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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. You take a lot of details into account! Great job!
  2. I have a question. Would measuring the distance of the curve at the station line and dividing it into four equal lengths, then transferring it back onto the station line, work for lining off a hull? You would do this for every bulkhead. Thanks!
  3. I tried string again. It didn't work out well. I guess it's time to try card stock! The string should be where the pencil is pointing.
  4. You just keep making her better! How is it possible!? What's next, working lighting ?
  5. Does anybody know some good sources of art tape? I need it for lining off the hull. I tried string, and it was a little awkward to work with. Any suggestions are welcome! I'm still thinking about carving down the bulwarks. Hmmm…
  6. Thanks guys! I am going to spill my questions on you later today !
  7. I don't think I would have the patients to do that many frames! Great job!
  8. Thanks E.J! I have had a change of plan. I am going to plank and copper my hull before I thin the bulwarks and carve the deck. I'm doing this to keep the bulwarks from breaking while the hull is turned upside down. Time to do research on hull planking before I start!
  9. Thanks for all the compliments guys, much appreciated! I have been cleaning up my workspace in preparation for new stages in my build. My workshop feels 4 times bigger ! Back to the ship! Until next time! P.s. The second hull is lent to me so I can get an idea as to how my ship should look.
  10. The sternpost is installed, and the outer bulwarks are shaped. Next is deck shaping and inner bulwark shaping! After that, planking! Back to work! Until next time!
  11. Thank you! I am going to be using some cherry veneer, and it appears to be 1/64-1/32 or somewhere about .5 millimeters. It should be fun!
  12. Nice start to the stern galleries! I look forward to seeing how they turn out.
  13. Thanks for the compliments everybody! I might as well double check everything, what harm would that bring? If it makes the ship better, it is good!
  14. Wow! Nice job in reaching this milestone! Have fun with that hull!
  15. I'm building my phantom, which the link to is in my signature. Other than shaping the hull and installing the keel, I haven't done much ! I have deck carving, bulwark thinning, and hull planking in the near future. First I need to install the stem post!
  16. Nice demonstration! It's helpful that a lot of builds I am following are planking, I will need the knowledge in the next few weeks probably. Thank you!
  17. Are you talking about extra space left from the absence of the keel?
  18. That is very sad . I hope he gets better, and that you don't go there as well.
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