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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Beautiful Model. Well done, Rich. The sails came out really nice also.
  2. Rick, look at Tower Hobbies website - I found a few of the Midwest kits listed there. Prices are pretty reasonable. Tower Hobbies - The World's Premier Supplier of Radio Control Models
  3. I assume you mean the Badger air brush? ! ? Yes, it does feel awkward to hold. Go to an art supply store and see if they carry other brands like Paash (spelling ??) or even different models of Badger to see if any other feel "better" in your hand. I've only used the one model of Badger so I can't comment much on other brands but I would guess they all fit the hand about the same. It took me a while to get used to the feel. Will probably have to start over again since I have not used it in about 15-20 years now.
  4. Lee Valley tools makes a set of miniature planes - low angle block and shoulder - that I've used successfully on my models. Even tho they are super small they have a very sharp edge and cut very well. See http://www.leevalley.com/US/gifts/page.aspx?p=70138&cat=4,104,53212,70138 and http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=64300&cat=1,230,41182,64300 They also have a set of miniature chisels and spokeshake, both of which I have and use frequently. But they are miniature and holding them in your hand takes a little getting used to. They work just as well as their full sized models.
  5. Rich, go to Model Expo's website - in the search box type LONGBOATS - they have a whole page of small longboat kits. Not sure if they are 90mm but worth a look-see.
  6. And I'll add to what's been said also - glad to hear Judy is home; hope her health continues to improve. Magnificent job on the spark plugs. I'm glad you include the "hand shot" for scale ! Impressive !
  7. Magnificent model, table and case, Bill. A museum quality model and display. Congrats !
  8. Another alternative would be to coat the hull with two-part epoxy resin then imbed a fine mesh fiberglass hobby cloth - smooth it out well - sand and leave unpainted. You can get the epoxy and cloth in any good hobby shop. I did a model of a Coast Guard utility boat that way many years ago and it came out really nice.
  9. Nice model, Brian ! Been thinking of doing a canoe myself, now you've convinced me to get one.
  10. I have that exact set and they work well. Very well sharpened also.
  11. Ed, what is the difference, if any, between gouache and gesso ? My son uses gesso to seal his paint canvases and at his suggestion I've tried it on my woodcarvings with good results.
  12. Does anyone remember the IBM 2311 or 2314 disk drives and their removable disks? Don't drop one and make sure the cover is screwed on tight!
  13. When planking the deck I use the Elmer's glue for dark woods - it leaves a nice dark line between planks
  14. Rich I use these to get into the small spaces especially the belaying pins http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS111-A I find the a great help
  15. I agree with Mark. Also the Pfeil brand (Swiss) of gouge is excellent as is Soligen (Germany) - I have several of each brand. Another brand which I have not tried but is reported to be very good is Two Cherries (Germany). A source for carving tools is Chipping Away Dedicated to Wood Carvers
  16. Michael, those are amazing ! Your machining skills are incredible ! P.S Hope your wife is doing better with her health.
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