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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Hmm… the images don't show up on the German forum, for me. Any ideas?
  2. Your planking is looking great! It makes me want to get there with my build, someday.
  3. Live and learn is right! I just realized I should have double checked EVERYTHING on the template paper. Whoops! It happens to us all! Good luck! Remember, don't make the line too thick, as it is only caulking. Have a good day!
  4. I just came to realize something. Uh oh… I'm sure that's what your thinking . It appears that, though the hull length template was incorrect, the one supplied in the kit, the others were right. I guess I wasted time and gained experience . I may also be using this camera sometime soon. Now, back to work!
  5. Thanks guys! I will check out the German thread! In preparation for rigging, I have purchased some materials from chuck, but I will need to remeber not to rush . I think I will have the starboard side done this week. After that is the port side. I have some areas to fill, but some areas to sand at the stern. I am on station line 7, and I hope to make some progress tonight! I'm also looking froward to my replacement rigging materials to arrive! Have a good day!
  6. It is common to find the D.N.A of the model's builder inside of her . Nice planking!
  7. Pardon me if I am wrong, but are those gaps in between the planks? If water were to get on deck, it would go right into the hull. If you are trying to simulate caulking, there are plenty of methods, including using a number 2 pencil on the sided of each plank. I hope this helps!
  8. The cannons are looking great! You're right, it's best not to have bits and pieces rolling around .
  9. Thanks guys! Welcome Sjors! I hope it wasn't too long. Mike, it is a saw table.
  10. Thanks Bob. I sure hope it is ! I'm not sure I will have time to work on her today, but I will try to update if I do!
  11. More progress tonight! I got rid of the bumps, and sanded down areas needing it. I also marked areas needing filling, as you can probably see . Your comments and criticisms really push me to do my best, so thank you. Also, thank you Kurt and Mary for extending my NRG membership with the junior membership! When this model is finished, in a long time, I will have you guys to thank! Anyway, here are the pictures, I almost forgot! This one below puzzled me. I finally got the idea to use the side profile to get the depth of the base for the keel! Until next time!
  12. Those carronades are looking great Jesse! I hope you feel better soon!
  13. Nice boat! The planking looks good! Are you fitting out the interior, or installing her upside down?
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