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Posts posted by harlequin

  1. well its amazing how suddenly a model seems to change character and start to resemble a finished product....not that I am anywhere near that yet but there is a little chink of light that seems to be emanating from the end of the tunnel. Will post some pics later of progress...a lot of niggly little bits have been added which helps. The hull is slowly getting there.

  2. morning old boy.....you are just like me....not satisfied with one build on the go......I have bits all over....it is a wonder I can find them all.....my Bellona is very slowly coming together now......good to see a sub on the menu.........I went the other way...upwards...as I was a paratrooper in my youth.

  3. second planking now complete......needs a few tiny fill in pieces and a repair veneer to the front bow keel where I dropped it and snapped it off....Bellona has become somewhat battered and is full of tiny marks where it has been scratched and banged but I think it adds to the character of the ship. A final sanding down is all that is required now. Included a pic of my revamped work space....shows several minicraft drills and power tools. 





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