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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 2 minutes ago, Roger Pellett said:

    If they sell Dulcote in the UK, buy a can.  


    The reason  for brush painting the top coats is  not all the figures needs to be flat  - areas like the swords, hat plates, Cuirrasier   helmet details  and cuirasses breast plates need to stay shiny.

    But thanks for the heads up.



  2. "Why do flat clear coats have to be a pain in the neck  and bain of my life"?


    Evening all  -  yep that subject again  -  I have been trying in vain to flat the finish of my Vallejo Acrylic paints  uisng a  bottle of Vallejo Matt  clear top coat varnish  - tried everything  - thinned it using distilled water 40/60  as  suggested,   applied it in thin coats  allowing drying time before re applying,   even added some Vallejo  Matt Medium  as this is supposed to dull  Vallejo items  like paint and top coat  - still no good  the paintwork is  refusing to dry anything but a satin finish.

    I understand certain paint colours of Vallejo  tend to stay a satin colour depsite being a matt paint  - namely red and blue  (something about the pigments)



  3. Evening all,    some more progress today  - I have decided to place a few KGL 5th  Light infantry  in my dio, thease were sent down along with the 5th Line regiment  to bolster the members deffending the Farm,  they differed from the Line regiment as they did mot wear back packs,   the figures I have are un shaped on thier backs ready to take the back packs,  so I have had to do some shaping  to put some extensions of thier belts,   quite a fiddly job requiring scraping the backs to form belt lines.

    After priming with Vallejo Black surface primer  I then started with the Red layers (this has been darkened with dark Brown to make it more brick Red than bright Red)    then I painted on the Off White belts including one in dark Brown.


    Time consuming but steady  trying not to mess them up,





  4. 1 hour ago, Edwardkenway said:

    Looking at your French troops I now remember why I always used to let the French win my childhood battles,  as they often did till they met Wellesley's army!

    Inspiring painting OC, makes me want to get back into wargaming and figure painting 😏

    You should my friend  - its a great way of  killing time  hours just float away while I'm at the table  - also you dont need much room.



  5. 27 minutes ago, VTHokiEE said:

    Small update - the un-rigged cannons are finished.



    Now onto breeching lines - I took one look at the small blocks for the side tackle and decided to save those for later 😬.

    Thats looking super -  some times the cannons can look too large for the deck - but not with yours  they look really nice, sh eis coming on fine.



  6. Enter embarresed emoji  - i used to  have Two  magnifier  glass units  - now I have  none,    my own stupid fault  the Superglue I used ran all over the lower lens and ruined it.


    Anyway with the money back off my clear coat and added a couple more pounds I was able to order a multi optovisor  arriving later today.



  7. 22 minutes ago, Louie da fly said:

    OC, I'm gobsmacked by the quality of the paintwork on your figures. My dromon oarsmen are pretty much the same scale as yours, but the paintwork on mine is much more basic and plain - I haven't the skill to do the kind of shading you've done.


    (OTOH you didn't have to carve all yours! :P)


    BTW, I don't know if anybody's mentioned it before, and at the risk of sending you off on another tangent, have you read "Death to the French" by C. S. Forester? It's a novel about a rifleman who gets separated from his unit during the British withdrawal to the Torres Vedras in the Spanish campaign, and lives off the land fighting the French until their retreat as the British advance, and he is able to rejoin his unit. Fictional (apparently) but with fascinating period detail of what it must have been like to serve as a rifleman at the time.

    Thank you kindly for the compliments  ( after looking at them under higher magnification I can see many flaws that will need sorting)  its that well know situation  - the more you zoom in the more errors we find.

    I will have to hunt out these reads  - to be honest Im mot much of a reader  - im ok with technical books  - used to love the Janes series  of  Warship  books.



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