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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. Looks like a lot of finishing touches still to go, railing galore, triangles.... but she looks great Adrieke, definitely should be proud
  2. Oh Ferit, I don't think you give yourself enough credit... you are good at this. You have a talent that is natural and an incredible eye for detail. Face it my friend... you're good!!
  3. Well, we were all young... in the 80's... sigh... Kevin, I just tuned into your build and I think you're a little hard on yourself.... I think your build looks fantastic. And the paint... looks real good to me... the longboat however ... hmmm...
  4. I think I get what you're doing with the bolts.... I'm not sure if this is accurate or going to be useful but could you glue the nuts to the ceiling of the stateroom and run the bolt down into them from above. Then you wouldn't have to remove the ceiling to get to the bolts.
  5. Very nice Wolf. Very smooth and crisp. Not even comparable to the junk from AL.
  6. I like how smooth your ties are, very nice. No doubt somewhere in the 39 or so pages you've probably said, but what acrylic? I started rigging, hated the fuzzy green junk thread from AL and ordered morope so I'm sort of on hold now. I tied a few shroud lines and used CA but it makes everything very stiff so a better replacement would be nice when the good stuff arrives.
  7. I've never blackened SS but when I was l looking into how to blacken metals such as copper cannons and such a few weeks ago I came upon a product for SS while googling around. Can't speak to it effectiveness but here it is... http://www.caswellplating.com/metal-finishing-solutions/stainless-steel-blackener.html
  8. Unbelievable! The details are astounding to me... the cathead carving, the wheel, the capstan.... I am in awe.
  9. Not all POB are double hulls as many are single. For example, the San Francisco II is designed as a single hull and and I built it that way. Can't speak to solid hulls and the planking involved or to POF but from what I think I've seen, even some POF are double hulls. I do not know of the advantage of double hulls as I've never done one but I imagine someone will chime in with an answer soon
  10. At the moment I don't need any glass but I am intrigued by the mica.... where do you find it?
  11. I see no mistake, only gorgeous diagonal flooring...we're our own worst critics ... I'm sure whatever it is is HUGE to you... but no one will see it...
  12. Good suggestion Dee Dee... I like what I saw from a quickie google search... looked a lot better than the supplied kit stuff. I know whats going to happen... I'll become the twine king... $35 from this place, $43 from that... ooohhh, a different color or size... I'll have 'em all... but choice is a good thing eh? You mentioned a brick and mortar store... I was in Joanns Fabric the other day and the lady looked at me like I asked for a oil change on my car... who carries this???
  13. I used almost all of them. I think there were 60? and with cutting and lap joints there was little left... oh and the occasional complete destruction of a few too... I did have enough left to do the rails... I switched things up a bit based on looks but also availability... so, allowing for screw-ups they did not give a lot too many...
  14. I can't wait to see the door knobs... I bet they'll be operational and locking with microscopic hand cut keys... yes? Danny, you do make it look easy. Outstanding!
  15. Hello Andre... Just happened upon your build, er, rebuild I mean. Very impressive to have gone from what was to what is. I imagine it may be harder to repair such a mess than to start from scratch... at this point I'd never guess this was the same ship.
  16. Thanks for the tip Robbyn... a needle makes sense... a lot more svelte than my fingers My first car was a Plymouth Barracuda... purple...an ugly purple fast but yuk! Didn't shine like that either...
  17. Wow... those shrouds and deadeyes look great smooth tying... I started some yesterday and ripped them out... Try #2 coming up... ain't an easy skill to develop
  18. Sorry about the break Adrieke especially when you're coming toward the final stretch ...I bet your fix will go well since it was a clean break. Still, it's the warts and dings that give character and tell her story... yeah, go with that She is a beauty and you can be proud
  19. Thanks Robbyn... and yes, it makes perfect sense.... I was making it more complex than it was... not that it's going to be easy but I was looking at one picture and not seeing the 'seize'... Your pics made ity 'crystal clear'
  20. Every time someone comments I come back here and gaze again at your super work. So very crisp and clean... inspirational!
  21. Interesting build and I look forward to following this one. Based on your opening, you've built quite a bit including my first build, the San Fran II.
  22. Robbyn, your shrouds and ratlines look great... I'm right behind you but i have a question... A few pages back... on 53 actually, trippwj gave a great explanation and pics for the shrouds around the mast. I understood the pairs and wrapping around the mast, alternate sides etc... and I'm about to start that part... but one word... is throwing me... seized... "The part at the mast is then seized", what??? With what??
  23. I am at the stage of my build of starting to rig my San Francisco II. I started with the forward mast stay. It went better than I thought it would but in the end, after waxing and even flaming over a candle to fry off the frizz, they still have frizz... less but more than i wanted or expected. Lets just say from 10 feet away it looks great... upon close inspection it needs a shave I'm using AL supplied threads. I bought some needle point thread from Hobby Lobby and it has less frizz mostly since it's a cotton blend but some fuzz still exists. Is there something better? Is one company the go-to for thread/ropes? On websites pictures they all look good... So, what am I doing wrong or what am I not buying?
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