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Posts posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Started to fit out the rear boom. Interesting that on the bottom of the boom there is a block and tackle setup that apparently goes nowhere. I seem to recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it is a tensioner to help prevent hogging of the boom itself.


    In the Penobscott Marine Museum there is a schooner model with the same setup, belaying to the jaws.




  2. So now it's time to make the water base. Start by making off the edges to where you want them to be, and scoop some spackle onto the base.




    Then smear it sort of evenly over the surface. no need to be neat about it.



    Unfortunately, the next step photo didn't come out. You put on a vinyl glove and slightly wet it. The tap on the spackle to make a wave pattern. If you don't like it, wipe it off and do it again. when you're happy with it, wrap the hull in saran wrap and press into the wet spackle. This photo is the result. Let it dry


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