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HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Glenn-UK - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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she is looking very nice indeed, well done

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32 minutes ago, Glenn-UK said:

Thanks Kevin, hopefully you'll return to your Indy before too much longer.

so do I, she is only about 10 foot away, ill get this Occre hull built up and stable and get her back on the table within a week

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Topgallant Yards & Driver Boom

Over the last few days I have added the three topgallant yards and the driver boom. I just have to add the driver gaff before moving on to completing all the yard rigging. I am not sure when I will be able to do this as my wife and I have grandparent duties over the next couple of days but hopefully this will be completed by early next week.


Please see a couple of photos of the current build status. The Indy is massive compared to the IJN Yamato and the incomplete Speedy.


In the next photo I have shown the parrel beads and topgallant yard tye where the topgallant yard (mizzen) is secured to the mast.


The next photo shows the belaying of the tyes. As can be seen in the next photo the belaying is via a two block arrangement. One block is secured to the end of the tye. The other block is secured to the platform via an eyebolt. The free end of the inter-block rigging is belayed to one of the topsails shroud cleats.


I went about adding the driver boom as follows.


I started by adding the boom topping lifts to the driver boom and then feeding them through the two single blocks located on the rear of the mizzen platform. Next I added the parrel beads to secure the driver boom to the mizzen mast. Next the boom sheet rigging was added. Once that was completed I then added the double blocks to the end of the boom topping lifts. Another pair of single blocks were seized, complete with a hook on one end. These blocks were then hooked to eyebolts located next to the mizzen mast and the inter-block rigging was then added. The final task was to add the guy pendants.


The photo below shows the driver boom secured to the mast with the parrel beads. 


The next photo shows the boom sheet rigging.


The next photo shows the boom topping lifts being fed through the platform blocks.


Next photo shows the belaying of the boom topping lifts.


The final two photos shows the guy pendant rigging, noting only one side has been completed so far. The excess thread has not, as yet, been trimmed in the second photo. The first photo also shows the boom topping lifts secured to the driver boom.



Glenn (UK)

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Driver Gaff

I actually was able to spend a couple of hours in the shipyard today, early morning before our grandparent duties started. I was able to install the Driver Gaff, noting there is still a little bit of belying work required. As with the Driver Boom I followed an usual process as detailed below.


Step 1

The first rigging that was added, but not belayed, was the gaff halliard. I opted to rig this first due to the redistricted access and I found it much easier to do with the driver gaff lower down the mizzen mast. The inter-block rigging would be adjusted once the peak halliard and parrel beads rigging had been run in.


Step 2

The next rigging item I ran in was the peak halliard, and again this was not belayed. With the peak and gaff halliard in place the driver gaff was positioned on the mizzen mast and the parrel beads were added.


Step 3

It was the a process of adjusting the various rigging. Once I was happy with the how the driver gaff was looking I belayed the gaff halliard.


Step 4

Next I added vang pendants but again these have not been belayed as yet.


Here is a photo of the Driver Gaff.


The next photo shows the gaff halliard rigging. I did take the free end of this rigging down to the deck on the wrong side of the catharpins (yellow arrow). This will not be updated as I only noticed this after I had belayed the rigging and it will not be noticeable once the Indy rigging is completed.


The next set of photo's shows the peak halliard rigging, as shown by the yellow areas.


The final photo shows the vang pendants.



Glenn (UK)

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Yard Lifts and Yard Tackle

We are enjoying a nice heat wave in the UK at the moment. My shipyard is in our conservatory (as can be seen in the photo below) and is it like working in a sauna at the moment so I am only able to work in there for short periods of time before resorting to garden and snoozing in the sun.


After a couple of days work all the yard lifts have been installed and belayed. I failed miserably to take any decent photos. The following photo is the best of a bad bunch. I have added some yellow arrows to indicate the yard lifts.


There are two options with how to display the yard tackles for the fore and main yards. I have opted for the following option.


All the yard tackles have now been rigged but they have not been belayed. The next photo shows the yard tackle in situ.


Glenn (UK)

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Mizzen Topsail Sheet and Clew LineOnce again it has been to warm to spend much time in the shipyard sauna. All I have managed to do is to add the mizzen topsail sheet and clew line. The photo below shows the arrangement.


I started the process by making the topsail sheet line and adding the single block on the end via a loop and toggle arrangement. Once this was done I secured one end of the mizzen topsail clew line to the topsail yard and then fed it through the single topsail sheet block and then through another block located on the topsail yard before it was taken down to deck level. The mizzen topsail sheet was then fed through two blocks on the crossyard jack and then taken down to deck level.


After adjusting the rigging the topsail sheets were belayed to a pins on the poop deck bitt rack. The topsail clew lines were then belayed to mizzen shroud cleats.


Glenn (UK)

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Mizzen Yard Topgallant Sheet and Clew Line

I have now added the topgallant sheet and clew lines to mizzen mast. I thought I would document the process I followed to complete this task.


I started with adding a toggle to the clew line. The toggle is simply a small length of thread which had been stiffened by CA glue. A simple knot (as shown on the plan sheet) was used to secure the toggle to the clew line. This is shown in the photo below, noting the toggle is longer than required and will be trimmed once the topgallant sheet has been attached.


Next I created a loop in one end of the topgallant sheet line, as shown below. The loop will be pulled tight over the toggle before the excess thread is trimmed.


The completed join between the clew line and sheet is shown below.


The clew line was then fed through the block on the topgallant yard and then the free end was taken down to the poop deck ready to be belayed.


The topgallant sheet line was then fed through two blocks on the topsail yard and was then taken down to the poop deck to be belayed.


Once the topgallant sheet and clew lines were adjusted they were belayed. I started with belaying the topgallant sheet to the bitt rack.


The topgallant clew line was then belayed to one of the mizzen mast shroud cleats.


Glenn (UK)

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