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Good Morning All, Thanks to all who have visited, for the likes and the gracious comments. Much appreciated.

 Not a heck of a lot going on but having fun doing it, just a few pictures showing what';s going on:


The windless with it's poles(is there a proper name for these?)



The next few pictures are showing the process I used to make some demizanas




This one is showing the tools I used



This is showing what I have been mainly busy at this week, making shooter glasses. Normally I wouldn't show this but being we are drinking rum out of these so I thought it was a little nautical. It is a 60th birthday party with a Jamaican theme, hence the colors and Appeltons rum.




Here is the final demizanas, the small one still needs some refinement. They are about 30 and 10 mm tall.




And to end with, I have the port side deck rail installed and the top timbers re-installed. Now onto the starboard side




Thanks again for stopping in and have a Good One


Looking very sweet Don. Clean and crisp. Thanks for showing us how you made the demizanas. Maybe you're hiding the rum in that? :cheers: 




What an interesting way to rail the bow & stern, vertical sticks. Your windlass poles - looks like they might be stained? If yes, what was the wood and stain color?


Good to see some progress again!

Sail on...... Mike         "Dropped a part? Your shoe will always find it before your eyes do"

Current Builds:                                                          Completed Builds:

Xebec Cazador Occre - 1:60                                  US Brig Niagara - Model ShipwaysSection Deck Between Gun Bays - Panart  ; Arrow American Gunboat - Amati    

 Riva Aquarama - Amati                                           T24 RC Tugboat  ;  Hispaniola - Megow - Restoration ; Trajta - by Mikiek - Marisstella ; Enterprise 1799 - Constructo                             



Thanks Ian, the crew was very happy to see them all come on board(6 large and 6 small), so I'm guessing it is something more than olive oil inside them ;)  :P


Hi Mike, Thanks for stooping in. The poles are walnut with just wop applied


Thanks Zoltan, I will keep you in mind when it comes time to open these :)


Thanks Mike. How is your new shop coming?

  • 2 weeks later...

What kind of lathe are you using?  It looks like it is more than just your dremmel, yet it can deal with small pieces of wood.

Excellent work on the model.






Current Build:  

Washington 1776 Galley

Completed Builds:

Pilot Boat Mary  (from Completed Gallery) (from MSW Build)

Continental Boat Providence   (from Completed Gallery)  (from MSW Build)

Continental Ship Independence  (from Completed Gallery)  (from MSW Build)

Rattlesnake   (from Completed Gallery)  (from MSW Build)

Armed Virginia Sloop  (from Completed Gallery)

Fair American (from Completed Gallery)  (from MSW Build Log)


MemberShip Model Society of New Jersey

                  Nautical Research Guild


hey Ken,  Thanks for stopping in. I use the Sherline lathe, and in this case just rasps, files and sandpaper to do the shaping 

  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's been a month and I don't have much to show for it. Thanks to all for stopping in, for your likes and great comments. I bought an android box for my TV and have been wasting too much time watching that, great device but be careful!!:). Here are some pictures of what little I have accomplished:IMG_1970.thumb.jpg.d3c33463a5681931b1f79af3d44f1fb5.jpg
These are the completed demizanas and their rack




This is a before and after shot of the pedestals for the new stand I built. These are some sort of pistons that my favourite son-in-law(my only one) gave to me. I just turned them on the lathe to clean them up and size them, nothing to technical here.



Milling the slot for the keel, this is a piece of rosewood



This is all the pieces, the base is cherry. I drilled out the brass pedestals and epoxied some 1/8" brass pins in



And here it is assembled with four coats of poly. The brass pedestals were given two coats of spray lacquer 



These two pictures are showing the railing installed and the demizanas/rack installed



Here is a shot of one of the supporting posts down in the hold, complete with dust. lol



And this is how she looks this morning


Next up are some breast plates(I think that's what they are called) at the bow and stern then a top rail at the stern. Sorry no bow shots, there is some re-contruction going on that I am really not too proud of:P

Thanks for stopping in and enjoy your day


Ian and Pierre, Thanks for your comments very much appreciated


Thanks Lawrence, great of you to stop by


Hhahahahahaha:D Mike, You got me laughing on that one. I may need to have a cocktail(drink:)) to calm down. Good news about the shop, now to get it set up and back to some hobbies!


Good Morning All, Thanks to everyone for stopping in, for your likes and comments. This a new one for me, two updates in a week, but without my vehicle(another story) shipyard time has increased. I have completed the back rails which I will show in my next post as they aren't attached yet and will complete the breast hooks today as Mike is on edge waiting to see them:D:P. For now I have nailed the companion way and made some cleats from rosewood.



Here I am showing how I mask it to try and get a relatively straight line.



Here are a couple of shots showing holes drilled and nails in place. I used .4 mm nylon fishing line. First side I cut these off using flush cutters then sanded smooth, this side I used a sharp blade to cut off then sanded. The blade worked much better and very little sanding was required, just enough to remove excess glue. Should be noted the companion way had several coats of poly on it to prevent any stains from the ca glue.



 Here are the results, I think the .4 mm fishing line is the right scale and looks good. With a little more practice I may do a deck someday. I also found some light brown .3 mm fishing line that I may do a test section on my Pegasus with. 



Here I'm just showing the steps of making cleats. As you can see they are fairly large about 10 mm so they were fairly easy to make, that's one of the beauties of working at this scale.  The first one is after rough shaping on the Byrnes disc sander and the middle one is after some fine tuning with riffler file the cleat on the right is the kit supplied one. I would not normally spend twenty minutes making a cleat but I only need two so I thought what the heck. As you can see I have two extra ones that I am willing to offer to members here before I list them on ebay :P



Here I'm rough shaping it on the disc sander.The thing off to the right in the picture is a crepe block used to clean the sanding disc, this helps prolong the life of your disc or belt if you have a thickness sander. You can get these at Lee Valley they are cheap and last forever.

 Thanks once more for stopping in and have a good one.



Hey howya goin Don, love the way you did the stand and the ship is coming along beautifully.

I'm probably not going to live long enough to build all these but I'm BLOODY going to try HAHAHA.


Future Builds: The Schooner Bluenose, scale 1:48, POF Scratch Build (Gene Bodnar practicum - Plans from modelshipbuilder.com)

                       HMS Victory, scale 1:64 or 1:48, POF Scratch Build (John McKay's plans)


Current Builds: 42ft Longboat Armed for War 1834, scale 1:36 POF Scratch Build (Plans from A.N.C.R.E.) 

                        Galley Washington 1776, scale 1:48, POF Scratch Build (NRG's Plans)

                        Ragusian Carrack, scale 1:59, POB kit (MarisStella)

                        King of the Mississippi, scale 1:80, POB Kit (Artesania Latina)

                        HMS Snake 1797, 18 Gun Sloop of War, scale 1:64, POB Kit (Jotika/CalderCraft)


Current Build: Stage Coach 1848, scale 1:10, Kit (Artesania Latina) Shhh don't tell the Admins I'm building this I'll hide it here ^under this line^ so they don't see it HAHAHA.




Hello Eddie, Thanks so much for stopping in and for the compliment 


Thanks B.E. and Blighty, I appreciate you guys stopping in


Good morning all, Thanks to all those who have stopped by, left likes and/or comments.

 Just a small update. Some progress such as nailing the main rail(with .4 nylon fishing line) was a bit of a waste of time. I was so happy with the results on the companion way I thought I would do more of it not realising it would be lost in the dark grain of the walnut. Although it may look like what a house fly may have left behind the nails can be seen(if you really look close) on some of the close ups. Breast hooks, knightheads and the aft rail were also completed, I replaced the kit supplied walnut with rosewood for these. Another detail that is hard to notice is the rope used to tie the hatch lids together. I finally put my Syren serving machine together and decided to serve some line for the first time and give it a try. The line served is just normal sewing thread and I used the same thread for the serving, the final rope measures approximately .5 mm and again you have to look real close:)



An eye was seized in one end of rope then the other end pulled through and tied off with a couple of half hitches 


Take Care and Thanks for stopping in.


Your boat is looking very nice! The rope work looks very realistic. 



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


You're going to be sorry to finish this labour of love Don. Thanks for posting these pictures of your beautiful work.



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