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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi everyone Majellan's progress continues along, slowly. I have been painting the superstructure, rubbing down in-between coats. You'd be hard pressed to notice, though; judging by the close up photos. Admittedly, the lighting and the accumulation of the dust from recent sanding, etc does tend to show-up in the close-up photos. I swear that she looks good from 10 metres away (LOL). Anyhow, as you can see from the photos, I've done the staircases connecting the main deck, bridge deck and the sun deck. I've also done a bit more work on some of the deck furniture, e.g. large settees on the aft of the bridge deck and the settee on the aft of the main deck. Lots of fun stuff to go, including continuing to improve on the paint job! Enjoy! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Mark Congrats on reaching this milestone. A rest is very well deserved, as far as I'm concerned! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Pier Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have many, many more to come! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Hamilton Good luck with your ship. You've chosen really well, because the Bluenose is one hell of a looker. Mind if I follow along? Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Hakan Congratulations! Definitely very nicely done, because she's a beauty and 'fit for purpose', especially with the candle lit. Nice job. Can you give us a hint about your next model? Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Denis She's looking really great. Gotta love Trawlers, like this one, Denis! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Piet Good to hear about your back. I'd hate to lose my mobility, even for a short while; so I can just imagine how you feel. However, keeping all of us in suspense about your new project, is grossly unfair!!! Didn't your mother teach you never to keep secrets????? Cheers and all the very best! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Frank Congratulations on reaching the milestone. Tis a good feeling, for sure! The frames look awesome, as well. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Nenad If that's only 'playing around', please send it to me. I can make use of it, that's for sure!! Cheers Patrick
  10. Well done, Igor! She's looking really good, especially with the masts stepped (albeit temporarily). I like it! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi John Nice work! I hope your health issues are definitely behind you now. All the best Patrick
  12. Hi Mehmet Boy, you work fast!!! Love the hull She's going to be another one of your masterpieces, for sure. I'm in. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Frank. I'm glad you took my advice, because that glass is very well deserved! Hi Denis. Many thanks! I'll keep the wooden bits varnished, but the white superstructure and black hull badly needs some TLC, because they're as rough as guts. I just find it hard to paint anything because I love doing all the fiddly bits more, at the moment. Hi Elijah. Many thanks and I really appreciate your support! Hi Greg. Thanks! I'm the same as you. I'd love to lounge around on-deck as well. A nice cocktail, great company and a sunset cruise would be just wonderful! Hi Mark. Thanks....I'm just as worried as you are! I love doing the interior work so much, that the painting has been neglected; that's for sure. I need to pry myself away from the internal work and concentrate on the surface painting and finish...! Thanks Bob. I really appreciate your comments and I always look forward to hearing from you (as I do every other MSW member). All the vey best, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Vaddoc I'm in! By the way, I agree with you...there's no such thing as an 'ugly' wooden boat! Cheers and I can't wait until the sawdust starts flying. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  15. Hi Frank I take my hat off to you! Unbelievable patience and precision, to put it lightly. As a general comment, the average layman has no clue as to the large amount of skill and dedication that our hobby entails. Just looking at your tutorial is enough to explain why this is the case. Afterall... Every cut needs to be precise. Every joint needs to be clean. Every move needs to be pre-planned. And that's just for ONE frame....and, you've got heaps more to go! Top stuff! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi everyone and thanks for all of your Likes, especially Elijah, Greg, Nils and Denis for their most recent compliments. So far, I've managed to do a bit more work on the fit-out of Majellan's Bridge-deck lounge, as you'll see from some of the photos. While it may not be immediately obvious from the photos, I've also started to do some of the Bridge Deck's deck furniture that'll sit on the deck; namely a curved settee with black cushions as well as the large white lounges at the very aft of the deck, upon which all the beautiful girls are supposed to be sunning themselves! Still heaps of work to go. Nothing's glued in yet. In fact, I've hardly paid much attention to the paintwork at all. One day, I'll get around to finishing the sanding and puttying! One day... Have a great week, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Glenn Marvellous, marvellous, marvellous. From someone who can't even bend a wire straight, let alone solder it, you have my upmost respect! Cheers Patrick
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