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Posts posted by harlequin

  1. This model is on my build list....I have a fascination with Franklin’s mission to find the north west passage and the disaster that ensued....your build is looking good and don’t get to hung up over mistakes, we all make them, it is the only way we learn.....show me a man who has never made a mistake and I will show you a man who has never lived....keep up the good work.

  2. 5 hours ago, Thunder said:

    I wasn't surprised to find that there would be persons from many different backgrounds and nationalities on the ship, after all Matthew Cabot was Italian and we had been trading with Africa and Asia for hundreds of years. Evidence from the Vikings shows this.


    I hated the program. It could of been excellent but as usual these days it was produced to fuel certain persons agendas with little regard to history. I hate any prejudism and positive is just as poor. The outcome of the whole program was obvious from the start when the program's second sentence was to the effect of that it would be great if the persons on board were black. His last sentence of the program was that he had spent his whole career trying to prove that  persons of African origin were living in Britain during Tudor times. Hardly makes him unbiased. The scientific evidence was not much better. I was doing the deck planking on cruiser by this time so may of missed it but most of us have African origin in our DNA it is usually very low but we did all descend from the same people. So when the first tests suggested British they dug deeper. Finding the descendants of Grenville was the same, the excited little dance when one of possible hundreds of people found was a woman.


    It didn't say much for facial reconstruction techniques either did it. How wrong were they the first time!!


    Can't say I am surprised with the program but then it wouldn't of been aired if the results were different. 


    I suppose, taking the risk to speak about what I thought of it will make people think I am prejudiced my self but I am not. Just would like History to be researched properly and not be bent to the demand of modern thinking. But I suppose history has always been written that way. 

    tend to agree with a lot of what you say, and the personal agendas were blatantly obvious. As to whether it would have been shown if the results were different, not sure about that but again I probably agree with you on that also. You are not prejudiced in the way you think or what you say.  

  3. Just watched a fascinating documentary of the Mary Rose and the DNA samples taken from several of the remains found on the ship after it was brought up from the Solent....it now transpires that fighting along side the English on board ship that day were at least two crewmen whose origins were from North Africa and from Italy and Spain..  Tudor England was more diverse than we realise.


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