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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Today I applied the second coat of epoxy to all the interior surfaces using a roller. I also applied the first coat of epoxy to the rails (except for the exterior underside -- the reason for that should be apparent) and epoxied the decks in place. Tomorrow I will give the rails their second coat, along with the decks' first coat. I'll give the decks their second coat during the week sometime and then be ready for exterior epoxy next weekend.
  2. Hello, Murat. It looks like you are using a set of kit plans as a source for part templates. Can you tell us about the plans?
  3. Hey, Steve. Build logs are the heart of our forum. You can read about how to set one up by clicking here.
  4. Whom did you purchase the kit from? Model Expo will replace missing parts from kits. If it's a private transaction, you're probably out of luck. But -- we have plenty of members who have built that kit and may be able to help you out, especially if your post title is more specific and your question is posted in the correct subforum (hint hint). I took care of it for you this time around. 😉
  5. Steve, start up a build log and show us what you've got so far. Your catboat probably has a relatively straightforward gaff rig, and we should be able to get you over the finish line. Cheers!
  6. Sziggy, I'm not sure how you are adding attachments to your post, but you should use the file uploading link that shows up in the bottom-left corner of the reply window (example below) to upload pictures. Practically no one will want to view your photos by sequentially opening a series of downloads -- too time-consuming. My PC couldn't even open the files.
  7. Nope. This one isn't even on my radar yet, but I like having it my collection so that I can take it out once in a while and flip through the pages. ☺️ Also, I prefer my warbirds with enclosed cockpits to have plastic canopies available for them, and to the best of my knowledge no one has offered one yet for this kit. Right now I'n slowly gring through my 2-for-1 PWS-10 build, coupled with my canoe project. Here is a link to a great build of the SB2U pre-war version.
  8. I approve of the SB2U. I have the 1/33 scale card version from Kartonowa Kolekcja, showing an example from VS-72 aboard Wasp in Feb 1942. KK published an earlier kit of the same aircraft in pre-war markings, but I missed out on that one.
  9. Hi. We get this question on a fairly regular basis, which is why we created this topic. Please have a look at it, and enjoy your time at MSW. Cheers!
  10. Love it! I have a soft spot for the Flowers, having built the 1/100 scale card version from Modelik, which had something like 2000 or 2500 parts. I was pretty new to card as a modeling medium at the time, so it was an ambitious project, but I got it done. Heck, it would still be an ambitious project, even for someone with a lot of experience!
  11. Be sure to check out Evan Designs. They're one of our sponsors and have a clickable banner on the home page.
  12. Hi, Tom! I was born in Tucson while my dad was stationed at Davis-Monthan, but we moved when I was only two months old. Have never had the good fortune to ever get back there. Cheers!
  13. It was really cold in my garage today, so I only got a few little things done. First I rounded off the ends and rub rails... ...then filled in the gaps in the bulkheads around the rails... ...and applied the second coat of epoxy to the deck undersides. Next up will be massive amounts of interior and exterior epoxy work. 😬
  14. Hello, Luc. I am sure that many of our members would enjoy watching your project come together, but posts with only text and links to photos are not likely to attract much attention. If you are copying & pasting your text from another source, look for the "paste as plain text" option, and use the "choose files" link at the bottom of the edit window to insert photos into your posts. These two things will make your posts more reader-friendly. Wishing you well on your project!
  15. Bateaux LeClerc is a defunct brand of model kits once manufactured in Canada. As far as I know, there is nothing notable about their kits to set them apart from others that date back to the same period. The state of kit manufacturing has come a long, long way since then.
  16. Just found out that according to CLC's website, regarding MAS LV epoxy: no "amine blush" "Amine blush" will defeat all attempts to adhere subsequent coats of epoxy or varnish. Appied in anything less than about 98% humidity, MAS will not blush."
  17. I think we make an exception for boats -- no car/truck restorations or homebuilt aircraft. 😉 (In truth, though, such things are why we have our Shore Leave area.)
  18. Been thinking a lot this week about how to proceed with the epoxy. In light of what has been said about the need to remove any amine blush, it seems like the best way to move forward would be to round off the rails, glue the decks on, and then get the entire exterior + rails coated, so that no bare wood is left to get wet during the washing process. Seems sensible to me.
  19. I can pretty much guarantee that a kit of Griffin doesn't exist, but that's not unexpected when one considers that thousands of wooden sailing ships plied American waters over the centuries; only the tiniest fraction have ever been modeled. Do you have any information at all on what kind of ship Griffin was?
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