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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thanks Mike, even thinking a head to the weather deck - fix all the little bits like ammo lockers etc etc then paint all over first or leave them off paint / mask for the other colour then paint then fit the smaller parts - keeping the seperate build assemblies built and painted as su assemblies - lots of options.... OC.
  2. Little confesion - during doing the decking pieces I managed to dislodge one of the stairs - yep it got crushed, but I was able to bend the handrails back and re glue it in place. OC.
  3. Thanks Mark, I will be honest - when I cut the wood section/s from the sheet and looked at it, I thought "no way wil I fit that in there" thats what made me come up with the idea to cut it into sections. OC.
  4. Evening all, I think I have recovered my little problem - I used my wood decking I was able to cut the strips down to fit around the frame work, then instead of peeling the backing paper off - I glued them down using PVA - that allowed me some time to move them around, I also added a few washes of watery PVA on top to seal them in. OC.
  5. Think I have done a boo boo but its too late to do anything about it - that area under the top mid shaip area - Should have been planked even have it in my wood decking pieces but can't get in there now "blobby heck"...... OC.
  6. Thanks mate, I should just about be able to airbrush them if I "Carefully" control the airbrush end close to the gap. OC.
  7. For anyone who gets this kit - watch out for the Two pieces that are shown in the pics above - they are the the side bulkheads but in the model are about 2mm wide and no real way of getting a secure bond at the one end hence why it looks like it has dropped - when its on the hull its not too bad as I can push it all down to lign up. OC.
  8. Evening all, so I tackled the inside painting sitution - I was able to to get a fine brush inside and paint the areas AP507A, next I had a go at "Little Land" PE - first was to fit Four ladders, they cut away from the fret quite easy as the PE is quite thin, I used my normal mode for bending - hold in place with tweezers and bend with my knife blade then tiny bit of CA using some fine wire - then placed. OC.
  9. I will just have to give it a go or use one of my fine brushes, I wanted to fix it down as the Two edges that were glued on were so delicate and I could see them breaking off. I went on the Hood official website and found out the info regarding the lower deck under the boat deck - they say it was not wood, so I thought that makes it easier, always a problme with fine delicate kits. OC.
  10. Yep I hear you Mike, lots of instructions to "Drill hear cut that" but no wording to say if its needed and why? and I agree with the PE there are a seperate set of instructions to use, guess we need both instructions out at the same time to cross reference between them. OC.
  11. Hi Craig, hope thanks giving is going well for you and the family, yep thought I would make a start on her, yep I brought the delux kit and got a discount from the same seller to have the wood deck sent with it, I think I will be ok with the upper in place as I understand the deck below the upper was painted Dark Grey/Semtex or similar, and the wood deck fits in front on the forecastle area and ontop under the boats, so my Idea is to add all the small parts / ladders etc first then I will prime and AP507A Dark Grey all over and inside the lower deck (from where I can get it to spray in there) In an Ideal world I should have got the Flyhawk mask - but I was not aware of it when I brought the kit, so for the painting the upper deck Corticene / Semtex I will probably brush paint the Corticene on as I would imagine It would not have been really smooth, that way I can carefuly cut in around the fittings and possibly put a fine tape strip down for a straight edge. Well that the plan. OC.
  12. Superb work Alan, that dusting sure makes a difference - loving what you are doing. OC.
  13. Evening all, did a bit more this evening - I put the rest of the inner roof supports, then Two side pieces were fitted - very delicate work, then I glued the main section down onto the deck. OC.
  14. Evening all, I did abit more on my Hood this eve - firstly I drilled a few port holes (not many) as I want to portray here getting ready for action, should have seen the size of drill bit I needed tiny ....... Then following the instructions it calls for work on the underside of the roof of the main deck - these contain some nice details that need gluing in place. Pic also shows the lovely moulded details on to top of the main deck. OC.
  15. You know mate - I can't wait till you start your mast work on this (I know you will) if your building so far has anything to go by it will be superb. OC.
  16. I too use Masters to clean my brushes after every use and often inbetween different colours - helps to keep their spring back and shape. OC.
  17. Evening all, I got some good progress done this eve - nothing really to explain except the props and rudder are now fitted - quite straight forward, this completes the hull it will just need priming then putting a side. OC.
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