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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I wasn't happy with the skylight, so it has been removed. Along with that I decided to finalize the planking before structures came into place. Planking is coming along nice, but slowly. I followed the plans and added two planks 3/32" x 3/32" under the bowsprit. After five planks out from center, it was time to add the 3/16" wide piece. There is no support for the piece, where it is pointy so I added a strip under the deck plank to prevent is from falling inside the hull. This is what I did after the 3/16" wide piece. In order to continue planking there is no support for the 3/32" butting up. So I added another strip under the deck for this matter. The deck planks hasn't been sanded so they are still rough and un-even. It's getting time for me to get some nibbing experience.
  2. Gil, I like that you are turning the Dragon into a modern sailing boat. The winch is exceptional beautiful.
  3. Gil, The Dragon is coming together very nicely. I like the varnish. Very classic.
  4. The ladder in the companion way looks real good, and you are right that lighter color for the steps are needed.
  5. Rich, I know when building our ships we need contrasting wood to show details, even though I presume a ladder (on a real ship) most likely would had been built using the same material all through out. However that ladder looks nice.
  6. I have sent several emails to Crown, without any replies. Running a small business like this is gutsy itself but when you are not taking care of request and updating, you are very likely to be doomed very quickly. We are now four months in since the sign of "Maintenance" came up. This is sad since we all looked forward having a good replacement source when Jeff pulled the plug. I truly hope nothing serious has happened, and that we will see material available for us again.
  7. Mike, life and work has an ability to take you away from the building table. Currently I have three ships/boats going....... Right now the Bluenose has gotten the attention. I am looking forward following your build of Aquarama
  8. Thomas, your build log will certainly help me further down the road.
  9. Kevin, Very nice planking, that planking will look gorgeous once varnished with oil. Are you to copper the bottom?
  10. Keith, your craftsmanship is amazing. All these small details you are adding, each must feel like a milestone accomplished. Your dedication to this yacht is top of the line!
  11. Rich, even though tiny small items can and are tricky to get there, they truly emphasize the detailing. Some people (spectators) may overlook that part of work, I can tell from my own modeling I know what I have put into my ships. This looks so good.
  12. Floyd, you certainly picked up some pace there, considering all the hours we talked about the gun port area. Looking good.
  13. Just boring pictures, skylight in place and more planking. Although the last plank is not glued into placed.
  14. I have started the planking, it's very different with structures installed prior planking. The planks has to be so cleanly cut prior installing. Sadly the caulking smudges the plank and make the "dirty"
  15. Rich, Did Argus have stern chasers? Looking good with the alternate build.
  16. There are several kind of poplar, but stubbornes found me that the Scandinavian core is the better one. As it ages it will have a very light greyish tone. The grain is easy to work with and makes a very smooth surface. Poplar is very popular for fine detail wood working in Europe. Poplar is a good source of wood for scratch building as for a solid hull. I have the material waiting for such project. Good luck
  17. Mike, I am stunned and don't know what to say........... I am out of word...... I am tryin to learn from you. Beautiful work!
  18. I am back to my Bluenose, build logs will slow down due to personal and family causes, new will follow in this matter... but tonight I got some time with my lady, and one of the deck houses was finally installed. trying to create an old style photo
  19. Doug, Ouch for that crash, but it looks somewhat easy fix, it could had been worse. I know you will fix it!
  20. Svein-Erik, great to see another Syren. I find it interesting and fascinating you're adding the led lights. Good luck and be careful, the Syren has it's traps.
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