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Everything posted by Thistle17

  1. Hugo I assume you have used the planking tutorials on this web site, namely within the forum you have posted. So one has to ask have you created/added a simulated rabbett on the bulkhead strongback (center element that runs along the keel). Have you carved out the stern area of this element (deadwood in a real keel) so that your planks will lay down flush with a later added stren post? At times some slight tapering of these planks is acceptable to have them lay correctly in the stern area. Does this help? Joe
  2. I have used the pinstiping tape and it adheres quite well. However I am not aware that it can be found in flat sheen. If you locate such a product i would be interested to know. I have used cresent paper with good success. Sharp cutting is required but it cuts well with little or no fuss. Gluing as you say can be problematical. I would think some diluted white glue painted on the back side might yield a good clean bond. Joe
  3. And now we have Leo Goolden of Sampson Boat Company building/"restoring" Tally Ho to romance about. I watch 2 or 3 episodes a day and those of Acorn to Arrabella. There goes a couple hours when I could be focused on model building! Its hopeless. Joe
  4. Amazing, just amazing! alross2 has sent us a response and access to the proper design drawings for the MK1 gun tub . The plot thickens a bit as he responds; NAVORD 3741 attached. I'm wondering whether the boat at the museum has been monkeyed with, as I've never seen a MK56 mount on a MK1. The MK56 was fitted to the PBR MK2 and the PCF MK2, while both the MK1 versions used a modification of the WWII PT mount, the MK17. In the latter, the gunner was behind the weapons, as opposed to being between them in the MK56. So we find some modifications may be in order. School is still out on this. Thank you one and all!!!! Joe
  5. I googled Browning 50 caliber machine guns and came across some videos that not only were impressive but made me pause as to how these guns, in a tub, functioned without burdening the user. Joe
  6. Eric i have put this model aside for the time being. I call it a bad habit of mine i.e. easily distracted. i went back to my Cheerful model and just dove in and got inexcorably hooked. In my younger days it was over a pretty girl. Guess old habits die hard. I can't believe it is almost 3 years ago that i started this posting. i can't promise an immediate return but your query has given me a shove. Joe
  7. I would much appreciate the PDF as I do not have access to the manual itself. Now the question is how does that action take plac. Through this site or via private email? Please advise.


    1. alross2


      Hi Joe,


      I would think email, as I don't see any file section here.  Mine is alross2@aol.com.




  8. Thank you both for your comments. Blackreed your comments suggest familiarity with this type configuration. Although, Jim our modeler, is ex Navy, his duty was with nuclear power systems. That has left us with many questions of just how these weapons were loaded/reloaded, where the casings ended up and as you point out the spot light was just asking for it to be shot out.
  9. I know i have said this before but the gun tub is a project in itself making progress measured. Since the last posting, Jim, has made further advancement by assembly (albeit dry) of the gun carriage suspension components and has started some work of the gun locking system and other internal details. I think he is doing himself proud. Would you agree? Please note the guns are not mounted in their respective carriages but lay along side for perspective. Joe
  10. How am to ever get my modeling done? Now I have to follow your fine works, watch Leo and his build and Acorn to Arrabella. Indeed i find your "gems" amussing and it keeps me on my toes. You have a sense of humor. Joe
  11. Michael, just superb! You are such an artisan. You are an inspiration that i can only hope to follow. Joe
  12. Joinery at any scale is a challenge. You have certainly 'nailed it' here! Just beautiful work. Joe
  13. Now you have done it guys! You made me search further for the hobby bench I thought was a style that may work. It can be lowered and widened in the aperature and can be made wider in work surface area. The plan is simple and can be adapted for a wheel chair. I liked it as it was "handsome enough" to take residence in a living area as opposed to a shop environment. Here is what I would do: - The trestle framework can be redesigned to improve access in the knee hole area. - Remove it all together and make the rear panel the strong back. And while your add it remove the middle shelf. - Widen the top - Widen the drawer storage either side - Possibly add a bit of upper storage at the back of the top surface It was in Woodsmith not Shop Notes. Joe
  14. Here is a style that intrigued me sometime back. For your needs a design such as this could be lowered and widened to accomadate your wheel chair. This particular one is quite pricey but my estimate for a DYI version is under $500. The DYI version of this was in Shop Notes or its companion sometime around 2010. Joe
  15. Conditions have not improved much in the Finger Lakes Region as far as the infection rate goes. People just let their guard down and we still have an infection rate of 9%. Vaccinations for our 1B population has started but the supply chain is faltering. i suspect even with increased supply there will be a bow wave as first time recipients compete with 2nd round recipients. All part of the Covid Crazies! But I digress. I voluntered to turn the support system for the forward gun tub trays, as I have the lathe. I first tried making the system in one piece out of 1/2 delrin rod. It did not go well. In part because I am not a highly skilled turner and secondly when the turning got down to the 3/16 diameter the rod just did not have sufficient axial stiffness. So I turned to the old standby and made it out of brass. Actually the main body is 1/4" tubing with an ID that allowed yet another piece of tubing to slide neatly inside. That in turn very nicely accomadated a 3/16 inch rod which was end drilled to take the 1/16 rod. At present the 1/16 rod is quite long to aid in alignment of the whole assembly when it is installed on the gun tub support bracketry. The assembly is not soldered as I have to experiment with brass blackening and its interaction with solder flux. I suspect the answer will be "not well", in which case the assembly will be glued. Joe
  16. When i was researching the ESSEX i ran across the plans on line here: bing.com/images. If you hunt around after you find page 1 the others can be found. Also i found AOS for Essex on Amazon books. It was a used copy in great condition. Joe
  17. Making tools and jigs especially ones that live on past the immediate job rival the model work at times. What a nice tool you have come up with! Joe
  18. Matt we seem to cast the most critical eye on our works. In our minds eye we hold unforgiving perfection but the execution, to us anyway, never seems to measure up. This pursuit demands so much of us especially with the incredible peers that post here. I'd say you are closing that distance quite well. Joe
  19. Oh the time spent on making these diminuitive parts. Have we all lost our minds? Half kidding and half serious. I do think that such dedication and craftmanship does rival some of the best works of the time. I do hope they are appreciated long after we have "pushed off shore". Great work Rusty. Joe
  20. I have been asked to restore a family's model of a fishing schooner modeled after a Maine vessel of the turn of the 20th century. I am told it was built by the builder of the original vessel. It has suffered the ravages of time and neglect. I need some recommendation of what to do with the sails. They were extremely well done perhaps the most notable execution of all elements. They do suffer from significant yellowing and environmental grime. They seem to be made of a very fine weave fabric and show no sign of rot. Can't tell if they are linen or a very fine weave cotton. Joe
  21. You would think that with all the restrictictions placed upon us of late because of the pandemic that one would have copious amounts of time to work on our Syren models. Well, for me life still gets in the way so I sit and stare at your work like a dear caught in headlights. Incredible work that inspires and motivates us all! Joe
  22. Because of the Covid restrictions ( we are approaching an Orange rating for our county, after having the best state infection rating pre Thanksgiving) our work has slowed dramactically. Yesterday just a bit more advancement with the final fit of the gun tub into the cavity forward of the pilot station. Lots of clean up and fairing left to do topsides as previously stated. Nearly the last thing to do on the gun tub is form and fit the gun carriage supports. A member of our group has volunteered to convert a tub side profile image to a measured drawing for that purpose. Joe
  23. There are plenty to choose from out there. They range in price from under $200 to $1000 or more. Most all are table top. You will want variable speed, good hold down function and chip relief so you can see where the blade is going. Most are slow start so you need to be aware of that. Then it comes to the all important blade types. There are so many that it is too much to include here but you will want to invest in good quality blades for the works you plan. These are not for thick stock cutting and do their best on thin stock. If they have a surface light that is a plus. Joe
  24. I guess I should have mentioned that the DAP product seems to sand easier and leaves no trace when one has to overcoat with either paint or finish. The manufacturer does stress that a minimal amount of adhesive is all that is necessary. I use the small but effective loop adhesive applicators that fit in an Xacto holder and that minimizes most all application problems. There are always caveats aren't there? Joe
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