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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Dont feel to bad. Anyone building this high standart will face this kind of problems. You show that you are a great builder by facing the problem and deailing with it. The only way to avoid this kind of problems is not to build anything at all. Go on with your build because to me it looks great! regards, Kees
  2. The woodturning is fantastic! Also the model looks very realistic to me. Looks like a museumartefact.
  3. Thank you very much guys. I am happy to contribute to this forum and I enjoy reading it as much as you do. Regards, Kees
  4. The next job was the netroll. I started painting and weathering and after this I placed the net on the roll. Voor netting I use bathsponges wich have nice netting if you cut the string holding them together. I also painted and weathered the trawldoors wich are made from aluminium so no rust this time.
  5. Very clean build! I like to see more of this schip. Greetz, Kees
  6. Thanks for the compliments. I am just a humble modelship enthousiast and I am glad the results of my work are okay. I see a lot of models here wich are far more better constructed then my work but I like to visit this site to improve my own skills. To contribute to this forum I will place my models here and I am glad its being appriciated. Next update soon. Greetings (groetjes in Dutch), Kees
  7. The Volvo Ocean Race is awsome and so is your model. Looks realy good!
  8. She has nice... no I am not going to say that Well done!
  9. In Dutch we say 'Dat ziet er echt heel gaaf uit'
  10. Thanks for the comments people. It means a lot to me. Today I worked on the netroll and I used a bath scrubbings sponge... Next update I will show. Regards, Kees
  11. The past few days I worked on the crane with powerblock. It's being used for hauling(?) the nets in. Groeten, Kees
  12. I had a lot of fun weathering the ship these days. Maybe it's not everybody's taste but I like the result so far. Groeten, Kees
  13. With painting I first paint everything in a grey base colour. After that I paint them in the colour Hull Red. Then I use a sponge to tap 3 or 4 different rustcolours all over it. When this is dry I depp the parts wet with water and a drip of dishwasher soap. Then I sprinkle salt on the wet surface. You have to aim where you sprinkle the salt, not to much not to little. With a hairdryer I make this dry (o **** my English must be very bad ) and then I use the airbrush to spray the topcolour. When this is dry I use a toothbrush and water to rinse the salt and brush the salt off. When the salt is brushed away the rust and hull colour will appear. After this I am not ready yet becouse I have to add shadows, highlight, rustpigments, washes, filters, chips. etc, etc. I like this proces very much becouse you never know what will be the result of what you are going to do. I hope I can show you some results the next days kind regards, Kees
  14. At this moment I've come a little further with the boat. First I build some trawldoors. They are used on the trawlnet as a rudder to keep te net open. After this I started the paintwork. The first staps are done but it is off coarse not ready yet. The weathering will take a lot of time and work. In this first stap I use the 'saltflake methode'. Regards, Kees
  15. Man you build fast!! How dit you shape the mast and can you make a detail pic of the mast? Regards, Kees
  16. The copper plating is looking good!
  17. This boat maybe fast but you are faster. I am looking forward to the rigging and stuff. Regards, Kees
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