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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. Work still progressing on gun port lid assembly, channel assembly and brass profiles (starboard side)


    All channel strips (starboard side) have now been dry fitted, and I only have one channel left to install the dead eyes. I have about 15 more gun port lid assemblies to complete.


    Picture showing brass profiles with channels dry fitted (using 0.7mm brass pins)





    I have been using the method suggested by Shipyard Sid for installing the dead eyes, that is to make a diagonal cut to secure the dead eye strop in place. Once I have completed all channels I will add a small amount of epoxy (belt and braces) before adding the 1.5mm capping





  2. Hello Jerry and David

    I think Jerry will win hands down with his Half Moon build, this Pegasus build will be done in slow time (for me).

    I hope to get the main gun deck installed next weekend and make a start on the planking, but my time will be very limited as I'm away all day Saturday and will be out part of the day on Sunday. I'm also away on business for a couple of days during the week so my Victory build time will be very limited also.


    So far I have been very impressed with what I have seen. The main gun deck is perhaps a bit to flimsy, but once it is glued in place and planked it will be fine. I will be able to make a better judgement as the build progresses.


    I'm looking forward to having a look a Chris Watton's HMS Victory model which is due out later this year and one I may think about building once I've finished the on-going projects.

  3. I have now finished work for the day. I have really enjoyed making the grating assemblies today and I'm really pleased with the box joints used.


    I have dry fitted the two half's of the main gun deck to hull assembly and also dry fitted the main gun deck items. I thinking of adding some 5mm by 1mm thick strips on the under side of the main gun deck sheets to provide some additional support along the central joint line.



    I know the rear main mast bitt has been dry fitted back to front



    Finally another picture showing the two build in progress





  4. I've now cut gratings to size and filed the rough edges smooth.

    I have taken note of the correct alignment (bow to stern) for the grating top member for when I fix these assemblies to the lower gun deck.


    I decided to use the box joint for the coamings. This was quite easy to do with the aid of my mini vice, modeling knife and needle file.


    Coamings with box joint prepared. I made the coamings lightly oversized which allowed me to file smooth, with the sawdust filling any gaps.



    Started fixing the coaming to the grating. I found it best to super glue each coaming to the side of the grating working in a clockwise manner. When necessary I used my needle file to adjust the box joint to ensure a tight fit.



    End view of box joint, I really happy with how these have turned out.



    Some completed assemblies. The right hand grating is slightly to big but this will be easy to trim back, but I may leave as is as it will be hidden by the quarterdeck




  5. Resumed work on the Pegasus today (my weekend project).


    Rough fairing of the bulkheads has been completed so I have gone ahead and glued the first bulkheads and lower deck to the main keel.

    Clamped and glue is being left for 24 hours to cure.


    Nice backdrop of my HMS Victory build (weekday build)



    Use of clamps to hold deck item assemblies in place



    I have coated the gratings with a light coating of diluted PVA. I will now wait for 24 hours before I start trimming the gratings to the required sized. I then plan to make the walnut coamings which will sit on top of the Main Gun Deck so I can plank up to the edges of the coamings.


    Clamps removed and gratings assembled



    First Capstan assembled



    Main Pump Cistern Assembly



    Completed capstan assembly.


  6. Not sure if it will be a problem for you but when I added the balsa sills to the gun ports at this early stage it did make the installation of the gun deck and quarterdeck more interesting. I seem to recall I ended up cutting the gun deck in two to aid installation because of the sills I had fitted.

  7. And so the nightmare begins as I have installed the first three gun port lids.These three took much longer than I expected but much of the time was deciding on the best method that would work best for me following some very sound advise from Shipyard Sid and Jerry, thanks for your support.


    The rigging on these is not the best but the second one is slightly better than the first. I hope / expect they will get better once I really get going with the installation.


    I think I'm going to change my planned build sequence as I will now assembly all the gun port lids complete with hinges over the next few days and then fit to them to the hull in small batches as I fit the channels and chainplates.



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