear of the narcelles. not sure what these parts are......they may be lights, but they were added to the spinners. I would have used some of the bomber instrument panel decals to add to the panel in the cockpit......but I noticed the absence of gauges. so I just painted the detail to the panel.......and the side panel on the starboard side. some touch up needed....not the best work. with the glass in place, this might be tougher to see. the cargo door(s) have been painted.....I did the bottom to look like the interior floor. I've been doing paint in other areas.......here is the beginning of the wing. still needs touching up.
  17. you see some of the panel lines deeper than others.......what I don't like is the raised flashing along the edges of parts. I tend to scrape the edges 'square' before I assemble.......most times I can get a flush joint. in some cases, I take my xactor and lightly scrape along the mating, turning it into another panel line. it does tend to hide and blend in the assembly, so it appears to be seamless. I trimmed a lot of this flash off around the cockpit on the Osprey so the dash would fit in there. a good example of what I'm referring to, can be seen in the starboard opening along the aft rotor tower on your Chinook. it may cause the part that locates there, not to be flush with the fuselage surface. for some folks, it's a weathering dream come true
  18. hello Keith......sorry I haven't replied sooner. the wreckage of the clotilda was thought to have been discovered in March of 2018. study though, seem to point that it wasn't the clotilda, so the search continued. on April 19th, the first piece was brought to the surface. it was kept hush for about a year, until it was a verified find.........on May 22, 2019 it was official. she was a two masted schooner, 86 ft long with a bean of 23 ft. she had a copper hull. the info I have makes no mention of a center board. since the kit itself is the subject of a fictitious slave ship, the idea of the clotilda came to mind when I read the article in the Feb 20 edition of the National Geographic. the kit box art { to me} shows it to be more of a Brigg, than a schooner, so with the parts I had left over, I created another hull and named her the Agilis {good a name as any for a Brigg}. the kit has presented a little bit of a problem though.....the hull should be a little bit longer, to be able to depict a better looking Clotilda.........but it will pass muster.......not like it's going to be a museum piece
  19. I'd get the jitters when I'd have to go up on the roof to shovel it off, as a youngster. given some time to get my 'legs'........then I'd be fine. do it on a daily basis though.......wouldn't be my first choice
  20. given any thought about doing this one in the carbon finish? the yellow looks great..........red would be awesome
  21. there are those vents again...........on both sides of where the wing mates the fuselage. I think that the ones where I didn't see these vents, were ones that weren't equipped with the folding wing......they were fixed. I should do it in the lighter gray.......it does look good. really neat to see one fold out....thanks for posting the videos
  22. lining the windows and doors with wood will accent the building greatly.....it will look like a continual ......I'll go for the 'pulled boar'
  23. ...a glimpse of how good that's gonna look very nice.....
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