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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Ty Geoff- just wish billings had provided better decoration detail for the stern as already mentioned earlier. Keith
  2. more rails applied to the stern- once glue has hardened will sand back to correct profile. Keith
  3. you found extra bits on the castings you were not sure about earlier in the log- sorry for any confusion caused. Keith
  4. Looking good so far- i nearly bought this kit myself, but settled for billings offering instead. Keith
  5. Lol Boyd and thats just in the summer- Roll on Autumn- sigh. Ty Foxy pull up a chair- snacks are an optional extra Keith
  6. Saves on wasting timber Boyd and in our household is in plentiful supply!- hope the weather other side of Irish Sea is better than the Cumbrian side m8
  7. Ty all for the comments and likes- appreciated, bit of a nightmare bending wood in two different directions. I used cardboard (cereal packet) to make templates for the pieces round the quarter gallery. Keith
  8. Got more timber placed around the stern and roughly sanded back- still needs smoothed off and cleaned up. Cut the pieces from a sheet of lime wood as the billing timber isn't that good. Keith
  9. Hello Boyd looking good- the door issue has been puzzling me too! Nice work with the ladders and decoration re-alignment too. Doing my quarter galleries from the bottom up- used strips cut from a sheet of limewood for mine- will hopefully have first lot finished ,sanded and photo's on my log soon. Keith
  10. You can prime with white primer and use wood stain on metal castings as per the photos attatched.
  11. Ty Geoff- still a lot of detail to go and not sure how to go about detailing the ornamentation as the billings laser-cut stuff is just plain with no detail except for the outline! Was going to invest in the caldercraft castings but at 1/72 scale they will be oversize- will have to get some dimensions off some of the caldercraft victory builders on here. Seeing your Santa Maria is making me feel guilty about ignoring my AL Pinta. Keith
  12. I nearly bought the heller victory myself. but settled for the billings one- if i had known about dafi's etch set i would have chose the heller kit- ah well! Keith
  13. Lol Keith i used self adhesive copper strip cut to 15mm x 5mm tiles- worked out at around 3200. Keith
  14. Thanks to all for the comments and likes so far. Planked the stern and the bottoms of the quarter galleries today will sand everything to correct profile if this awfull weather breaks and i can get outside! Keith
  15. Managed to get the rest of the decks planked today- had to stand while doing it- me backs killing me- getting too old . Will start planking the stern next. Keith
  16. Well done Jesse- when i built my Scottish Maid i was returning to the hobby after a 4 year break and more or less just built her O.O.B. as i was working on the dining room table with no workshop facilities. You are doing fantastic work on yours keep it up.I always rig the mizzen lower shrouds first then the mizzen forestay and work forward and up from there, next i bend the sails to the yards before attaching to the masts leaving the backstays till all the running rigging in place finally rigging the braces last. for the angle of the mast you can use a protractor to work out the angle on the plans then make a wooden template. Keith
  17. order for timber sheet and strip to replace the plywood pin rails, timber heads, kevels etc arrived today along with some 5mm anvil cleats for the shrouds from model dockyard. Also finished planking the poop deck, dry fitted the catheads and started planking the quarter deck as well as spraying the cannon barrels. Next job after planking is finished is to open out the holes for hatches and masts and sand them- interesting to see the difference in shade between old planking and new. Keith
  18. I coat my hulls with a couple of layers of matt varnish- you can now get hold of acrylic quick drying varnish which should be ok with the paints you are using. I varnished the decks, deckhouses and masts where they are a wood finish but did not varnish any other painted areas except for the hull as already mentioned. You can buy spray on lacquer for the copper which may be better than using varnish? the copper on my cutty was applied and lacquered around 16 years ago and still looks reasonable. Keith
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