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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Terrific, Michael! Your metalwork is equal to that of the late, great Gerald Wingrove.
  2. Your trials and tribulations are familiar to all of us. Persevere, and you will find that your skill at cutting joints will keep improving.
  3. Well done indeed, Matt. A very nice first model. Now you can build on your experience and skills.
  4. Nice (re)start, Michael.
  5. You have a lot going on, haven't you? Hopefully you'll keep the kitties away from the model now!
  6. Hope that you are doing OK now, MB. And no, it was not particularly cooler near the lake last week! Thanks for asking.
  7. Very informative of what to expect, Toni. Well put together.
  8. They look terrific, Eberhard. Interesting collection of corks as well....
  9. I agree with Martes; the coat is fitted using a drop shoulder seam to the back of the shoulder and separate pieces along a curved seam from the rear shoulder down: It give a very elegant line. You can just see the curved seams in the uniform coat photo. Darts in clothes were used once wider bolts of machine-made material became available.
  10. If the hands are too large - and perhaps the extended one of the standing figure might be - the head is rather small for the figure's height!
  11. You should be OK painting the filler. It may need sanding and repainting a few times to get a really smooth finish, though. For larger gaps a tube of wood filler (such as LePage's 'natural') is easier to handle and sand. It also dries faster! Looks like a nice job that you've done. You commented on the variation in wood. As it is a natural not synthetic material, any wood piece has its own peculiarities that you have to adjust your techniques to. We all experience this, whether kit or scratch builders.
  12. Not juggling much, are you, Clare? All those models look lovely.
  13. Threaded rods are a much better option! And I don't recall that the original ship had permanent clamps....
  14. I agree that high relief rather than 'in the round' would be more likely here. Your story-telling is as entertaining as your construction notes! I use a single point light source from beyond the piece I'm carving to throw the shadows in the correct direction. Diffuse light or from other directions is not helpful. Beautifully done!
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