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Everything posted by clearway

  1. ahhhhh- confusion is a state of mind lol! thought i was going nuts for a moment
  2. welcome to the billing boats victory club- think there's around 6 of us now I think the stairs are the right nway round though! I'm doing mine in painted finish as well. Keith
  3. You really need lighting in the cabins to show em off Frank methinks. Big wow factor there Keith
  4. Ty Lawrence- as mentioned earlier in the log was sidetracked by a load of german armour kits (got two more at xmas which are well under way!) but is nice to get back to the Vic. Keith
  5. way to go mate- nice feeling when you reach the end- well done! keith
  6. I bought the zveda black swan and altered her to black pearl- the main difference is the figurehead. I also scratchbuilt replacement masts and sails to replace the plastic ones- the main reason they brought out the black swan kitm was to avoid copyright in europe! Keith P.S. i built it for my daughter who is a massive P.O.T.C. fan hence the other disney stuff in the background!
  7. Lol Boyd- yessir! Still can,t believe it was nice enough to sit outside and work on Saturday. Also trying to decide whether to just stain and varnish the stern and quarter galleries or paint them as the rest of the hull will be painted. Keith
  8. Sorry Boyd didn't see the reply till now! they go on a shelf in the workshop. Back to Victory after a 4 month break with the german kitties! Was nice enough outside on Saturday to get the decks sanded back a little after opening out the holes for masts, hatches etc. Also added a little more timber between the windows. must admit it has been nice getting back to my baby
  9. Things like that will always stand out more for you as you are aware of it Boyd (i have been there myself lots of times!) Keith
  10. <<<<agrees with John, and as i said a few posts back it shows she ws planked individually Boyd. Keith
  11. Looking good so far there- would seriously advise planking her before adding too much detail as you will be holding the hull at some crazy angles lol. You can check Boyd's and mine logs for planking references- i just single skinned my hull with the billings planking strips provided. Keith
  12. well done m8 looks really nice- a problem with billings kits is if not stated for beginners they assume you know a lot of the basics already. Keith
  13. Welcome to the Billing Boats Victory club! watch out the knightheads are easily damaged when planking! I really must re-start my billings Victory- been having a couple of month off. Keep up the good work Keith
  14. Looks good- i use a piece of metal rod "jammed" beneath the pin to wind the rope around if using the same rope as the rigging method and use needle nose pliers and a piece of brass wire with a hook and flat bent in it to work it. Keith
  15. looking great jesse- i always bend my sails to the yards before attatching to the masts as well. I use cross-stich beads for parrell beads Keith
  16. Wow Frank she's really comig along- i must get back to my Billings Victory, but received some german steel kitty kits for xmas! Keith
  17. Happy New year m8y- loks like a world of hurt in places lol keep it going Keith
  18. Looking niceeeeeee Boyd- have you tried Ronseal quick drying matt varnish which is water based and re coatable in one hour! just try some on a few off cuts first to see what you think, i use it on all my models now whether plastic metal or wood Keith
  19. Coil of rope should suffice there i think Boyd, Deck planking looks great. Keith
  20. weather is the same here in cumbria m8 with some really nasty weather forecast midweek. to be honest i like the variations in wood shade- shows she hasn't been mass produced nd there is so much detail on the finished ship it will detract from the vary shade! Keith
  21. looking nice n shipshape there m8y- gonna look awesome when finished Keith
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