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Everything posted by druxey

  1. I've used Titebond II successfully many times for veneering. The advantage is that the glue can be reactivated more than once by heat. Regular white glues can only be reactivated successfully once. That said, a properly spiled and pre-bent plank will stay in place with only about 30 seconds of finger pressure.
  2. So the observations were written, not typeset, as I had assumed. Stag it is, then!
  3. I said it was a stretch, Rob! How about if the typesetter accidentally omitted the 'hound' in 'staghound'? More plausible?
  4. OK, this many be a stretch, but "other devices" might include a staghound chasing the stag/deer on the counter? Would that work for you?
  5. Some lovely color accents now, Mark! A helluva masking job, though. Do treat yourself to a new hose. The tapered wedge shape forward of the quarter gallery allowed the occupant a view forward along the ship's side while ensconced....
  6. There are some differences between the photographed prototype and the production model. As noted, the end result is the same.
  7. Sussex ain't so bad, surely, Keith? I recall as a child visiting an uncle and seeing the glow of the steel furnaces in the night sky.
  8. It is more than likely that Wolf was steered by tiller alone. No reflection on your work at all, but on the kit design! Some of these smaller sixth rates were retrofitted with wheels in the position mentioned.
  9. I had no idea that planking a transom could be skirting danger! Looking very fine, Keith.
  10. Very neatly done, Clare! The tiller/wheel set-up is unlike any I've seen - usually if a wheel is present, it is on the quarterdeck where the funnel-like structure is sitting.
  11. Did you not recieve my two pm's, Kevin?
  12. Looking really nice so far. Two suggestions: One, skin tones are always darker than you think. Two, blend the upper edge of the beard into the skin are a bit for a softer natural edge.
  13. At miniature scales 'cheats' to fool the eye are necessary. Perhaps at least try some of the suggested methods that the experts use to see if you can get a result that pleases you.
  14. The brulée torch is perfect for modelmaking as well. Heat the metal in dim light to cherry red and then let it air-cool to room temperature. Take care not to burn yourself - or anything else, for that matter.
  15. First, you've done a very neat and workmanlike job of your first wooden model build. Well done! Clamping parts on a model where nothing is square is always a challenge in this hobby. Your solution worked well - not one I've seen before. As you work your way through more models, problem solving is half the challenge and fun!
  16. Nice! It's amazing with accurate mark-out and the correct hand tool what one can accomplish.
  17. Is that a pair, but one mounted the wrong way around?
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