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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. You are doing an excellent job on building your Constitution. I am glad that Jonathan's build log inspired you to post your progress here for us to see. I am also glad that you took pictures of the different stages of your build. I look forward following your build.
  2. Thank you Glenn for your post and comments on how you use your Byrnes saw. Up until you posted, my main reference was the article that Jeff Hayes had posted on his HobbyMill site, which you have referenced. With the detailed information that you have posted, I feel much more confident that I can now safely use my Byrnes saw to mill my wood. I have the Cheerful lined up for my next build, but I lacked the confidence to use my Byrnes saw for what it was designed for. Your post has changed that and I plan to use your techniques to mill my wood. This information is what I have been looking for and I appreciate you taking the time and effort to explain your milling techniques.
  3. Thanks everyone for your comments. It is hard to believe that it has been two months since my last update. Time seems to fly by quicker the older you get. I have been working on the mast, boom, gaff and bowsprite following the instructions on how to complete these. These all started out as square stock. They were rounded using the 7-10-7 method with the templates supplied in the instructions. I first drew lines on the wood stock using the templates. I then drilled holes using a dremel drill press for the simulated sheaves in the locations per the plans. I then took my miniature block plane and knocked off the edges to create an octagon shape. Using my sanding stick, I knocked off the other edges to create a rough round shape. I then placed the rounded wood in my drill and shaped the now dowel to the proper dimensions using various sanding sticks. For the simulated sheaves, I used a scalpel blade to connect the two holes of each sheave and then used a small round file to shape the simulated sheave. I am very glad to get this portion of the build behind me. They turned out a lot better than what I expected and I am very happy with the results. With this behind me, I can now move forward to completing the mast and installing it. I am looking forward to the next stage of the build.
  4. Wow Kevin, You had me worried when things did not align properly. I could feel your pain. I am glad that you got that problem resolved and can now move forward. I look forward to following this build.
  5. I agree fully with Bob's comment. Thanks Grant for sharing this incredible build with us.
  6. Welcome to Model Ship World Pchem530. Retirement does help one to pursue their hobbies. I look forward to seeing your build log on your Lynx.
  7. It is good to see you back on board Adam. A lot has changed since you have been gone. Check out the build logs as MSW has a lot of ship models being built as well as a lot of completed builds.
  8. Welcome back to Model Ship World Greg. I am glad you picked up the hobby again. Please post some pictures of your Phantom. We would like to see the progress you have made on this kit.
  9. I used Minwax Wipe-On-Poly on my hull and it enhanced the color as well as providing a protective finish. Your staining looks good.
  10. Welcome to Model Ship World Strelok. I am glad that you have joined the MSW ranks. I look forward to seeing your progress on your Golden Yacht.
  11. Very nice build. That photo etch is really small. Your stand is a great improvement over the kit version. This is going to turn out to be a very nice model.
  12. Welcome to Model Ship World Tensecondsdown. You mentioned that you are a hobby machinist. There is a hobby machinist show held in Pennsylvania each year called Cabin Fever. The work these machinist do is just fabulous. They take real size blueprints and scale down their work. I really like the scaled down engines, both gasoline and steam. I have attached a video of a scaled down flathead engine: 00005.MTS
  13. Looks nice. That 1/600 photo etch is mighty small. You are doing a good job working with it.
  14. Wormwood, I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with your Trident Alert kit from China. It sounds like Trident is being investigated for violation of fair trade. I would not send them more money as I do not see how this would help the situation. You have been given good advice in the above comments. I hope you get your money back through your credit card company. Unfortunately, my experience is this will take a long time before it is fully resolved. Good luck on this.
  15. Welcome to Model Ship World Paul. Your Krabbenkutter looks very nice. You are well on your way to finishing it. Thanks for posting your pictures.
  16. Super job on this model. The wooden deck and photo etched parts made this model come to life. I am glad you took pictures during the build process to show us some of the step you took during construction of this model.
  17. Congratulations on finishing your Golden Hind. You did a really nice job on building this model. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  18. That is going to be a beautiful display case for your Pinky . I am looking forward to seeing the finished display case with your Pinky displayed in it.
  19. Hi Chris and welcome to Model Ship World. We have some fantastic plastic ship builds on MSW. I am amazed at the photo etched details and the painting and weathering effects the builders put into their models. Please post some photos of your Missouri as we would like to see your model.
  20. Welcome to Model Ship World Paulo. Please post some pictures of your Cutty Sark. We would like to see your progress.
  21. I would definitely learn from a how-to tutorial on the use of a Byrnes or other make table saw. I have learned a lot from reading the above comments. And Olha is a very gifted and talented ship model builder. I enjoy seeing her amazing work and I am glad she is sharing it with us.
  22. Welcome to Model Ship World Richard. Sounds like you have the skill to build a nice model. I hope you start a build log on your BlueJacket Lobster Boat. I would like to follow your progress on this build.
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