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Cheers, Rusty :)


The part I am dreading the most is carrying it down a flight of concrete steps to our driveway, to place it in the van - been having nightmares about tripping up halfway down and the model going flying!

Chris: Make sure you let your friends at Amati that there is a "Please release the Bellona as a kit" club and that they would be very interested in seeing the prototype released as a kit in the near future. Have a safe trip.


Mike Draper

Whitehorse, Yukon

Mike Draper

Whitehorse, Yukon


Member, Nautical Research Guild

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Just thought I'd let you know that the model is going to Italy this Sunday, we have hired a van and will drive there (safest option for something this large and delicate) - not looking forward to the 14 hour drive, though.


There will be no models in our home once more, when we get back!


I have now finished numbering up every part and the parts list runs to 29 pages!


Just hope Amati like it when they see it on Monday morning...gulp....

have a safe trip to my house to drop the build off, enjoy the family sing-along to ABBA

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I would go for Sex Pistols! God save the Queen  :D


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

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Chris... There's no doubt they will drool in awe over your model!!! I wish you a safe and productive trip. Please keep us posted of any news regarding this incredible kit.!!!

There aren't but two options: do it FAST, or do it RIGHT.


Current Project Build Log: Soleil Royal in 1/72. Kit by Artesania Latina.

Last finished projectsRoyal Ship Vasa 1628; French Vessel Royal Louis 1780. 1/90 Scale by Mamoli. 120 Cannons


Future projects already in my stash: Panart: San Felipe 1/75; OcCre: Santísima Trinidad 1/90;

Wish List: 1/64 Amati Victory, HMS Enterprise in 1/48 by CAF models.


So much to build, so little time!



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Got back from Italy last night - never get used to the drive, it's so long!


They loved Victory, and I shall be left alone to complete the drawings and instructions for the model, which is good. After Victory, I have  couple of different projects to start work on, as they have enough period ships in the pipeline for now. The frigate will have to wait a while longer.. :(


Revenge is almost ready, this should be followed by the RC capable Scottish fishing boat. After this, I don't know.


Anyway, I took a couple of (bad) pictures of Victory next to Vanguard. It wasn't until I seen Vanguard again for the first time since starting Victory that I realised just how big it was - I always thought Vanguard was large, but is dwarfed by Victory! Oh yes - Victory now has her figurehead (exact scale - not as big as you see on other kits...) - and some flags...





Edited by chris watton

Vanguard Models on Facebook

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Glad both you and the model made it safe and sound,especially regarding the storms down south at the weekend.

Kind Regards Nigel

Cheers :)


We missed the storms completely! However, it was raining hard in the UK and France all the way there, and raining hard in the UK last night, but still quite warm in Northern Italy..

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So, Amati makes a 1/72 Vanguard 3rd rate, and a 1/64 Victory 1st rate, and Caldecraft makes a 1/64 Agamemnon 3rd rate and a 1/72 Victory 1st rate.   B)
I suppose the question is, if a second rate was to be made by each, what scale would it be (hypothetically speaking)?

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince

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well back to work then Chris and start making some more nice things for the ship modelers of the future, hope i am around long enough to see your work, on the online shelfs


thank you again for all the work you put into this hobby

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I am not sure what other company's kit scales have to do with the choices I make - I simply concentrate on the developments I am asked to do and have never really been interested in what other's do (although I know the kits you mention quite intimately..)


What would have been the point of another 70-ish scale model of Victory? This new one is meant to be the 'Flagship' of the range, so it had to be special and set apart from the sea of other Victory's out there - worrying about whether or not it would suit other manufacturers scales never once entered my head!



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I am not sure what other company's kit scales have to do with the choices I make - I simply concentrate on the developments I am asked to do and have never really been interested in what other's do (although I know the kits you mention quite intimately..)


What would have been the point of another 70-ish scale model of Victory? This new one is meant to be the 'Flagship' of the range, so it had to be special and set apart from the sea of other Victory's out there - worrying about whether or not it would suit other manufacturers scales never once entered my head!




Yes I understand perfectly. I just thought it was a bit funny how it ended up the way it did. 


It's an interesting contrast between plastic ship kits which settled upon 1:350 and 1:700 (Japanese love of standardization I suppose) and wooden kit manufacturers who go for a variety of scales.


As far as the Victory is concerned it's much better to have many different scales available as a consumer rather than 10 kits all in the same scale. Although it'd be nice to have a 1765 version as well as the 1805-present versions.


The size is great advantage for this new Amati one, but I think perhaps the most interesting aspect of all is the construction method. It looks like it would be funner to do and perhaps easier to do than struggling with cast metal frames or having to measure-drill-file-make frame inserts.


Have the Amati guys ever thought about developing an ironclad or steam-sail era ship?

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince

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Now that you have an enforced six month sabatical from building work and having to concentrate on PC work.Do you plan to do any personal building,or are you glad of the rest?Just wondered if we are going to see a build log popping up anytime soon? :D  :D

P.S. I think we have both been very lucky regarding the weather going by the national news earlier in the week.

Kind Regards Nigel

Currently working on Royal Caroline

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I'm not quite sure the size is an advantage for Amati.

Well, it definitely is for the model, but for realtively small housed kit builders like me, this kind of sizes is prohibitive (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one living in a moderate size house)



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I'm not quite sure the size is an advantage for Amati.

Well, it definitely is for the model, but for realtively small housed kit builders like me, this kind of sizes is prohibitive (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one living in a moderate size house)





There already Victory kits at 1:200, 1:180, 1:150, 1:100, 1:98x3, 1:90, 1:84, 1:75x2, 1:72 so having one at 1:64 would target the market of builders who want something BIG. I'm sure a lot of builders will buy it first and worry about storage later because it will be the nicest most modern kit on the market that offers something that the other kits don't.

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince

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Now that you have an enforced six month sabatical from building work and having to concentrate on PC work.Do you plan to do any personal building,or are you glad of the rest?Just wondered if we are going to see a build log popping up anytime soon? :D  :D

P.S. I think we have both been very lucky regarding the weather going by the national news earlier in the week.

Kind Regards Nigel

No - no model making for me for at least the next four months as I now have to concentrate of the drawings and photographs - and in all honesty, after spending 10-12 hours per day on the PC doing this, the last thing I want to do is start another in my 'free time' - I'd go mad! lol.


I have a couple of future projects I have to research, though, this aspect I never tire of, so I shall probably do a bit of that in the evenings.


@amateur - there was no way I was going to spend so long developing a new model in the same scale as other's out there. It is one of those models that some aspire to build one day, like I used to aspire to build the Sovereign. I guess if people are prepared to buy a 72nd scale Victory, they would also be prepared to go for one slightly larger - at these scales, they cannot be built in small spaces anyway. having said that, I managed to build the prototype just using our humble dining room table - it's displaying it afterwards that could cause the problems. I have mentioned before that the hull alone is impressive, I think it would look almost as good with just stump masts.


ETA - it is nigh on impossible to please everyone - if I make one at a smaller scale, one group will moan that it's too small, and if too big, another group will moan that there's no room to build it. From experience, I would hazard a guess and say the optimal size would be no more than 40" long - Fly size is almost perfect for most, it seems -  but how boring would it be having all small scale First Rate ship models - in any case, Victory at smaller scales is more than catered for..

Edited by chris watton

Vanguard Models on Facebook

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Awesome Chris. I'm glad you had a safe trip back. And as I said in a previous post, there's no other thing they can do bu love your model.

I know I want this kit. I don't know if I will ever build it, but I want it!

(Just kidding... I know I will build it as long as I have life and capable fingers :) )

There aren't but two options: do it FAST, or do it RIGHT.


Current Project Build Log: Soleil Royal in 1/72. Kit by Artesania Latina.

Last finished projectsRoyal Ship Vasa 1628; French Vessel Royal Louis 1780. 1/90 Scale by Mamoli. 120 Cannons


Future projects already in my stash: Panart: San Felipe 1/75; OcCre: Santísima Trinidad 1/90;

Wish List: 1/64 Amati Victory, HMS Enterprise in 1/48 by CAF models.


So much to build, so little time!



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3D printer! Awesome! Will the kit parts be be cast in resin?

2 questions: other than size would you say that Victory, Revenge and Vanguard differ in the complexity of build :huh: ? and

How many stone does your Victory weigh. I lifted the Vangurad kit up and almost got a hernia! :P  :P :P  


Glad your trip was without incident. It will probably take years, however, for the Abba songs to leave your head :P


Jaxboat B)

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Glad all went well.  I'm sure you're happy to be back home.  


I like you do or thought the Vanguard was big.  The picture sure shows those difference.  Wow!  Thanks for taking that shot and posting it for us to see.


Take care,


Happy modeling,




Current build: HMS Bellerophon semi-scratch from plans of Victory Models HMS Vanguard 

Drydock:  MS Constitution

Completed builds: MS AVS, scratch built Syren, Victory models HMS Fly

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Cheers :)


I did in fact weigh the Victory when at Amati. We placed bets on its weight. I was convinced it weighed around 20kg, and so were some others.


It actually weighed 8kg! I was very surprised. Vanguard did feel a lot lighter, though, so that must be perhaps 5-6kg.


As for complexity, Victory is much more complex than Vanguard, but that doesn't translate as difficult. I guess if you have no plans/instructions for Vanguard, there's a good chance you could still build it, being a fairly conventional kit. For Victory, you will need to follow the instructions and drawings, as there are many parts that look similar, but are not. Revenge is quite easy to build, the easiest of the three, I think - but when I say 'easy', I really mean less time to build - there is nothing too difficult about any of them - not like the old days when you had to shape a lot of the parts yourself.


I did ask about Cutty Sark - this will be a kit at some point, that's all I know.

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Thanks for the assessment :) .  Additionally, the quality of plans for new kits put out by you as well as Chuck and Sam are excellent. I will start saving up for the room addition I will need to house Victory. :D  


 I'm surprised the Victory was only a bit heavier than Vanguard. That's encouraging though.  I should be able to get it into my workshop without need for a forklift. :P  :P


Jaxboat B)

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I am not sure what other company's kit scales have to do with the choices I make - I simply concentrate on the developments I am asked to do and have never really been interested in what other's do (although I know the kits you mention quite intimately..)


What would have been the point of another 70-ish scale model of Victory? This new one is meant to be the 'Flagship' of the range, so it had to be special and set apart from the sea of other Victory's out there - worrying about whether or not it would suit other manufacturers scales never once entered my head!



Chris: Thanks for posting those pics.. your Vic is a impressive warhorse when sitting beside the Vanguard. Been reading your posts and I have been dying to ask.. any discussion with Amati about the Bellona? I know.. I know.. Im a nag but your really got me hooked on your prototype :-)


Mike Draper

Mike Draper

Whitehorse, Yukon


Member, Nautical Research Guild

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hi Yves,


sorry for replying so belately about the Bellona but I discovered MSW just a few days ago and "exploring" it a bit

since then.


I don't know about Amati, but Corel has already marketed the Bellona a few years ago ( I bought it but didn't start it yet).

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