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Ryland Craze

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Posts posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Thanks Chuck, Steve, B.E, John and Dave for your words of encouragement.  I also appreciate the “Likes” and those that have looked in on my build log.  I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and I look forward to finishing this model in the near future.


    Over the past year, I have added the printed friezes and the molding strip.  I still need to paint the edge of the cap rail and molding strip white, but will wait till I am almost finished handling the model. I painted the waterline using Badger White and was dissatisfied with the color.  The white had a grey hue to it and I did not like it, so I painted over it using Model Master Acrylic flat white.  I am real happy with this color as it looks good with the white in the printed friezes.  I brushed the paint using Chuck’s technique of using water thin coats of paint.


    Here is a stem view showing where the printed friezes meet at the stem.  I used Model Master Enamel Dark Sea Blue to paint the forward edge of the stem.  It was almost a perfect match for the printed friezes.


    Here is a photo of the stern transom with the painted frieze.  I first painted the transom flat white. Then I cut out the printed frieze.  I did not use the printed white border since I had painted my transom white.  I glued it onto the transom using slightly diluted white glue.


    I also have made the oars and the main mast and have started on the rudder.


    I have a little work to do on the interior and then I will move on to the metal work.

    Thanks again for your support and I look forward to posting my progress.

  2. Be sure that the forward edge of the garboard strake starts about 1/8'' forward of the scarph joint.  I feel this strake is the most important of the strakes to be installed.  I found out the hard way after installing three bottom strakes that my garboard strake was too far forward.  I had to remove them and start over.  You are coming along nicely on your build.

  3. Congratulations on getting the barge kit almost ready to market.  This is going to be an awesome kit for any ship modeler to build.   The design of this kit will make us look like expert ship modelers when we build it.  I know you will be stuck in your shop trying to keep up with the demand.

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