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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. Thanks to Jerry, David and Robert for your comments. I plan to fit the chain tonight all being well then I can declare the stern work complete

    I think I will then have a couple of weeks tiding up and completing some small jobs on the Hull.

    I also have to think about the hammock crane assemblies, which will probably take another couple of weeks to complete at the very least.


    I'm almost certain I will buy a lathe to help some of the reduction work on the Bow Spirit, Mast, Yards, etc. but I will have to wait next month before I move forward with that.

  2. Yippee I have finally completed the Rudder assembly.

    I couldn't believe have much effort was required, took much longer to complete than I thought it would.


    I'm pleased to report the rudder does rotate on the hinges a  little bit and looks OK to the untrained eye but I know the workmanship leaves a lot to be desired.


    It took many attempts to get some photos I could post.







  3. I have completed the gun deck planking, except for the part which has to be planked after the gun port strips have been fitted and the bulkhead supports have been removed.





    I have also fitted the 4 off stern extension pieces.



    Finally I had over faired the top section of the first three bulkheads. I noted this at the time, before the bulkheads were glued in position. I did try to get some replacement parts from Victory Models / Amati without any luck which is very disappointing. Perhaps I have been spoil by the tremendous customer service from Caldercraft with regard to obtaining replacement parts. In the end I had to glue some additional strips and fair again as necessary.





    Once I'm happy with the fairing I will start looking at fitting the gun port strips.


    Build Index - hyperlinks

    1. Prework - dry fitting bulkheads

    2. Beading Line and Rabbet

    3. Lower Gun Deck Fittings

    4. Grating Assembly

    5. Dry Fit Main Gun Deck and Fitting

    6. Gun Deck Fitting  Prework

    7. Lower Gun Deck Glued and Pinned

    8. Pre Gun Deck Planking Work

    9. Start of Gun Deck Planking

    10. Gun Deck Opening Cleared During Planking

    11. Gun Deck Planking Work In Progress

    12. Gun Deck Planking & Fairing

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