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Posts posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello,

    after we had last week 17-19°C as highes temperatures, we have today 27°C and it should go up to the 30s! Is that normal?


    So at the shipyard was not so much action. The upper rail did't really cooperate, and with the paint it was the same :wacko: But for now I think it is done.

    Tomorrow I would start with the lower finishings. 




  2. Hello,

    so far for today. The counter is planked. For tomorrow stands more sanding on my plan.


    Theodosius, thank you for your nice comment

    Jaager, I'm sorry, but I could't follow you. At the windows are no right angles and nothing is horizontal or vertical, except at the window in the middle. The paper at the plywood is from the original plan, so I think I'm right when I'm building it this way. At my post #1006 you will see a larger part of the plan. Jaager, I know what I'm doing here, if not I ask.


  3. Jaager, this is a model. Not a ship that should round Cap Horn. This model will see water only fall from heaven through a window. So relax. And yes, not all beams going through in one piece. I had to cut them and rearrange some of them. And what you call a transom, is a plank when I understand you right.


    Are there somewhere pictures of your models here in the forum? I found only the La Renommee and that is just the hull, together with some others.

  4. Hello,

    now after three weeks of summer, it is cold and rainy again :( So, not to see the disaster, I'm back at the shipyard. 


    The upper counter rail and there supporting parts. Just to say it, it was't easy. But at least I think I got it. 




    And here the parts who did't make it. To fill the space between the lower and upper rail would also be a challenge


  5. Hello,

    oh you poor boys. Stay here for a while, and you would love these temperatures. ;) Today with a little sunshine between the showers and 16°C!


    At the yard we build today only the under construction for the gratings and the ladder way. The two scuttles in front of the carpenters should be for the top tackle. What ever that is, but have they a lid? At the models they are not build, because there is the deck mostly open or build without these scuttles. 


    The next thing will be then the stern, first at least up to this deck :( 


  6. Hello,

    thank you Mark. That was also one of my thoughts, but because I have no idea about rigging I discarded it. All others also many thanks for your comments and likes.


    Here now some pictures of the now more or less ready fore castle. When I looked at the pictures, I realised that I have to install the gun port lids. So that would be the next action here, and when that is ready, the quarter deck and waist is the next building site. The anchors will come later.




  7. Thank you Jaager,

    but that are things I know already and ok, my english is not the best.

    It's funny, when I asked, all the experts are at a holiday trip, somewhere in the desert with no internet. But when I'm ready they come out and know also something. And every time I think, I did't ask again. :wacko:

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