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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. Well looky there! A mighty fine job Sjors... yep, scratch building is for you I'd say
  2. You make it look so easy Danny. Wood and metal works look natural and fitting. Always impressive
  3. Hey Eric, we all have parts of our own ships that don't meet our expectations... it's only embarrassing if you accept sub-par attempts without caring and use words like "eh, that's good enough"... then I think its actually a maritime crime ... know what I mean?... from here it looks good
  4. Just stumbled upon your build... wow, truly impressive. Paper? foils? I would never have guessed... your work is outstanding, such astounding detail,,, very very nice
  5. Gosh, he's much closer to the dark side than assumed.... gulp!
  6. Looking great Adriaan. There sure are a lot of white triangles... gee whiz. Hope the hands are feeling better each day...
  7. I hear that's how it starts... first a slight fever, then an unreachable itch, a scratch build here and a scratch adjustment there and before you know it... plans arrive in the mail and the dark side absorbs you... or so I have heard
  8. Well, what's the phrase... All"s well that ends well! A fresh nice mold free kit... that's livin' my friend! and it even ties in with an anniversary... win win!
  9. I'm no mold expert Jesse but once the spores are in the wood it will be hard to kill it completely without some kind of pressure to push the vinegar/bleach deep into the fibers. I hate to say it but for marital harmony and such that model is a goner. Sometimes those great ebay deals aren't so great Your latest message just occurred so I'll address that too... I assume you used wood glue? If so, sand it to bare wood and you'll be fine... you want to glue to uncoated wood... and that is the surface that you sand. I have removed parts many times and once sanded back to bare wood, I never had a problem. One final thought tho... are you sure the rest of the wood is mold free? I would suspect that if the planking boards have mold, probably most have mold and you didn't see it because of not getting it wet to bend.
  10. I'm with Tom on this one.... new wood would be my first choice. Vinegar or bleach would be last resort. Spores can survive for a long time and then become active (grow) when in contact with moisture. Black mold is the worst but lots of people have mold allergies etc and can react to any and all molds. I wouldn't give it a thought... that wood would be gone if it were me.
  11. Good to see you back Adriaan and it is sometimes hard to get back after a break... I felt sure you'd fix the lighting... can only be a few things but it can be maddening at times... Looking forward to seeing this puppy all together and shining proud
  12. Hi Caroline, it's been awhile, glad to see you're back. Those badges look great. Looking forward to what's next.
  13. Thank you Sjors, looking very good. You didn't need to hurry.... but I'm glad you did Now my thumbs can rest...
  14. Twiddling my thumbs and waiting patiently Sjors...
  15. Well Ed, regardless of what you decide is next, I know I'll be watching in awe. Stunning work!
  16. I didn't want to start an entire thread for this simple sort of unrelated question... But... what is the color of stockholm tar. Brown? Blackish? Orange-ish?
  17. "This is where they usually deliver the check " Love that but you're not far behind... Commodore Sjors may just nod his head toward Commodore Augie, who also heads the table, when the check comes around Besides, who knows what his rank will be then A mere check might be beneath his station at that point...
  18. No oath was taken to speak at any point.... I think I can however speak for everyone who comments on your work, the preciseness and crispness of your work, that it is an honor to see such exceptional work and it is then a duty and a pleasure to tell you how impressed we are. Don't blush ... you have a talent that is merely appreciated. I think we all know a dozen, maybe two dozen individuals that rank in that top tier, and you my friend, IMO, are there
  19. I think he is savoring the moment, maybe waiting to be prophetic or have a really deep thought appropriate for a commodore,.... waiting... waiting Commodore. Congrats in advance whenever it does happen then
  20. Hi Adam... just joined your build... looks great I don't see what you're referring to about the door... I think it looks good and your ladders are very nice. Looking forward to following along...
  21. Isn't liquid refreshment part of this hobby... at least after...? Oh dear, I've been mislead...
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