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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Before you do that, I might consider tapering the garboard back a little more. If you don't, plank widths will get 'squeezed' or tapered too much into the bow. Take a look at "A primer on planking" to see what I mean.
  2. An excellent result, although personally i'd like to have seen a little more 'sea-room' fore and aft of the hull. But, it's personal preference!
  3. The Festool will cut out when the bag is full. Is that the problem?
  4. Personally I don't like to wear headphones in the workshop. I use sound to judge if I'm overloading a power tool before it bogs down or stalls. Since acquiring a quieter vacuum, this is much easier to hear.
  5. Beautiful work in difficult times, Valeriy. We hope for your continued safety
  6. Ave, Ferrus! Welcome aboard.
  7. Getting in 'underneath' at the stern is always a bit tricky, but you should be able to adjust your masking until the line looks right when viewed from the sides.
  8. Just stumbled across this log - very impressive open boats at this small scale!
  9. Hope all is well, Gary - we've missed you!
  10. It is amazing what an angled light source can pick up! The photo of your hull looks good, though.
  11. Rudybob: There's no shame in asking. There is lots of information on this site as well as folks to help you out. We've all been there!
  12. Excellent observation. Also, the curved forecastle beams are a little unusual.
  13. Please take a look at the various planking tutorials on this site. They will clarify things for you.
  14. These draw plates are designed for pulling metal only. They will not work well for other materials such as wood!
  15. I'm beginning to suspect sloppy design and poor proofreading of this book. The descriptions are OK, but obviously the photos are placed incorrectly and belong elsewhere!
  16. Looking for thin 'aircraft' ply? I found that my wood supplier (Exotic Woods, Burlington, Canada) had 4 foot square sheets of this at much better prices than hobby stores. Now this was a while ago, so don't know if this is still the case today. Check your own hardwood supplier to see if they might stock sheets. Of course, there may be supply chain issues at present.
  17. Lovely work with those tricky joints between the saddle and bollard timbers!
  18. This photo is is not of a carronade! It has been utterly misidentified. The photo is of a half-pound swivel gun on its original mount. If you tried to mount a 48 pounder carronade this way, it would blow itself off such a mounting the first time you tried to fire it! In the description, it is obvious that the powder was 'bad', or this would have undoubtedly happened to the merchant.
  19. Well, you are learning a lot on this model! Basswood is not a good candidate for wet sanding nor stain. Other model-makers have found this out the hard way. If you want to experiment, by all means do, but try out any new treatment on scrap first rather than your model.
  20. A very nice example of clinker planking, Gary. I'm always surprised at how rigid the model is even before adding any framing.
  21. Who is to say whether there were x or y strakes of deck plank? But it does point out the value of marking the strakes out before laying them!
  22. That is a lovely job you've done on a difficult part of the build, Ian. However, I'd question why you would want to use poly finish on the model?
  23. Lovrly work as usual. Bitao!
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