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Everything posted by hof00

  1. No, thank you. I Didn't do enough "Scuppers" on my BNII (As I mentioned, I was happy with it, and still am..... No one who looks is none the wiser....)) I did not have a template and I certainly did not have the skills at the time.... I trust you are not too worried any longer about drilling holes where it matters.... 🙂 Time and patience.... Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  2. He looks very handsome indeed!! The locals look rather scruffy.... 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  3. Hi Chap, Thoroughly agree with Peter. My Cutty was certainly a journey also.... 🙂 Looking superb, keep it up!! Cheers….HOF.
  4. I think of a Maiden as something from the 17th/18th century.... or, well before? Call me old fashioned. I think these days it's Miss, Ms or Mrs? Cheers.... Harry. (HOF)
  5. From Google the correct Ornithological term is "Hen" but is acceptable to call the female a "Duck." The Drake looks especially slick.... Maybe call it "Sir Frances?" 🙂 Looking forward to seeing it on the water. Cheers.... HOF.
  6. I don't think that attacking the "Hens" is the way to go.... I'd like to see the ladies chase Mr. Vacu Duck.... (Does he have a name?) Cheers....HOF.
  7. Hi Chap, From other posts on this site, I do believe that A/L are no more.... Are your Stanchions Basswood? (Sorry, don't know anything about Model Ship supplier's in the UK.) Cheers....HOF.
  8. Awesome work Sir!! (I believe the Anchor Chain receptacle's on Deck are called "Spurling" Pipes?) Cheers....HOF.
  9. Not with a bloke as good looking as good as this one!! 🙂 (Slicker and faster than a decoy.) HOF.
  10. Looks like a lovely "Drake" Watch out for amorous Ducks, "Hens." Make sure the Hens don't try to sink it, or, maybe it's the other way around? 🙂 Cheers....HOF.
  11. BTW, Just a thought, when you get to installing your Scuppers, ensure you clamp some waste material on the inside of the Bulwark, it will ensure that the inside of the Bulwark does not "Break out." Anyway, not trying to teach you to suck eggs.... 🙂 Have a practice on scrap first. Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Chap, From memory, not a lot.... I discovered/deferred to Mr. John Earl's practicum after I had completed the Hull and needed some guidance with the basics of Rigging. (Thanks John, I'm indebted!!) Even then, the number of Scuppers that I installed was nothing like what was called for. (Oh Well, my second ever wooden ship build.) It didn't matter at the time, and still doesn't, it is what it is and I'm happy with it. 🙂 Anyway, just have a think about things before you Drill/Cut/File anything, take your time, if your not happy, have another think about the process that you decide upon..... Measure twice, cut once, you'll be alight!! (Make a mockup Bulwark template with some scrap wood?) FYI, My BN II took about 10 months to complete, nothing happens quickly in this pastime. I learnt to walk away if I don't feel good about the way things are going or if my strategy doesn't really feel good. If you really need to do something, concentrate on stuff "Off-Ship," Masts/Tops/Bowsprit/Planning/Etc. Carefully considered is my way anyway. Mare Nostrum, 3.5 months followed by Cutty Sark, 6.5 years of weekends, some 3,500 hours. (approx.) Enjoy!! (I Do!!) Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Chap, Drill small first, the lager bit will always follow the small hole.... The Bulwarks and Planking look great!! Are you planning on "Scuppers" on your lovely, finished Bulwarks? (I don't think you have to, this is your own piece of Maritime art. (I would have thought that with an updated kit, A/L would have built these in?? Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF)
  14. Nice progress Chap!! interesting Avtar, definitely a NZ feel to it.... 🙂 Ditto Kiwi John's previous post. Cheers and Regards.... HOF.
  15. Hi Chap, No Prob. patience, esp. in Ship modelling, is definitely a virtue. 😀 (I'm interested to know what you will be producing with your refurbished/restored machinery.) Cheers....HOF.
  16. Hi Chap, Thanks for the complement!! Nice progress on your build. I'll watch progress with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi Chap, Had a look-see at my version of BN II, I think that the Keel is of correct proportions.... (My BN is the the older A/L kit) Yup, Fillers, maybe a judicial plank/s faired in? (I think my BN II is on this site? If not, I'll post some pictures.) Your Planking looks great, mine not so good, it was my second ever wooden ship build. (Paint covers a myriad of errors.... 🙂) Maybe "Pin" the Keel also with Dowel/Toothpicks to add strength? Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Chap, Had a look at the width/thickness of the Keel, thought that's not right.... You've fixed it, looks good. Regarding the gaps between Keel and Hull, Walnut Filler if you are not going to paint, you won.t notice the fillet of filler once sanded. My thing that I have learnt with A/L stuff is to place the Keel after the 1st Planking is complete, more learned members may have a different opinion regarding sequence? Wot Gaps? 🙂 Your choice between Paint or not. Looks great regardless. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Nice work Sir!! Brings back fond memories.... Ditto on the Deckhouses. (Minatare Joinery.) Cheers....HOF.
  20. Hi All, Long time, no post.... (One day past one year....) been getting the house/gardens of my "Forever" home ready for sale, not 100% happy, but that's another story. So, "Chipping" away at the Tug over the past few weeks, when I get the inspiration, it's not looking too bad, no correction, it looks like !@&* Its a rebuild, first cut wasn't good. Anyway, got the 1st planking complete, Light Boxes for the Nav. Lights and wiring complete apart from Masthead Lights. Bulwark Rubbing Strakes and Keel added, Second Walnut Planking to follow soonish. The Stern Post is too long, but that's A/L. The LED's work ok after planking and I continue to check this after a day/night's work.... I cannot get to the Resistor N/W as it is now sealed in the Hull. Anyway, after a few more hours sanding away my errors, it will be a matter of Masking, Painting, Masking, Painting.... I promise to get a few photos up very soon. 😀 (Within the next 24 Hours) Regards to all. Cheers....HOF.
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