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Everything posted by maggsl_01

  1. Hello again... another little update, mostly pics I do the standing rigging at the mainmast, all works out very fine. The shrouds are taut - but not too much. The ratlines...hmmm... a not so much exciting job, I will do tomorrow. After this I will color the standing rigging black as I did with the foremast. I prepared the yards too but I am a little bit disappointed by the results. The wood (Ramin) is not so good to be used on a lathe... I think I will buy some oak or beech - if I can get it in a fitting diameter, If anyone has got an idea what Wood the best is for yards... pls tell me. well - thats it for today to be continued Cheerio Max btw... besides of modelling another important passion for me is photography... so I tried out some perspectives and differnet light situations
  2. Hi Keith, I confirm - the little "picture" of Friedrich Wilhelm on his horse is something I also dream of since I saw a built model from an Italian Master-Builder in an exhibition near Milan. Hell - THATS was ARTWORK. Yes the FW is a model that will be build by me - some far away day when i retired. But this is for me personal the most adorable kit on the market. And for sure a all life challenge. Cheerio Max btw: where do i find the pdf you was talking about?
  3. Hi Captain... this what I like so much with this Hobby: to lean back, watch the ship grow and get infoimations, stories and all that of the time the ship was made in. So I learned a lot about Henry Hudson and his explorations and about the time he lived in when I startet - and still when I build the Half Moon. Ist not a one-Focus-Hobby but a Chance to learn a lot about history and the time where at least also our roots are. Best wishes Cheerio Max
  4. O M G Doris... I hardly can believe that this ship is made from Card and clay.... you are an ARTIST ! I wish I will reach this Level with Wood some far away day... Best wishes MAx
  5. Hi Matti congratulations for the cannons... how much are there to be done? Looks fine and so realistic - you can almost hear the "Boooooooomm!" All the best for you and your Wasa Cheerio Max
  6. Hi J fine work... interesting alternative on the hull with the painting - I am curious to see the result when you are ready. Well done ! Cheerio MAx
  7. Hi Jean-Pierre... yes... it is really a pity that Euro Model doen NOT have a Victory or Endeavour... So it is almost a shame that we MUST decide between a Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde (what a shipname... and what a glorious ship of the almost - even in Germany - unkown navy of Brandenburg) or a Ajax (Amsterdam? Soccer in model??) or the Derfflinger (what really is a small model and perhaps not so high-Level - but a Beauty and also a Branden-Burger ) No, no... stop kidding now - Euro Model is definetly on my wish-list. I will probaly start with the Derfflinger, but my dream is the Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde... All the best Cheerio Max
  8. Welcome Mike... I am also a newbie in wooden model ships... and I say: It is a perfect hobby... I will follow your log with full interest -at least as the Bounty is on my wishlist too. And the scale 1:45 is almost perfect. Best wishes and good luck Cheerio Max
  9. Howdy Well, just another update. The Standing rigging of the foremast is done; now its on the mainmast. But I am learning As it was quite tricky to fix the deadeyes and the shrouds on the upper foremast - the mast was already fixed on the deck - I decided to do the shrouds on the upper mainmast BEFORE Fixing the mast. So I could work slow and accurate and fastened in a vice. It was absolutely NO Problem to build it all up although the holes in the 3mm-deadeyes are NOT very comfortable After this I build up the three-hole-blocks for the stay and then I fixed the mast on the deck. *haha* everything works fine - and still it is a really funny and enjoyable job. Still wonder what I will do next Astrolabe... Gulnara...Derfflinger...Amphion... or the Caldercraft Endeavour... NEED HELP Thats it for today, next part will follow (soon) Cheerio Max
  10. Thx all for this discussion. I myself plan to build a Euromodel kit someday - Deefflinger as starter, later perhaps the Friedrich Wilhelm. So I am very interested in all aspects coming around with Euromodel. I hope I can visit the factory soon as I often visit Milan for business matters - and Como is just 30 km away.... Cheerio Max
  11. Hi Remco... all I can say is OMG NEVER saw a build of this quality before. Your ar not a modeller but an artist ! Chapeau Max
  12. Hi Jan, I only can say: WOW.... What a perfect artist you are in this things... Love the ornaments... Cheerio Max
  13. Hi Vivian, I like the idea to bring light into the dark of the model ship world... Sounds very cute and interesting... Go ahead Cheerio Max
  14. Thx Anja... Get a red shine on my Face... But its true... I love the ship and the work with it... This hobby is GREAT Cheerio Max
  15. Hello Jan, I am really impressed what you have done with card... It looks so real and close to the original... WOW Cheerio Max
  16. Hi Vivian *haha* could not wait .... I know very well what you mean... my Half Moon has not yet got the second mast, but I am thinking always about the next model to build... crazy world, isn't it? If I would be interested in Soccer probably I would come to Brasil to the Championship... but I am not.... So I will watch your build from good old Germany on my computer wish you a lot of fun with your Dragon and I am looking Forward to see the next pics cheerio Max
  17. Hi all another little update... the rigging needs ist time... it is not as difficult as I thought, but to tie the knots and to keep everything under tension - but not to much - is quite tricky. I decided to color the standing rigging in black as it is seen on many pictures of origins and models. The shrouds of the foremast are almost ready, on one side I did the ropes connecting the shrouds (sorry did not find the english word, in german it is "webleinen"). I read that this ropes were used in a way like rope ladders to climb up the mast. So there should not be too much tension... hmmm... but I am not sure if I like the result as it is now. I used knot on every junction, perhaps the second side I will only tie the rope to the shrouds - without knots... perhaps this will look more as I want. Any suggestions, tips or comments (pls be honest) are welcome Thats it for today... my ship calls me Cheerio Max
  18. I have the DB 250 - and I am absolutely content. For my purpose - ship modelling, mostly for the masts and some additional things - it is good, ist easy to handle, ist Proxxon - so it is good quality - and the Price is fair. I paid 110 Euros in Germany. I would recommend it if you have no further interest. It is NOT a professional machine but for the hobby it is good. Dont pay more if you dont need - better save the Money for a ship
  19. Hi all... in my "plastic era" I used to weather the models with the color pigments of Artitec. It always worked out extremley good. Artitec is a dutch manufacturer of resin models with really nice modell ships mostly in the popular modeltrain-scale 1:87 / H0. http://www.artitec.nl/index.php/de/bausaetze/category/h0-ships Cheerio Max
  20. WOW Perfect... Congratulations Vivian Its a very very cute ship, a super built model... Hope my Half Moon can compare Best wishes Max Cheerio
  21. Hi Hi.. Bob... I understand very well what you say... and looking into my shipyard she says... The roof on the gardenhouse needs to be done... and the veranda need new planks... What the hell has this to do with me and my ships??? Cheerio Max
  22. Hi Vince, it is amazing what you do... I see I have to learn really still a lot, but it makes fun to read, watch and - learn I am very curious to see the next steps to be done on this great model. All the best Cheerio Max
  23. Thx Popeye... the deadeyes are originally like in teh kit ... no changes...
  24. Hi all... just a little update: I started the shrouds on the foremast... it works out quite good... there is tension, but not too much, the deadeyes weren't that difficult as I thought. For every side it took about 1,5 hrs all in all. Now I am wondering if I should color the ropes. I see in almost every model that the stays and shrouds are black. Perhaps I should do this too. I would use black stain - usually for wood, but a test had a really good result on the ropes. Whats your opinion? Thx - cu soon Max
  25. Hello Nils, I am really overwhelmed by your build... This is modelling on its top-level. I will follow your log and I am very very curious to see the progress. Good luck and a lot of fun Max aus Hof in Oberfranken
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