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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Few of us ever do! Your work looks perfectly acceptable from here.
  2. Update: All modeling work at Casa de Coyle has temporarily been grounded, as we have new addition to the family. Keeva is a ten-week-old Cavapoo, and despite her innocuous look in this photo, she is much like any other puppy at this 'terrible twos' stage -- she needs lots of training and socializing. It will be quite awhile before she can be crated long enough to get some modeling time in, and longer before she will be trusted enough to have free rein in the house. So, for now, models are in a wait-and-see holding pattern. Cheers!
  3. The original is in no way a 'novel' -- it is a well documented historical treatise. It doesn't sound like you have read it, in which case your comments seem unduly harsh.
  4. Beautiful result -- congratulations!
  5. Very convincing furled sails! (P.S. I always have mixed feelings when I see a 'sailing ship' motoring along with all her sails furled.)
  6. The hull lines and rig are not beyond the reach of a motivated beginner. The only reservation I would have is the scale -- some modelers find 1/100 to be a challenge when working in wood. Also, some details are really hard to pull off with scale fidelity at anything smaller than about 1/64, e.g. gun tackles. It depends in part on how much detail you want to incorporate. In my case, I have done gun tackles at 1/64 (tedious, but doable), but I do not plan to add them to the 1/72 scale build I have in my queue, as the necessary blocks would simply be too small.
  7. I figured as much, but are you sure there isn't a nod to Bob Seger in there as well? 😉
  8. And thank you for coming out of the shadows! The more active members, the merrier!
  9. Short answer: no. But they are helpful when it comes to keeping everything square and providing a base layer for planking.
  10. Just follow the directions here. The directions are pinned in each build log category. Cheers!
  11. Nice job on your first model! Nothing breeds success like success.
  12. Images of incomplete builds and loose photos get culled on a regular basis (where 'culled' = whenever a moderator gets around to it!).
  13. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Arizona because I was born there (the state, that is) and because I built the ancient Revell box-scale kit as a kid. Good luck on your project!
  14. This one is looking pretty impressive, both size-wise and finish-wise.
  15. I'm even more impressed now!
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