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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Mike, The tug is coming together nicely, what specifications is there of the motor provided? Some day I will build the tug, maybe doing a dual shaft. Which could be fun.
  2. Okay, I now have seven planks on each side installed, I can go ahead and finalize the starboard side while waiting for replacement parts from TurkModel. But I decided to stop here, and start working on details for the interior. Even though hardly anything will be visible from the cabin area and I have all time in the world to do these things. I will make the bunks that are supposed to be in there.. And why not do it, the boat is all open, easy access for those things. But most important is to start treating the wood for up-coming varnish. I have during the day dropped an email to the company behind her, hoping something positive will come out from there. Swedish company - my native language - Swedish.
  3. CaptainBob, Where you read "spantdistans", means distance between bulkheads - so right there is a measurement. That "Z" is an old version of todays mm
  4. I rebuild the seating area, so that many more can get comfortable and enjoy the coffee and snacks. It's more like an amphitheater so all of you can get a good view.
  5. Keith, thank you for the comment and yes there are very few frames for such a big boat. Planking is coming along, nothing exciting But here is another planking picture.
  6. Derek, Sometimes they laser cut two items since they have the space, same thing happened with the build of my longboat. There were extra pieces not being used.
  7. Contacted the company behind the real boat for plans of details and motor plans. Hopefully I will get a positive respons in this matter. Planking is coming along nicely. But as for a kit there is a lot of improvements that can be done.
  8. Keith That is an amazing wheel, I will try to replicate the work of yours for my Solo Ruff boat. Problem is that the wheel of mine is even smaller and the brittania metal is damaged. Major Like to your build.
  9. Phil, I am glad to find your build log of the longboat. Just take it easy, don't rush..... (mine took almost three years to complete) And I see another member here as well building the longboat, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
  10. Mike, It's kind of interesting that the two of us are building similar boats, the time era for our boats are the same too. Question: What made you decide for brushed electric motor instead of brushless? Here the latest Commander from Chris Craft I think I prefer the old style.
  11. Once I have six planks installed I will add on with simulated frames, even though they will be below open area floor deck. Everything will be stained/varnished to create the mahogany look of the wood as of the original boat.
  12. At this stage I stopped, it was getting late in the evening, but I diluted titebond glue with some water and applied all over inside of the planks where they were meeting. This created a stronger bond and the planks stopped flexing between the frames. For a 72 cm (28.5 inches) long boat, it uses only 5 frames.
  13. There is a lot of missing instruction for someone who is building this kit for the first time, specially if you don't have any experience. Such as to bevel the strips where they are meeting the bow on the false keel. The first two frames and stern piece has to be beveled to in order to get maximum surface contact. I used the technic of bending the planks only using heat. I didn't use a hairdryer as Chuck does in his instruction video, but a hobby heat gun. Worked like a charm. Adding on with more pictures, some of them really makes this kit look like a monster. With the two halves joined the false keel is 8mm thick, there will be a lot of sanding/trimming and sweating to get a sleek bow.
  14. Mike, Don't be sorry for asking, Better to ask, than being sorry later for having a bad planking.
  15. Very nice planking. Hope you are going to keep it natural. Would be a shame painting her.
  16. Silkjc, It's probably the other way around, to haunt you down when you haven't paid your dues. Besides it's only visible to yourself and staff of NRG's MSW. But that magazine that comes in the mail, it's worth the money. Great articles, history, builds and tricks.
  17. Brian, The membership fee reflects postage and handling, as stated on NRG's website
  18. Ohoh, dry-fitting items are a good thing. Found a production error. On frame 5 and 6 the distance for the plank is off. Frame 5, plank two the gluing surface for the plank is 12.75, plank three the gluing surface for the plank is 17mm. Frame 6, plank two the gluing surface for the plank is 17mm, plank three the gluing surface for the plank is 15mm. With plank four the error is almost as good gone. But I need to create "frames" on the inside for support. This seems to apply to both sides of the hull. If you look closely on port side it is visually obvious as well.
  19. My subscription expired in February, and looking backwards on each issue there is no membership number. And if I am not wrong I remember that my NRG membership is on hold until renewal of subscription. Then I can enter my no.
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