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Everything posted by harvey1847

  1. Pretty clever indeed! I did not realize how big is the cross section to 1:32 till I have seen it on your Knees!! It´s BIG Big BIG... Regards. Daniel.
  2. Hello All! I am Still Staying Alive (Bee Gees). I have run out of wood cutting the frames so I have decided to ask for some more. Due to the delivery of it is always expensive I have decided to order much more. I have wasted 8 sheets (988x70x5mm) to cut out more or less 40 (double frames). I will ask not just only to finish the frames but for the decks, carlings, ledges, pillars, planking, hatches… I have printed out some of the clue plans just to study them and see the timber I have to order. I am trying to realize the “real” measures of the wood so I´ve been translating millimeters to inches and then multiplying them by 2.54cm. Really fun stuff. I have to decide the timber I ask for. I think that I´ll copy the timbers that Rusty used. Boxwood for the bulwarks, interior and exterior, Holly for the five planks under the wales, Boxwood again for the planking of the decks. Cherry for the deck beams and the Knees, Blood wood for the hatches. I am kind of loose here so any help with the woods you guys have used would be really appreciate…!!! I´ll take care of the dimensions of the wood I have to used. I will probably ask you more about this. Best wishes to all and thanks in advance. Daniel.
  3. HU HA! (Chimo Bayo) Welcome to the Dark side of the moon! Sometimes I think about doing the cross section, maybe I should do this first instead of going through the tough way but now it´s too late for me... Welcome aboard and best wishes! Daniel.
  4. Hello Jerry! Glad to see your log back. I love this ship. Who Knows if one day... Excellent jig. I will copy it in next projects. Regards. Daniel.
  5. WOW!! Is the first time in my life that I see the building of a ship out of cowbones! I have seen them at the museums of course but I´ve never seen a model step by step. Amazing job and very good explanations. Where you get from all the bones? How you treat them to get them so clean to start to cut? Do you boiled them? Best wishes! Daniel.
  6. Glad to see more post here Paul ! I guess that working with the plastic sheets somehow it is like working with real steel. Do you simulate the weld seam with putty or is this "too much"? Always a pleasure to watch your updates. And there is a 1:100 Bismark around as well... Regards. Daniel.
  7. Welcome aboard Martin! There is lots of good logs here to learn from. Best wishes! Daniel.
  8. Welcome back! Wang, Randy and you are the only ones that actually complete the whole hull... Best wishes! Daniel.
  9. USS United States? arround 1812...?
  10. Welcome aboard Antony! Good Luck! Did you ask for the timber allready. Maybe your friend has some nice wood in his workshop... and lots of machines to get familiar with. I am willing to have my own workshop with lots of wood, oils, jars, botles and that special smell of a carpenter´s room. Best wishes! Daniel.
  11. Really nice Larry! Another Blacksmith in the house. What kind of torch did you use to make them? Is just me or all of us arround use glasses or lens for the hobby?... Cheers! Daniel.
  12. Gaps?! Is that a joke? Am I missing something? Really nice work. Sharp and clean. Nice pictures. Happy Saturday. Daniel.
  13. Way to go Muggle! Nice color of the pear timber. Is it enough dry? Good work. Best wishes! Daniel.
  14. Keep going Bob! I can not imagine to cut all the frames just using a jeweler saw... good work and good hands. I would chisel a little bit more the rabbet on the keel. It´s just a sugestion. Best wishes! Daniel.
  15. Nice work Ron! I´ve seen do not Know where that they used to put a rod with a pair of sticks to remove the limber boards. Would be a nice detail. Regards. Daniel. Cutting and cutting patterns...
  16. Excelent model Rusty, Congratulations! I´ll copy the different wood you used for sure in another ship. Back to the future! Daniel.
  17. Hello Guy! When I started this Practicum back in 2011 I did make lots of research and studied the plans and everything. I drawed lots of sketches just to explain myself how the hull would work. Then I realized that we are working with plans that are just for this task. An "easy" way to start with the POF scratch. No rising wood, no filling pieces, no diminishing strakes... So I made a decision: Stick to the plans. It is up to us to improve them and add more and more details according to our skills. Believe me, this practicum is far way beyond from where I was especting as a beginer in 2011. Best wishes. Daniel. The sketches are just that. As you can see there´s not rising wood at all. The sketches are some "thinking" and might be wrong . It´s up to the moderators to erase this post.
  18. Very nice keel Aldo! On pic "DSC01236.JPG" did you bevel the stem already? Ya es Viernes! Daniel.
  19. AND HE IS BACK!! Thanks mugglezhong and Wangsu of course. The pics speak by themselves and there´s a lot more of the starting of the hull than in the old MSW.1.0. Thanks for that. Keep the info coming Wang! Are you actually building another ship? Best wishes Wang and thanks again to mugglezhong to put you in contact with us again. Daniel.
  20. Way to go Doc! When I started cutting with the scroll saw I put lots of space between all the different patterns. Now I fulfil the timber much more in the way you do. It takes me like half hour to glue all the pieces together to the 1000x80mm wood but it is worth the effort. Then with the disc sand I can fair the piece very accurate. Good luck. Daniel.
  21. Beautyful boats indeed! I like the woods you used, specially the white planking. Cheers. Daniel.
  22. Congrats Ed! One hundred! Must be a "Titanic" effort for you to rebuild your log but it is a HUGE inspiration for all of us. If I am here on MSW is in someway because your build log. I remember the first time I saw it back in 2011 and it trapped me. THANK YOU Sir. Daniel.
  23. Defetnetly Kingfisher 1 - Annapolis nil ! I am with Mark, Now I´m thinking and thinking how the hek he made such a beatiful master piece!! Best wishes! Daniel.
  24. cHEERS!! Pretty sure you will do the fairing fine. Good work. Keep going! Daniel.
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