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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Mark, Just catching up !! Yes this one IS really special indeed. And as Frank mentioned nice work on all of those curved bits. Cheers,
  2. Jason, Super nice work. Your building notes are also so excellent - nice of you to share with such added details. Cheers,
  3. E.J, thanks glad to be helpful. It's nice that we all learn from each other (:-) Buck, Don't know the bit size (all Greek to me). I just "eyeballed" it. (as I do all of them) hmmm That said I really need to give a 5 Star review to the Proxxon Rotary tool AND I't Flex shaft. This shaft is SO precise. It accepts the absolute smallest of drill bits and rotates perfectly in line. Absolutely no wobbling whatsoever - bearings are absolutely precise. Love this combination tool, super dependable doing this kind of detailing. PS: last photo is the supplied Corel platform along with its metal trim ring. FYI ========================== Heading out-of-town for an anniversary celebration with my 19 year old girlfriend from 43 years ago xo Cheers Mates
  4. Hi Mates, A little more work on the mizzen lower platform. Self-explanatory so keeping text to a minimum. As always thanks for the likes. Michael
  5. Peter, Very nice new build - will follow along. Plating work is also very nice indeed. Rudder is a work of art in and of itself. Were you on holiday, or finally no longer driving those big machines anymore? Cheers,
  6. Ken, Just discovered your build, when it came up in the sidebar. WHOA!! Will now follow along. Will go back and visit your log from #001 (I'll keep the espresso machine on. Some very quick /observation/thoughts; 1) Brilliant work details, and beautiful example of this ship. 2) Thanks for the super large jpg's when clicked (wish more logs did this lol) 3) Love the added text within some photos 4) Excellent notes, as you progress 5) Great labor intensive build AND log. OK on board - PS: love the area of CA where you reside (:-) Cheers,
  7. Frank, Thanks for catching up - kind of you. On the + side I think that my "going back" is almost complete. Now that I have a better sense of what I'm, doing, as well as researching proper sources going forward won't be fraught with so many issues that irritate me. I hope... Did I say "issues" ha ha as you know, the rigging for this specific ship is in a constantly developing state of flux. Hopefully VASA II will publish before I get to the running rigging with sails. At my speed VASA III will prob. be in print as well. The latest info is early 2013 for book two. So how are things going with your Stage Coach? attached any horses yet? Cheers,
  8. E J, Just catching up. Excellent work indeed. Love the details. Entry balcony - perfect. Also really like your triangle openings at the weather deck railings. Also all of the various hull planking woods make your build very special indeed. Cheers,
  9. Hi Mates, Thanks for all of the kind words, very much appreciated. Mizzenmast continued; Getting used to the Proxxon – used it to open a slot within the mast for the single needed sheave Added some lateral wood bits to shape the platform braces. Now time for the pulley, glued together two pieces of wood. Rounded the wood by spinning it on a rotary tool, and using a Dremel sanding drum in counter rotation. Neat trick that I learned from another builder (though he was using this to make carriage wheels). Lastly used a routing bit to add the groove, as the now rounded wood was spinning. The routing bit needs to be held very stiffly because it wants to wander sideways, which would destroy the groove edge. Took two attempts to get this one right. Put the mast aside for now, and working on the platform base. First photo is of the three lower mast platforms, along with their relative size differences. The foremast platform is not configured quite right, but I built it before I discovered the reference that I used for the main, and now for the mizen platform. These also take a bit of time, as they end up with many tiny parts that need to be fashioned. There must be an easier way of making the rings? If anyone has an easier procedure I’m up for it --- Cheers,
  10. Patrick, Excellent start indeed. I will also grab a chair and follow along. Will there be any of that good Belgium beer in your cooler? (:-) Cheers,
  11. Hi Mates, Small update. Now working on the mizen mast installation, or should I say –re-working that area again. Turns out that the framing I had installed (quite a while ago) was incorrect, and the mast (per Corel) was too thin; so reconfiguring was needed. Made a new mast deck framing more with the shape of the 1/10th. Not sure about that center darker piece (don’t know what I was thinking). Also edging trim details were not added, but its an improvement. More noticeable Corel errors that I did not know about when I first started this build, and when I was mostly building “out of the box” referring to Corel’s plan sheets Will update as this moves forward (lower mast and platform)
  12. Peter, This is the book. I was not too clear in my post. PS: I went through your Lotus build log - brilliant work indeed. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Frank, Don't know how I missed this, but your HMAT SUPPLY with barnacles on the hull is, well ridiculous SO PERFECT. What great work. I think that when it comes to aging and "wear and tear" looks your ships are the best that i have seen here at MSW, or anywhere else for that matter. Just went through your completed photos of that ship. PSL Your Riverboat is also a treat. Cheers,
  14. Mates, Thanks for the likes on my "other" hobby (:-) Peter, thanks. Yes, I have seen this in Hocker's Vasa book (p 57) Though this is a reference for the lower gun deck. Regarding weather deck gun positioning the same could certainly apply. Dave offered a good suggestion in offsetting the last two quarterdeck carriages (I will try that). I actually now also realize that I also "over-scaled" those two carriages. Regards,
  15. Dave, thanks indeed. One of these days I may get to your level with interior lighting. Martyn, JanV is right. This has been discussed with we Vasa nut cases. And yes that new DAgostini looks to be excellent. Even the canon artillery is correct. Though it is a very big model. In a way I’m relieved that it will not be available in the USA, I would be too tempted. Too few here probably know much about the ship. This, of course, is not the case in Europe. The vasa Museum is one of the most popular in Europe. So for modelers the Vasa is a well known ship. E.J, This is only my second model ship. The first one was soooo many years ago. Did some other hobbies (plastic) in between, but always wanted to get back to wood. Here is one that fell through the cracks. Needs to be completed. Hmmm. Back to wood -pitting aside the falconets for a bit after redoing the vertical frames and instead starting the mizzenmast and its platform. Thanks, mates for your continued interest Cheers,
  16. Patrick, Nice. Congratulations. I also like your display clever idea. Funny the Golden Hind is also under my table waiting. Cheers,
  17. Hi Mates, Thanks for dropping by -always; EJ_L Yes, my thoughts as well – but needed to make the changes. They would have indeed bugged me J Edwin- always a pleasure when you drop by and comment –thanks ! Buck, see my notes below regarding wheel sizes as well as carriage framing. Thanks so much for your thoughts. Mark, see last pic lol JanV, yes a bit of a headache trying to add arguably a bit too much detail. But I am mostly enjoying the challenges. Dave & Patrick Thanks for your suggestions and photos. Good idea on the angling. Dave point well taken indeed,,, Some thoughts –strictly for edification, not as complaints. Mentioned before; Vasa was mounted with many diff. size artillery. I chose the two that are circled as my guides for the main weather deck, and the two falconets for the quarterdeck. Chose to replicate the looks of the carriages and their wheel sizes. Even so the actual artilleries are all wrong. (Casting is way above my skill set – forever!!) So after-market examples were good enough; actually very nice indeed. Huge improvement over Corel included examples (as with most kits) Note Clayton Johnson’s amazing work in these two photos. In regard to carriage spacing, note the actual carriage length beyond back of cannon. I had originally built all carriages in this correct way, but subsequently realized that I needed to trim the entire overhang away in order to have the carriages fit more properly onto the too narrow weather deck. Again Corel!!. Main deck (no forecastle) seems better scaled. Though I still needed to cut carriage overhangs. Also - I know that I need to re-paint my knighthead figures (PS; weak quality castings) For the dummy carriages in the upper and lower gun decks, well that was a gift ha ha. So working on the fix for the quarterdeck falconets. Smaller blocks are the first step, scaling also looks better. Chuck and his Syren Comp. We are very good acquaintances. In fact all rigging are also from his company, excellent quality products indeed; well deserved plug Chuck…
  18. EJ_L, Nice several updates. Yes repetitive work is sometimes a chore. Thankfully during those times I also usually watch my Dodgers (keeps me sitting) xo. Your ship is coming along very beautifully. The French certainly had vision. Though I read somewhere that oft-times captains would remove a lot of the heavy decorative froo froo in order for their ships to lessen their draft and increase their speed. Don't know if there is any truth to this. SO Soleil Royal for you next project- you are a braver builder than me. It is certainly on many builders super "Wish I could" list. If I ever finish my current one, the next will be a cross-section just for a change. But SR and SOS are always on my dreamer's mind. Michael Z, had it right -super cheap hobby by-the-hour....I'll have to share this with my wife next time Proxxon drops something at my door. Though I'm also a car nut and have spent a bit on her as well hmmmm Cheers, looking good.
  19. Hi Mates, A rather frustrating bit here with these falconets. First, as has been discussed Corel’s deck is too narrow. So carriages tend to be too close to each other in any case. OK then the double blocks that I am using, as I had thought earlier, are a bit too large. When laced with carriage single blocks they run into each other. Then pulled the carriages away from the hull sides a bit, but as you can see they are (the carriages) way too close to each other now. Then ha ha I also realized that the blocks and tackles were way too close to the cannons on each side. After looking at the other installations, realized that cannon vertical framings are double pieces, allowing for the blocks to mount a bit away from the carriages (pic 4) Well as you can see in last photo – time for a fix again. Cheers as always,
  20. E.J-L, Buck, Martyn, Thanks for your nice comments, very much appreciated. And thanks to all who are so kind to stop in for a look. Falconets have been mounted. Will update, and now working on mizzen mast (:-)
  21. Hi Mates, Thanks for the “likes” much appreciated, as well as for your visiting this shipyard. Finished up the falconets. Install will be easy compared to the busy work that these little pieces required, but I am pleased with the results. Pics are self-explanatory so keeping this brief. PS: I simulated the axle braces and the metal framings attaching cleats by using a small drill bit and barely indenting those surfaces. The illusion works well enough to look as if these parts are in fact properly attached to the carriages, I think J The washers that became wheel caps were sourced from a model railroad hobby company. The washers are a bit too large, but I did not want to increase the size of the wheels. Close enough hmmm. Cheers,
  22. Hi Mates, Minor update, continuing work on the quarterdeck falconets; put together the needed block and tackles. Though I fear that the double blocks may be a size too big – not sure. Ferit, as you can see I added your front framing (thanks for the tip). Used small basswood strips, added a bit of a curve, painted and attached to carriage sides as axle and wheel supports. I’ll post next after these two are installed. Cheers,
  23. Hi Mates, Thanks for the clicks and the comments. PKD thanks for deciding to follow along. Welcome to the shipyard. Also Ferit, as usual, you are always so helpful. Thanks for your photo/notation. Funny my eyes never saw the forward carriage wood inserts. Totally missed this. Will add them to the falconet carriages, though they will probably be hidden from view. But I so appreciate you pointing this out. And, of course, all of the other weather deck carriages are also missing those bits ha ha... Cheers,
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