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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. This was also my first model, and I also learned a great deal by following Hunt’s practicum. Someone may reply here about Hunt’s cantankerous ways, I’d ignore that as it has nothing to do with this practicum he wrote long ago. Back then all I knew was to use the kit wood, I don’t agree with any “furniture” comments regarding walnut strip, it’s not the best but it’s fine for this model, especially given the hull is painted white. Holly may not provide much contrast to that, it’s a white wood already, you must have a stash, it’s hard to find these days. Enjoy this fun build.
  2. The other approach to reduce sanding is the scrape the char with a #11 blade. A lot of it can be removed quickly leaving a lot less to sand. Of course holding these small parts in one hand with a blade in your other hand requires extreme caution and going very slow.
  3. The caution is having enough axel for the truck to remain attached, I think you may wind up with a bigger problem than a slightly square axel.
  4. Seems like twisting it off entirely is a good possibility. Can you define how you determine the size and more what you mean by brass collet?
  5. Not that big a deal to do touch up with tiny brushes. Frankly it’s a lot easier than assembling separate pieces without having glue being a bigger problem than touching up paint.
  6. Well done, thanks for sharing your technique for planning it out. What is a “boxwood color mix” to cover the char before painting?
  7. Just need a 20/0 or 18/0 Spotter brush and you’ll be fine. That gold looks pretty good!
  8. Nice to see another Speedy underway, the sister to the Flirt I'm working on now. You're off to a nice start. I too am a convert to plank bending, its so easy to do and makes such a big difference. I started with the hold-down on my bending station but determined I didn't need it and like being able to apply the iron to the whole area being bent. Either way it's such a superior method. I taper planks with the ruler and knife, the opposite of you I can't handle the planer consistently. I'd be interested to see how you hold the plank while you're planing it to fit.
  9. I've seen that. The Winnie without that is more than enough challenge for me.
  10. Virginia Tech Hokie I'm guessing, though don't know about EE substituting for the ie
  11. I understand English isn't your first language, and it far exceeds the little German I know from my years living there. Rant implies and angry, attacking, or defensive tone, I'm sure not what you meant.
  12. I completely agree, nor do I. Odd wording to use for someone like you who takes the time to share and explain his techniques.
  13. Thanks Bob, but next up is Winchelsea. That will consume at least the next two years if not longer. Go big or go home 😄
  14. I've had the wood kit for this cross section for years, just never motivated to start it. I'm sure following your log will motivate me to look at it again. I did manage not to break into the lovely boxwood that I have for some other project so it must stay on my mind some. The practice runs on the keel are a really good plan, taking it slow to get it right.
  15. Your model looks quite nice, not rushed and finished well. You really should post a build log to inspire others to build this kit.
  16. Clear acrylic or watered down PVA are best for rigging, it just takes what it takes to dry. Tie a knot and try the phatic. I’d guess it dries hard and maybe discolors the rope.
  17. Best of luck. I’m sure it will be an excellent learning opportunity. ….what’s a bench pin….?
  18. Congratulations on completing Cheerful. It’s a wonderful model to build and you’ve done a very nice job of it.
  19. Ok, build slower and take longer not build faster to finish sooner, I think that’s the message.
  20. Not removing char also leaves a rough and ragged, unfinished surface whatever color you paint it.
  21. I’d love to have it on my log. I work hard at removal but always concerned about removing too much wood. I appreciate you’re taking the time and along with BE would appreciate the value add on my log.
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