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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Frank, Nice couple of updates. Flag and upper railings look excellent. Nice work. So what's up next under your table at position No.1? Michael
  2. Giampiero, Brilliant work. An absolute pleasure to follow along. Michael
  3. Mark, Your work on this build is looking especially super well refined. Very excellent work PS: Love the tooth pic idea. I have some of those in a small Zipock for sometime looking for a "fit"--great idea... PS 2: Your bulkhead widows look as if they are angled somewhat aft from the top. Is that just a "camera Angle" look? PS 3: Great idea on lightening your deck planks' I will keep that idea in my notes. Cheers, Michael
  4. Ed, Just discovered your build log. I'll be back (keeping my espresso machine hot) to visit your log from page one. I WON'T key like 100 times+ but will press it "here" As has been said- beautifully amazing and skillful work. Regards, Michael
  5. Hi mates, Thanks for the likes..George you are certainly right (:-) cheers enjoy as well Frank you are certainly are ahead of me. You will probably finish two more before this one sees its completion. I have looked back on your techniques and WILL use the wire to hold a gap for the shroud deadeyes when I get to the other masts. It's a known technique that you explained well. Thanks. There was just a small amount of progress before turning off the lights last night. Feeling a bit better with all of this NEW stuff.I'll post next with a real update (:-).. Regards, Michael
  6. Frank just catching up YES cheers as well from not so far away. Enjoy Michael
  7. Hi Mates, Thanks for all of your nice comments, stopping by, and "likes" always so appreciated ! -------------------------- I decided to re-do the six lines under the platform. The knots were weak and out of scale. Decided that black sewing thread would “disappear” better. But now; going through a frustrating bit. Struggling with my first attempt at actually mounting rigging. And to think this is only a very small bit of the first section OMG..(:-) Having a hard time finding a proper way of seizing the shrouds, attaching the upper deadeyes as well as their corresponding ropes. I have looked at other build logs for advice, but still can’t get out of my thinking “box” to allow for a more pleasant experience. Then later as I was starting to attach the first of the six shrouds I realized that the mast was too short (See pic), and that the wood cap that connects the second mast was also too low (too close the platform base) Grrrrrrr. I looked at the Corel sheet for wood cap fit location (wrong!! Corel) and then failed to, at least, pay more attention to the length the second mast should have been. I will be more attentive with the other masts. Last pic is 1/10th the way it should look more-or-less So in closing not too “happy” right now, so not sitting for extended lengths of time. Hmmm. Well of to Berkeley next week to see our son, and his wife’s family for the holidays. They all enjoy good single malts music, and good tequila Cheers everyone - do enjoy your holidays as well Michael
  8. Frank, Beautiful work. Nice update. She's almost ready to sail off and sink an hour later (:-) Cheers, Michael
  9. These are absolutely so excellent. each cut is super clean, leave no small hanging threads. Also (not shown in photo) on the other side is a screw that allows tightening of the blades. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000R8LZF4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01 Highly recommended. Michael
  10. Bob, Nice work on the sails. PS: I'm glad that M. Kemp worked out for your team ha ha...he looked very good last season Michael
  11. John, Thanks for your very kind post. Well, when it comes to details your current (almost completed) build log also blows me away (:-) MIchael
  12. Alexandru, Of course--absolutely stunning work (I'm certainly repeating myself and others with this post). Such a pleasure to follow and learn from. Michael
  13. Ray, I SO love British understatements . "I am fairly pleased with the result," I lived in the UK for two years (St John's Woods-back in the 90s') I, on the other hand, would be shouting from the rooftops if I could ever build a ship as beautiful as is yours. What a pleasure to admire! or should I say "Your ship turned out to be visually acceptable" (:-) PS: Loved our time in the UK. Michael
  14. Nils, Just really catching up !! on your beautiful build log. I'm ,again, finally receiving emails on the many builds that I am following (switched to a gmail address here at MSW) SO I could have clicked "like" more than 30 times since September, but did not want to overwhelm your inbox. (:-) Beautiful as has been said so many times about your work. Michael
  15. John, Your last batch of photos are really something !!! excellent work. Michael
  16. Randy, Thanks for your very nice comment, much appreciated. PS Regarding my post just above (email issue) FYI: I changed my MSW email from AOL to my gmail. Now ALL notices started posting again. Michael
  17. Dave, Thanks for your kind post. PS: I'm having a problem receiving emails from the many builds that I follow (including responses to this build) Mark T, has led me to a thread that deals with this issue. It seems that other members are also having the same issues. I'm reading through it to see if there is a fix. FYI http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9808-no-mails-for-me-robin-b/page-3 Regards, Michael
  18. Bob, What an amazing kit--no let me rephrase that. What an amazing build of a fantastic looking kit. I will happily follow along. Thanks for your beautiful large format photos as well, really allows for savoring your attention to excellent detailing. Your copious and well explained notation also make this build log a pleasure. Glad I found it. Regards, Michael
  19. Randy, Just discovered your log. Beautiful, I also really like how you applied the decorative strips, looks as though they are painted wood excellent. In fact all of your details are first-rate. I will also follow along. I'll be back when I have time to read all of your excellent notations. Very nice build log indeed. Cheers, Michael
  20. Alexandru, Your work is almost beyond comprehension. I needed to look at your last post pics three times to fully understand the details of this tiller wheel. Superb!! Michael
  21. Frank, As you know..I have a folder of all of your sails work. Hoping to emulate your work, as well a Karl's, and (Ulises wonderful rigging). Not sure I can get to all of your levels of work. Wood is my friend, and I so enjoy those parts of the build, but cloth, and rigging, Hmmm? I will see about that next new challenge. Though I do have great builder's whom I am following (:-) and BTW my build is going soo slow (;-( Your ship is so beautiful,Thanks for following mine as well. Michael
  22. Frank, As you know..I have a folder of all of your sails work. Hoping to emulate your work, as well a Karl's, and (Ulises wonderful rigging). Not sure I can get to all of your levels of work. Wood is my friend, and I so enjoy those parts of the build, but cloth, and rigging, Hmmm? I will see about that next new challenge. Though I do have great sages whom I am following (:-) and BTW my build is going soo slow (;-( Your ship is so beautiful,Thanks for following mine as well. Michael
  23. Frank and George, Thanks for your nice comments, very much appreciated.
  24. Hi mates, Thanks for dropping in. Mark thanks as well for your supper compliment SO appreciated. Yes four more (bowsprit done) Hmmm Though the next ones should be easier. Learned a few things with this lower foremast plate, as well as having a grasp on how to fashion the needed parts. ------------------------- Continuing, I started to fashion the deadeye “chains” using 20 gauge black wire (pic 1) not correct, but such a small almost hidden detail once the plate gets busy with ropes everywhere. I then realized that the lower ring braces were extending outward too far (see pic 2, 3, 4) and the chain would not hang properly outside of the lower already attached ring So removed the ring and Dremeled down the braces (see pic 5) -------------------------- I then took some leftover bits that I had purchased to use as chains for the hull, but then decided against it. So those bits will now become (after blackening them) the way to attach deadeye/chains to the ropes below the mast cap. See pic 6. The last three pics show the “fix” my favorite word with this very very slow build. (:-) So, the next caps will have a bit larger flat ring and or cap floor will be a bit smaller. Thanks for still following along at this snails pace, Regards, Michael
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