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Everything posted by druxey

  1. It was a good decision to reglue those frames now. If you hadn't, it would be guaranteed to come back and bite you later!
  2. Boxwood is nowhere as easily bent as either basswood, holly or yellow cedar. But you know that already!
  3. This is what you need (aft edge of post should be a blue line!):
  4. Any remaining twist should correct itself once the building board and frames are put together with the bottom boards added.
  5. If you go to the Royal Museums Greenwich site, there are many open boat plans showing davits and windlasses. An example:
  6. Late to the party; the soldering should be on the straight part of the loop, not the end. Failure rate should be much lower.
  7. Looking great. The flare at the bow is quite dramatic!
  8. Hahn was very clear that his models were stylized and did not reflect actual framing practice. Also, the plans you show are of completely different ships. The upper one is Beaver's Prize dated March 1778 and the lower one is Beaver of 1757 - a French privateer.
  9. Don't forget that paper itself can change dimensions with humidity levels, and not in the same proportions along x and y axes!
  10. Just remember to anneal the copper frequently as you form it. It will work-harden and, if not re-annealed, will crack rather than bend.
  11. Very neat work on the heels of the cant frames where they sit on the bearding line. Not an easy trick to accomplish with the compound bevels!
  12. An excellent result, Eberhard! BTW, 'floaters' are possible at any age but, as you mention, they get ignored by the mind after a while. Annoying, but harmless.
  13. Welcome aboard, Mberg!
  14. Just catching up with you, Mark. Sweet! That is a fine planking job you've done there.
  15. I understand that moving the clip adjusts the angle, Keith. I usually use a piece of flat scrap of suitable height resting on the sanding surface to tilt the piece I want to taper. Of course, that means moving the piece parallel to the scrap. Your method eliminates that necessity. And I second the motion for varnish!
  16. Clare; you are having way too much fun out there!
  17. That was a fun project - but will multiples be as much fun? How many will you make? I suppose a 'limited edition' might attract a higher price....
  18. Well done indeed, Matiz! I really like the way you've displayed the guns and anchors on the baseboard. Congratulations on a fine model.
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