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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Nick, Your #72 pic of the stem is indeed perfect, as is all of your hull planking. A pleasure to follow along. Cheers,
  2. Hi Mates, Working on those falconets that seem to have also been on the Vasa. Pic 1 from the 1/10th Pic 2 are examples from Clayton Johnson’s build of all of the various canons that were cast for the ship. Here is a link to all of his work for the cannons (if you care to look) beautiful work https://sites.google.com/site/clayton707/1-10-scale-vasa-artillery Pic 3 falconets seem to have disappeared in more recent photos – hmmm?— ------- Wheels were cut from dowel. I rolled the dowel, not cutting clear through (for obvious reasons) then just sawed the inner bits. The carriages had been built at the same time that I put together the weather deck ones. Used brass framing to articulate the metal framing for the carriages (simple tools helped) - not sure how to represent their attaching pins? May just let that bit go... To be updated….. PS: My big frustration with this ship (and all Vasa kits) has to do with all of the totally incorrect cannons that are supplied. But I understand – there were so many diff. size cannons mounted aboard that it would make this bit of detail cost prohibitive just for the Vasa kit. Let’s see if the DeAgostini 1/65 get’s these right??? Cheers,
  3. Edwin, thanks you are so encouraging – as always. Well there have certainly been a lot of helpful posts with us Corel Wasa builders, which may be helpful to you in circumventing some of this kits glaring errors. Thanks for following along always nice hearing from you. Frank, thanks – I am enjoying following your new project J Jan V. You have been busy building the longboat nice side project. I will certainly use your ideas when I get there. Thanks for your nice thoughts. B.E. & EJ_L thanks indeed. It is certainly mutual following along with your projects as well. ============== Minor update: Decided on starting to build the two falconets and carriages that are at the quarter deck before moving to the mizzen mast. I’ll post some updates as they move along…. Thanks all for your kind clicks and comments, Cheers,
  4. Hi Mates, Small update (well for me it’s a big one) Finished up some detail work on the upper railings adding the look of probable attaching nails (should be painted over, but the detail look is nicer IMO) Installed the lower main stays after putting the bits together. (Nigel – again thanks - annealing the brass rivets allowed for easier lip creation on the cut side) Attached the shrouds along with the blocks. One issue that I had – notice the last two photos; The 1/1 has much more rope spacing between the blocks. The 1/10th are much closer together. So took a leap and sprung the bits closer together. I think that they are too close, but so it goes. Now onto building and installing the lower mizzenmast, and its platform. As usual thanks so much for dropping by – always nice of you. Cheers,
  5. Peter, Nice update. You do have Clayton's build log in your Fav's ? Just in case here are some useful links (I bet you know all of these) http://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Vasa-Museet-Stockholm/Photos-Vasa-ship.htm http://www.wasadream.com/modeles/Clayton/wasaclaytonenglish.html Belaying positions pdf is excellent (scroll mid page) http://www.jans-sajt.se/contents/Navigation/Modelling/R_Wasa.htm The link below for a beautiful scratch built commercial Vasa is excellent. I have referred to his photos a lot. Also they blow up with incredible details http://www.modelships.de/Vasa_II_Janssen/VASA_II_ship-model.htm Hope that some of this is helpful Cheers,
  6. Ulises, Hmmm did I fall behind in your build log, or have you gone "ship supersonic"? Great amount of excellent work. Looking very good. PS: Yes your part #112 is a difficult bit. I had the same issue, though I did not know how to do it correctly, and it now needs re-work. Well that is the great part of MSW - we learn so much from each other as well. You did a great job of figuring it out. Cheers,
  7. -E.J., Just catching up very nice - looking very good. Capstan looks excellent! Cheers,
  8. Peter, Excellent re-work indeed. Welcome to the Corel Wasa - but you knew this before you started. Nice that you also noted that the weather deck width was too narrow. As you know I have gone through some frustrating after re-works on mine as well. Your up-front knowledge will be very helpful. PS: the stern is also too narrow, but given the sizes of the gilded parts - I don't think that it will be easy to widden ? PS:2 Corel is very very good about sending parts that you might request. They have sent me several extra gilded bits that have come in very useful. I will also follow along (:-) Good luck Cheers
  9. Ferit, Always nice of you to drop by, and thanks so much for your comment. Much too kind (;-) Cheers,
  10. Just catching up nice detail work with the towers. The metal gilded bits look nice as well, and certainly part of the original ships in those days. Yes carving IS another entire art in-and-of-itself. I'm also on the "T" ball team with that skill (:-) On MSW's scratch build side there are works there that are out of this world beautiful. Love meandering over there but makes me nervous ha ha ......
  11. Mates, Thanks for the likes. Joe and Edmay cheers appreciated. John Maguire thanks for your kindness in your interest in following along. Very nice of you. Welcome to the shipyard. It appears as though, from your avatar, that we may have been the same business. Well I was for a time in my late twenties. Your avatar looks to be a newer 737 - at least a 600 series?. My next post will definitely be a step forward (;-) Regards,
  12. One last bit of similar “detailing”-- added some small verticals to the bowsprit framing. Pics before update And such luck!! Those left over necklace bits just sort of perfectly fit between the white trim pieces. Now that was a pleasant experience. PS: I know that the cathead braces (anchors) are not even an approximation of what they should look like – but done here – moving forward. – I think? Onto installing and attaching the lower main and its shrouds.
  13. Patrick, Brilliant work with your lantern !!! thanks for the pdf. Enjoy your next project Cheers,
  14. Jan, Nice added bit doing the long boat. Good start. Have you seen Clayton's on the Vasa Forum?
  15. Hi Mates, Thanks for your likes. I also appreciate your comments, and thoughts regarding my comment about all of the colorful details on the 1/10th. You are all certainly correct. Jan, Patrick, Peter, thanks for your perspectives. It was wishful thinking on my part – having so missed – even coming close to how the galleries should look. Though the stern is much closer, but Corel’s entire weather deck is too narrow which squeezes stern detailing tighter than it should be. Peter also thanks for you very interesting links. Kind of you to take the time. And EJ_L, B.E., Joe, and Capt. Steve thanks for preferring the “look” of my efforts –cheers ! that is really nice of you to mention this. What I am working on now (not doing fixes) masts, platforms, carriages and other bits are coming out ok - so far - hmmm. So moving forward will be easier. Again mates, thanks for your always, kind support, thoughts and visits. Cheers
  16. Bruce, Beautiful work indeed. And also as Scoot posted your sails up front are awesome. Well done.
  17. Hi Mates, A lateral update – my usual posts - ha ha.. So, I decided to add some detailing to the galleries. The Vasa (based the on super detailed 1/10th) is certainly hard to grasp from a Corel kit. PS: just a thought – Who really knows if the Vasa was as colorful and as highly detailed (art work) as is represented on the museum’s beautiful model. The actual resurrection galleries, as an example, are very plain by comparison to the model (they appear to be rebuilt as well). So it appears that the goal of many kit/scratch builders is to try to emulate the model’s look. I, then added some detail bits as well. My completed galleries before added details Used some extra painted wood bits from the just completed railings. Purchased a necklace, and used the bits for the bobbinets (glue added so that beads would not fall off string when cut) Received from Corel two new weather deck cannon opening trim rings Here are some finished up shots. Now on to some added detail work for the bowsprit framing. This 1/10th pic makes me very insecure Hmmm
  18. Mark, One of your great builds for sure !! Stern work looks awesome indeed.
  19. Daniel, You posts 1468, 1469 are beyond my comprehension at that scale BRILLIANT work that looks so perfect. Congrats. Well there are also other posts that are also superlative examples of detailing (;-)
  20. Hi Frank, Well found it. Don't know how I missed this one. Looks like the front row is already full (:-)
  21. Mates, thanks for all likes and/or just dropping by for a look. ==================== Joe, As usual a big thanks for following along and posting such encouraging comments. -E.J. Thanks as well. Also really enjoying following your build log –cheers Frank, (Riverboat) Plan B was a “winner” indeed. OH you have started a new boat. I will look for your build log (Chinese Junks always had a place of admiration for me) Do you plan on “aging” it as you did with your awesome Alert? Martyn (BV.) thanks as well. Happy to have been of help with your PM regarding the cannons J Patrick - Thanks your Google English is great - ha ha Dave, happy that you are feeling at home with my “clamp” funny , but it did not work grrrr (J Frank, thanks as well. Yes summer is going well indeed. Enjoy your fishing season over there on the East Coast. Off to Michael’s looking for some decorative bits, need to add some work to the galleries as I had mentioned above.
  22. Hi Mates, Finished installing the upper railings. As I mentioned in a previous post I had my “issues” installing the horizontal rails on each side of the foremast after installing the shrouds. So that done, as well as some tidying up of the carriage ropes I can move forward and attach the mainmast, and its lower shrouds. Now needed to make the bent 90º planks to link the horizontal bits. Well that had its issues as well. Hmmm. I must have tried to bend 50 pieces (needed 10) All but one plank allowed itself to be bent 90º. Even tried soft wood to no avail. I believe it was my lack of skills, and the extreme bend that was needed? So plan B. Last pic I will be pulling out those badly made pulley/blocks now that I have, and know how to (more or less) use my Proxxon MF70 J Before “moving forward” I plan to revisit the galleries and add some details. This is certainly one of the most difficult areas of this ship to articulate correctly especially with the Corel kit as a base. Not complaining – this has been widely discussed here at MSW with those of us building this ship. I had some left over bits from the upper railings that will work very well. Cheers
  23. Patrick, Nice work indeed. Lantern is a mystery in terms of how it looked. Salvage did not locate the original. Here are some poss. examples. first two pics are from Landström's book. Thought Fred Hoecker does not think that the angels were included. pic. 3 may be actually more representative. Hope this helps PS: I will build mine looking like the book's without the angels (just as well I can't carve (:-( ) Cheers,
  24. Mark, Beautiful work indeed. Clever find much nicer now. PS: I've also been seen at Michael's and Jo-Ann's aimlessly searching for bits of this-that-and-the-other - ha ha I did buy two types of cloth at Jo-Anns assuming I build up my confidence for sails. Will you fully rig this one as well?
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