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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Most all of my bits are from Drill Bit City, and believe me I have all of them.
  2. Sometimes you can get lucky and get them from Home Depot or a Hobby or craft shop.
  3. Outstanding work, Excellent detail. There is nothing more that I can say that I haven't said before. Thank you for the pictures and for sharing this with all of us. I will be waiting for the next update.
  4. Mike Y, If you could would you please give us a option of the Band Saw, the pro's and con's of it. Have been wanting to get one for a long time, but every time I check on one I find a lot of con's about it. Thank you. Lot's of pictures of it, inside and out if you don't mind.
  5. Beautiful planking. She is turning into a very excellent build, nice attention to the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  6. Nice work/ The decking is very nicely done. Keep the pictures coming. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
  7. Beautiful work, nice detail. She is coming along very nice. Keep the pictures coming, and thank you for sharing with us.
  8. Man thoses doors are Beautiful. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this with us.
  9. Have a nice safe trip there and back, and have fun with your grandson. Spend all the time that you can with him, he will always remember you.
  10. That wood you can get anywhere like Home Depot, Lowe's or even craft shops and it's cheap. I use it to make temp parts to see how much I am off and then trow it in the scrap bin.
  11. You could also maybe try Basswood not as soft as Balsa but easy to work with.
  12. Dam now that is Beautiful. Nice detail work. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
  13. This has come a long way from when you started. It has turn out to be a very Beautiful build with all the detail a person could want. Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us here on MSW. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. No matter which kind of on line banking there is, it can and will be hack. Just look at what happen with "Target" this year and now eBay is saying that they also have been hack. If it on line you are taking a big chance. The way Jeff is doing it is more safe for us and him, it may be a hassle for a good amount of people, but I would rather be safe then be hack somewhere down the line. A good amount of time a person doesn't know that they have been hack until months after it has happen. A postal money order is almost like cash, so it might take a little longer but you get what you pay for and you didn't get hack. And yes I do agree with most about wanting to use Paypal but like Jeff said it has already happen once, once is enough for me to know about. Sorry just my option and I have nothing to do with Jeff's company in any way.
  15. I am happy again, new pictures. WOW Christmas in June, just what the Doctor order. This is Beautiful. Thank you for the update, keep the pictures coming, I am always waiting for a new update.
  16. I am still following you build, Thanks for the new update. Keep the pictures coming. And Thank you for sharing this build with us.
  17. Excellent work. Love the detail. Keep the pictures coming. And Thank you for sharing this with us.
  18. Bob I seen that stamp process in a build log, just can't remember who's it was. Also Micro Mark sells the "ponce wheel". I bought mine from them, it comes with I think 3 different size wheels for it.
  19. Now that is Beautiful. When do you think it might be released. This is another kit I would have to think about (not big on kits, but your work is out of this world).
  20. I agree with Brian, I also have the same one plus a bigger one by Roybe that is motor feed and not by hand. But for small stuff you can't beat the one you have, it is well worth the money and will last a life time. That why you never see them for sale on ebay, at least I haven't see them.
  21. She is really a Beautiful ship. You have done her a great justice with the fine detail. Excellent job. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing.
  22. The Figure Head look excellent, nice job on the painting of her. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing.
  23. Well Andy seems to have hit that one. LOL
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