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Everything posted by harvey1847

  1. Congratulations Rusty!! It has been a pleasure to follow your log since the begining. Beautyful model. What´s going to be next?? Best wishes! Daniel.
  2. Beautiful picture Aldo! It really catch the effort you´ve done so far. I like the battens you have put on too. Now start the fun job for you!! Best wishes. Daniel.
  3. GOOOD Luck! Wellcome aboard! Nice log you have and nice board too. I wouldn´t go with the ebony for the wales unless you have worked already with it and it´s a "familiar wood" for you. It´s pretty tricky to work with. Allways tents to break when try to bend it. It´s my opinion ofcourse... Best wishes! Daniel.
  4. Great Work Paul! Allways enjoy your updates... It looks that you have a small industry there. Are you going to build to plan all of them? Best wishes. Daniel.
  5. Congrats! You finally did it! Took me twice to do my stern deadwood. Have you glued the keelson to the deadwood? I wouldn´t do that till all the cant frames were glue in place... It´s my opinion anyway. This book has helped me a lot. http://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Nelsons-Ships-Nepean-Longridge/dp/0870210777/ref=pd_sim_b_7.I bought two years ago following EdT´s advice. Best wishes! Daniel.
  6. I will copy that idea about the Isopropyl on my note book and keep it forever. Really nice idea! Thanks for share that with us. Excellent! Daniel.
  7. GüAU! (spanish translation for WOW) ... Love the work you made on the orlop beams! I need a SherLine mill or some thing to go to such a kind of detail. How you did it? Did you use a mill for that? Regards. Daniel.
  8. I love your films and your sense of humor Robert! I have seen all your post from page one to seven once again, superb... absolutly superb. Best wishes and happy summer. Daniel.
  9. As Mark says " ... the wood is patience" so take it easy. I am at the same stage and I´m enjoing every single one of them. Best wishes! Daniel.
  10. Thanks Richard! I´ll go with that idea. Have you thought about plaster the bottom? Taped it with some sticky tape, don´t Know. Thanks again. Daniel.
  11. Sorry to disagree with you Ron. I do like the pics. The model has somehow "spirit". There is not need allways to be so neat and clean. When you see pictures of the old ships like in the book of Lambert "The last sailing fleet" (Conway, I think) all the interiors look rusty with hundreds of lays of paint, different sizes of wood, kind of dirty... I like the contrast of the taint woods and the unpainted on your Triton. Looks real. Best wishes! Daniel. P.S. http://www.amazon.com/books/dp/0851775918 (I got mine for 20€ in a book shop at Madrid., Did not realize the prize of if till now!!! Amazing...)
  12. Nice Jig Saturn! How did you glue the metal to the bottom. I used epoxi but how you did it? I guess there must be another method for that. Can you show a picture from the bottom of the first piece of wood. The one that goes on the table. Regards. Daniel.
  13. AND HE´S BACK!! Wellcome aboard again! Hope you find your old pics!! if you do not.. Take some of the full hull and post them. Glad to see your log back again. Daniel.
  14. You forgot to wear a Hat... Being from Colorado and not wearing one is a shame Richard. I spent a year in Mesa Verde back in ´92 studying the 12th grade at Cortez HS. Really nice State. The "interlocking things" (really funny term) are call SCARPHS. There´s hundred different types. They use tu tar the joint and caulk it. You´ll see there´s people arround that simulate this using white glue with black ink, or black pater o just a soft black pencil. If I were you I would make first, either the stem or the stern with the cant frames and then go for the whole thing working from the extremes to the middle. Best wishes! Daniel.
  15. Good Work Richard. Are you gonna make a jig or something or are you going to go for a log like Ed´s. I mean not using a jig but just a surface with the plan plotted and glued to a piece of wood and use squares to put the frames in place? I´ll keep watching! best wishes. Daniel.
  16. Thanks Gary. Looking the pics again with all that cabins, store rooms, passages, ventilation .... WOW! The complex of detailing just one deck is enormous. Two years demonstrated this. Thanks for sharing that plans. My next build will be a 74 but I guess I´ll have, at least, to wait four years more. First things first. And I am enjoying the Triton a lot. Best wishes. Daniel.
  17. Happy Birthday for yesterday Gary! Always following your log. On the post #94 on pics P1230020.JPG (the plan) and the P8240070.JPG, the space between the cabins and the frames is it supposed to be the "carpenter´s walk"? Does it go all the way from the stern to the stem? Here´s a Spanish 74 of the same period. The narow passage is clearly seen. It was used to check possible damages under the water line during combat actions. I was just corious about it. Beautyful work. Daniel.
  18. Really nice tool! Congratulations. I remember being at Lisbon, Portugal, and I found a shop were they were selling squares of that size for less than one euro... Silly me that I only bought one. It´s been with me for almost ten years and It works really well. Maybe I´ll go to Lisbon again and ask for ten or fifty of them just to share... Cheers. Daniel.
  19. Excellent Work Bob with the treenailing! How I wish to get to that point of the building with my Triton. Did you use again the Byrnes drawplate or it is another brand. Looks like I´ll have to spend 50 bucks on mine. (25$ for the draw plate plus 25$ for the shipping from USA to Spain!) Does anybody Know if I can get the Byrnes one here in Europe? UK? Germany? Spain? Best wishes Bob! Daniel.
  20. Absolutly Amazing! Some pictures look like an authentic witchcraft job... Do not understand how you change from 2D to 3D. Can you explain us this a little bit. On other thing, Are you able from the model in 3D to get a full set of plans to make her for real? The question might be pretty obvious but I only work in 2D and I´m not familiar with the 3D stuff. Best wishes Shipwrigt! Daniel.
  21. Hello Guy! We do not have BBQ here... we make the bbq on the floor at the garden using Quercus robur or holm oak, there´s lots of them arround. With the chips of wood and I have a few,,, I prefer to recycling them by composting the whole thing with all the leftys of the cooking. Here is a pic of the fashion timbers, the wales, whatever when I was doing the stern.: Cheers from Soria (Spain) Daniel.
  22. Helloo Guy! Here´s a good video with a pretty good faniliar music of the Great Museum of Madrid. I did enjoy the one in barcelona but this one is bigger an nicer. HU HA! You´re going to overtake me with your log!! really nice frames! Best wishes and happy modelling! Daniel.
  23. Excellent Cabrapente! I like the different tools you make yourself. I copied you the one to make the rabet and certainly I´ll keep the pic about how to chisel the wood to make the blocks. Good hands and eyes... Best wishes. Daniel.
  24. Now I see the thing! I thought you made the bracket out of two pieces. Now I do understand the way you did it. Another sticky topic!! Good work. Daniel.
  25. Hi again! Here´s where I am now... ALL the frames cut out. How I miss the laser cut bulkheads of plywood of the comercial kits!!!! And all set to be sand and glue together. Happy modeling! Daniel.
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