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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Ty mike- still a way to go though- not sure what to do about the plain laser cut ply billings offerings for the scrolls etc on the stern. Keith
  2. Lol Bob it's a vicious circle sometimes- especially when Nenad has devine inspiration and goads you into more fun and frolics Keith
  3. After a couple of evenings whittling and sanding to shape the new hawthorn catheads are now down to the correct size- only dry fitted at the moment till i finish the stern- grrrr nights getting darker so alfresco modelling in the evenings is nearly over- i do all my sanding outside if i can help it. New catheads deffo look better than the ply one laid beside them. Keith
  4. it's looking great Bob- and don't forget there are lots of goodies that will hide a lot of the t'gallant rail as well. keith
  5. I know the feeling Mike- i am hating the thought of painting the stern on mine as the wood looks really nice and is crying out to be just varnished! Keith
  6. Ty everyone for the likes and comments- have been trimming the new catheads down some more today Lawrence still need a little taken off and then some work to make the holes look more sheave like. Keith
  7. More timber added to the stern and made a start scratchbuilding some replacement catheads to replace the ply ones from the kit- someone gave me some hawthorn branches to chop for firewood and decided to use some of this- been seasoning in the shed for 12 months till i found a use for it! Ply catheads on the left keith
  8. Hope your hand heals soon- i also use a utility knife for work like this as it is more controllable. keep up the good work - gunports look great. keith
  9. Not been upto much with Dreadnought due to working on Victory. Fitted the torpedo net booms and rudders as well as more painting. Decks and superstructure not glued in place yet as i want to finish the main hull first. Another problem is zvezda fix the turrets in place before gluing decks in place- i don't like this as they obstruct things (the turrets) so will have to glue them in place after fixing the decks in place and finishing the superstructure so they wont be movable. As you will see from the pics i have just taken delivery of H.M.S. Warspite in 1/350th Keith
  10. Looking good and wood defo better than plastic- i built the zvezda "black pearl" for my daughter a couple of years ago (they called it black swan with a diff figurehead) and replaced all the masts and yards with wooden ones. Keith
  11. i would use as fine a sandpaper as possible and take the primer back to nearly bare wood- there is also high build auto primers available. Keith
  12. Lol Keith- i rigged mine as a wool clipper which didn't have the stun's'l booms and no skysail on the main mast. Keith
  13. Ty mrcc- it was primed and sanded back to remove the coarse wood grain- normally i would use high build primer but victory's hull has too much detail for this- well for me anyways! The hull will be primed again before final painting. You will end up with a smoother hull and better surface to paint but will lose any planking detail. Keith
  14. Ty Lawrence i was kind of hoping someone would bring out an upgrade for the billings Victory before i got this far- ah well- mind you if someone wants to produce 1/75 castings for the scrolls etc....................... Keith
  15. Good luck Bob- its bad enough building a Victory straight from a kit with only minor alterations! Keith
  16. Watch out Bob i rebuilt a mantua victory from the 1970's and proved interesting- cornwall model boats do a replacement etched stern for this if memory serves me right. Keith
  17. Ty guys- yet more timber added today- must admit this was one of the areas i was dreading when i first started the kit- especially when i found billings hadn't provided any etchings for the windows. Keith
  18. coming along nicely- are you fitting internal lighting so you can see any of this once the decks are all in place? Keith
  19. Hi there- another Mary Ann builder here (there is a pic in gallery of kit built models)- nice work so far with her. Keith
  20. Ty Foxy- i am going for the olde black n yellow for the colour sceme- thinking about using humbrol linen (matt 74) as this is a really subtle yellow. Back to the build- not much done due to being press ganged by the mother in law to repair her fence today , but here is some more stern details added. Keith
  21. Ty Lawrence, i will be painting the stern galleries- as much as it pains me as i like all the wood effects! I have loads of spare veneer from other builds so used that to plank the stern and quarter galleries it just happens to be a nice colour contrast and as mentioned will be a shame. Keith
  22. I will probably just add a door made out of veneer onto the base plywood so you still get a slight recessed look. To be honest Botd there will be that much detail on the finished model 99% of people won't even be really aware! Keith
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