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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I am making agonizingly slow progress on this model, literally a couple of parts here and there every couple of days -- really having to push through on this one. In the meantime, I pulled the trigger on purchasing two additional Halinski kits to add to my stash, a Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden-Kai (George) and a Messerschmitt Bf-109E-7/Trop. Both kits have been sold out at Halinski's web site for ages, and I have been scouring the internet off and on for a couple of years now in search of the N1K2-J. I knew of one web site that had that kit, but their shipping charges are astronomical, so I held out while looking for a cheaper source -- never did find one. When I recently saw that the expensive shop still has a copy, I decided to order it in spite of the stiff shipping charge. I added the 109E-7 to defray some of the cost and added laser-cut frames and a canopy to complete the deal (the site didn't have those items for the Kawanishi, but Halinski still has them). Let the waiting begin . . .
  2. Beautiful -- but your finished model should really be displayed in the gallery.
  3. Still, I think, doesn't quite match the level of idiotic self-immolation seen years ago in my infamous "absentmindedly transferring the hot plank bending iron from one hand to the other" incident.
  4. I should add that not all acrylic paints are created equally. I use cheap, craft store paints for my card models, and for that purpose the coarse pigments used in such paints are not an issue. For wooden models, I recommend that you use acrylics specifically formulated for models -- they have finer pigments and will thus produce smoother finishes.
  5. Either will do. It largely depends on what you're used to working with. Personally, I use acrylics simply because they're cheaper, they clean up with water, and I don't use an airbrush.
  6. Been almost a year now, so time to give this message a bump! Take heed, please! This means that @Old Rentner, @ExPat , @Начинающий судомоделист, @clearway, and @Rvandg: YOU ARE CURRENTLY AT RISK OF HAVING YOUR LOOSE GALLERY IMAGES DELETED. Please move them into albums soon! If you need help with creating an album, contact a moderator. Thank you!
  7. I'd suggest removing the wood between two bulkheads, then glue in a basswood plug to make a base for the replacement planks.
  8. I wish I had known about this walk-around earlier in the build process. https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/macchi-mc-200/
  9. Wow, very nice! Having the persistence to build all those oars is a stunning achievement in itself!
  10. Well, I got a wheel (singular) shaped. Each main gear wheel consists of four laminated disks. After gluing one up, I drill a hole through the center and use my Dremel tool to sand it to approximately the correct shape. After soaking it in some thin CA, I lightly sand it smooth. Here's a before-and-after: Don't worry -- the gaping holes get covered by paper hubs.
  11. Haven't forgotten this build -- just experiencing a slight ebb in modeling mojo. Gonna try to get to the landing gear this weekend.
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