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Everything posted by Shipyard sid
Hello max
Info for you.... before you fit the main and fore match in position go to plan sheet nine. Main mast, Then plan ten for fore mast
See the upper jeer blocks. ( I )Fit them in position now. Fit the thread onto the jeer block.
Go to the side elevation (right Hand side of the drawing) and you will see
how the rigging on the block runs under the tops. ( platform ) then fits onto the V shaped rigging thread which runs around the mast about 4 or 5 times. Fit the V shaped thread to the mast as shown.
next fit the rigging thread from the jeer block to the V shaped thread.
The jeer block should hang about a. Quarter of an inch below the tops (platform). The instruction in the manual tell you to fit the jeer blocks a lot later on in the build which is not easy at all.
The lower jeer block as you know is fitted to spar, and the blocks will be joined up when the spar is fitted. Also notice the jeer blocks ( upper and lower ) on the drawing are both upside down on the drawing. The drawing is wrong. Let me know if you don’t understand. Regards DAVID
Greeting from England
My friend has had a clean out in the house, and came across this photo of the Endeavour( replica ) sailing into Whitby Harbour, it looks like the photo was taken in about 1997. The photo is in perfect condition and is laminated. Knowing you are building the Endeavour, I thought you might want the picture. I do not want anything for the photo, but I will post it to you if you tell me. The size of the photo is 24 inches x 17 inches and I think it will look excellent framed, especially behind your Ship. Just let me know. Best regards DAVID. Shipyard Sid . Here’s a few photos.
Hello David,
I want to get over to Whitby to see the Museum there, have a good look about the area.
The photo looks quiet realistic doesn't it.
As for your offer to send the photo over, thank you very much.
I'm not sure how I'm going to display the finished ship ? Been through a few moments, nothing definite.
Not sure what it costs to send a 24x17 inches size ? to Australia. Would you roll it up into a cylinder ?
If it doesn't cost much, be happy to get it. If a lot, I would send money to you somehow.
27 Ashford Street
Australia 4017
Many Thanks
David Row
Greetings Dave
I have sent you the photo in a cylinder as you presumed. There is also a small guide from an exhibition I went to see in the British library in London a few month ago, which was about Cooks voyages.You should receive the post before Xmas as the last posting date for Australia from the UK is Monday10th. Forget about the postage it’s no problem.The photo looks like it taken around 1997. Anyway it’s on its way. Have a cracking Xmas.
Best regards . DAVID
So I can understand clearly, ( as I am a bit thickish) can you tell me we’re you are ( not somerset !!! ) in the rigging manual (page number) and which plan sheet you are using now regarding the leech lines. Regards
Good morning, lol I'm in Somerset
I'm doing the fore mast lower yard with the 3 smaller blocks either side, the lines come from the tie off points through the mast top aft, then through the forward blocks and to the blocks on the yard its self, they don't go any further unless sails are attached, they just look like a knot has been tied on the line to prevent it being pulled back through hope you and family are OK?
Hello Kevin
Seems something went wrong with my posts. Was not not sure what you meant by a knot stopping the rope pulling back through the block.
I am with you now, leech lines running under the top and through the double blocks to belay on rail b29 or b30. Keeping my eye on you in case you revert back to plastic !!!!!. LOL. Onward to the coils !!!! Just keep enjoying it. Best regards DAVID
Hello Yon
How are you. It’s a long time since I had seen you on MSW. I hope you are keeping well. I myself have only just returned and restarted my HMS. Diana after a long period. My wife passed away 3 years ago and I more or less stopped my build, but I have been told by friends over and over again that I should restart my build, as that is what she wanted me to do before she passed away. It would be nice if you just have a look around MSW now and then and add a few likes and comments. I miss the Victory build days, and it would be nice to see you back on your build and I could pull up a chair to watch your progress. Come on blow the dust off it. You take care, best regards DAVID
Hello Dkuehn
I have just been looking through your log and the ship is looking good. I go to see the replica of the Golden Hind in London about once every two month when I go down to see the Cutty Sark, and visit the national maritime museum. I know it’s a bit late now, but here are a few photo showing along the hull. It’s hard to take photos of her as she is always surrounded with visitors. Maybe they will help with any painwork you do. Regards DAVID