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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. So I am installing the risers and want to start getting some of the paint in. I grabbed some of my daughters paint and tried it out. These are not mixed as I am a newbie and would like (at least for this build) to use something straight out of the tube. Mainly because I have no confidence in consistently mixing the same color over multiple points in the build. The contenders... On the left is Alizarin Crimson Hue: horizontal plank has 2 coats with a light sand in between and you can see the difference in coats on the group of planks Middle is Cadnium Free Red: single coat with the single coat of the crimson below it on the right is Primary red: yuk Primary red is out... it is very pink in real life. The cadmium free red seems pretty orange in the shop lights Although the crimson seems dark I am leaning toward this color. May need to visit the art store to see what else is available. Daughter uses mostly the heavy body paint and the soft body may work better at this scale...
  2. Such clean and precise work. The gun rigging looks great. Any thought on whether or not a train tackle was used on these or are the guns small enough to not need those?
  3. Heartbreaking. Hope the little one is ok. Maybe you can strip it down and salvage the keel at least.
  4. Always great to see another Cheerful. Will be following along as this is in my queue as soon as work let’s up a bit.
  5. What a great milestone. You are continuing to impress with every update. Now you have to think about all those teenytiny lines and knots 😁
  6. Great subject. I am looking forward to seeing this evolve.
  7. Very nice. Looking forward to seeing this progress as an example of how someone can use one of the AOTS books.
  8. Dave, I was having the same problem and at the last NRG meeting I asked Ken Foran (author of a great brass soldering book) the same question and he basically said to just use a regular soldering iron and skip the torch.
  9. Outstanding!!! Thanks for posting this.
  10. Congrats on an elegant model. Sorry if I missed it but did you say what you are thinking of next?
  11. Welcome Reed. I grew up in Baltimore and love the bay as well as the Eastern shore. I’ve always love the Skipjacks. If you want some more inspiration you can always just get up on 50 and head on to the Naval Academy to see the Rodgers collection there. It really is impressive
  12. Reference to the 4 vol work by David Antscherl and Greg Herbert. The Fully Framed Model, HMS Swan Class Sloops 1767-1780 vol I Known affectionately as TFFM. 4 vol with an additional supplement on sailmaking. Found at the outstanding Book publisher SEAWATCH Books
  13. Dave, I am glad to see you start on this. Will be interesting.
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