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About GLakie

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    Dearborn, MI--USA

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  1. Wow, you've got a lot done on her Mike! She's looking splendid, as I knew she would. I apologize for not checking in for so long, but a couple medical problems put me down for a while. Still trying to recover, but doing better. As a side, I think the Santa Ana will look good on you!
  2. Sorry I missed the last couple months of this wonderful build Danny. Been a bit under the weather for a while now, but congratulations on another absolutely beautiful cross-section to accompany the Vulture!
  3. Looks truly authentic to me Michael! Nice work!
  4. It's amazing to see the amount of research that goes into these older vessels. Very nice!
  5. Like Mark says Jack, it looks like you're overcoming the plan's faults, and doing a great job!
  6. Looks great for a first attempt Nenad! Nice work!
  7. Great looking carronades Jesse! Clever idea with the jig and template! Been going through a wee bout myself lately, and I feel your pain. Hope it goes away sooner rather than later.
  8. Outstanding detail you've managed to achieve in such a small size Patrick!
  9. Love those over-all shots of her Sal! Outstanding work!
  10. Awesome job on those casks Nenad! Well done!!
  11. I am by no means an authority on rudder-coats Mark, but yours seems to look fine and match it's surrounding area to me! Having said that, I'd have to ask if, in reality, it wouldn't be a darker, more tar-like color?
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