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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. Looks great Robbyn I don't blame you, get out when you can... this spring has been dynamite in Cincinnati and I find it hard to head to the shipyard in the basement when it's 81 degrees and sunny... so the old Florencia will just have to collect a bit o' dust while I get some vitamin D. BTW-I ride too but my bike has 2 legs for a engine and is no doubt a tad slower. Have a fun time!
  2. Oh Ferit, you always do amazing work... excellent crows-nests.... beautiful job!
  3. Thanks for sharing. Makes me think about the lives these guys had.... here I sit playing with rigging for 'fun' and they needed it as their very lives depended on it. Good food for thought... Ahhh history...
  4. Looks great Adriaan, she's a beauty and I love that wheel. I never thought of making the KOM before but it's starting to creep onto my short list..... so many boats,,, so little time...
  5. That looks like a lot of work Nick but I bet the finished product is worth it. I hope you post a pic of the completed hammock.
  6. She's looking good Robbyn... I just can't get over how small it is... Regarding Chuck and the cherry... who knows (well, he does) but he might actually like cherry on such a regal vessel ... I still think ebony would look grand
  7. Good picture examples give good instruction. I've no clue if hearts are more 'correct' and I don't want to say I don't care but what i get from this build is your work is nice and tidy and neat and precise. Something for me to shoot for... now and on my next build which could well be the Pegasus sister... Fly.
  8. Hi Frank, I've used a lot of different kinds of clamps in my day but never heard of these. Could you include a picture because I'm at a loss.
  9. I know Robbyn... it seems AL's idea of measurements is more of a suggestion than a 'science'. The .25mm is 1/3rd the diameter from Morope than the AL stuff. Had I known... I might have to reorder too... but the shrouds I'm using the AL stuff and waxing the hell out of it.... then comes the candle.... Each time I think of it I get that much closer to a ropewalk.... And you're right... your ship, your decisions.... heck, it might be better with a double hull made from something like rosewood... it is a regal vessel, give it a regal hull?
  10. Sawdust and glue is a nice filler if the gaps are minor otherwise they will show too much as they accept the stain/varnish/finish differently than the solid planks. If the gaps are severe, maybe start cutting fillers from the same planking material and fitting them into the larger gaps.... I think a varied planking can look pretty good and maybe better than one that has a LOT of non-wood filler or glue laden sawdust. Now, if you paint then smooth is the goal then and a good filler may not show as such. Never used the Elmer's with wood fibers... some swear by it.
  11. If the poly is a surface coat and the bend is extreme it would end cracking and you'll up with a crackle effect. Could be good if the antique look is what you're after Basswood is soft and fuzzy in my experience, I found it hard to work with as it is sooo soft.... day by day the dark side calls doesn't it?
  12. Wonderful step-by-step instruction.... beautiful work Ilhan!
  13. Thanks for the replies. Yes, I'm starting to see the light... the morope is good, I mean, it's the 'nicest' thread or rope I've ever bought but the sizes I bought I may never use and the ones i need more of i didn't quite get enough... or so it seems when I look at that little package. Don't get me wrong, it's good and the cost wasn't bad but... yep... there's that light again.. So very much to learn...
  14. I was not real happy with the AL thread so I ordered some from Morope in Chicago. Took about a week to send a check and get a delivery. That's pretty fast. The rope... wow... when it is .25mm and the quantity is 5 meters it really is not much at all but that's just a visual impression; it says nothing of the quality. So far, so good. it is nice rope and it is so soft especially compared to the cotton hemp/twine that AL supplied. Very little fuzz and it just feels ... more solid I guess. It also looks like rope rather than thread. Having said that tho... I think I'm beginning to see the longterm value of a ropewalk... One final initial thought... when AL lists a thread as 0.25mm, it really is a suggestion of a ballpark somewhere in the neighborhood of + or - 100%. Either that or Morope is wrong.... hmmm, which one would be most likely to be accurate I wonder...?? that's a stumper especially based on the almost sort-of-like precision of AL
  15. Al-righty Robbyn... here we go... a lot smaller but probably a lot more precise than the San Fran plus the added bonus of having the designer watch you do it... gulp! Yes, you do tend to draw a crowd... but you're experienced and good at this stuff... looking forward to sitting back with popcorn and watching from 3rd row center.
  16. I'd pick #1...in my experience a stain will tend to bleed (spread) more than a paint.
  17. First off, love those doors!! I'm with all the other SF builders.... if I knew then what I know now... Planking... you're on the right track although this was my first planking too and my advise is based on only my one experience... 1- take your time... I rarely did more than 2 or 3 planks in a setting... I would soak for 15 to 45 minutes and if I had some soaking but knew it was not to be that day i let them dry out and soaked again when ready 2- some planks will bend easy and some won't.... test for flexibility if it is a sharp bend before giving it too much curve... I snapped a few... 3- most planks will require an angle or bevel to mate nicely with the previous plank... So... soak, bend, clamp, let dry, tweak, dry fit again, glue and clamp... and repeat... it really was kind of fun.... once I got past the initial fear of screw-ups. As for the balsa... I chose not to use it at first but with the staggered lap joints I wanted more to clamp to... I did it in the first 3 of the bow and the last of the stern... if you can find it I would advise it... - my two cents...
  18. Beautiful work Garward... as usual. A pleasure to follow along..
  19. No doubt about the line Eric. I was headed for a rubber room when trying to attach those deadeyes from the shroud to the ones that sit on the channel shelf. I ordered morope and even ripped out the shrouds that were done on the main mast. Lesson #1... start with better thread. I'm circling and waiting.... morope could arrive tomorrow or 2 weeks.... sigh... :mellow: You're getting there tho and it looks good.
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